Add url into note

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Ambox notice.png The latest version of this mod uses the guidelines for TNG v12+ cust_text.php files. If you are using TNGv12+, and any cust_text.php file in this mod is marked with a Bad Target error, you need to update your cust_text.php files before you can install this mod. [Show instructions]

If you upgraded to TNGv12+, and did not update your cust_text.php files as instructed in the upgrade readme script, then you must use the TNG Mod Manager to update them. To do so:

  1. Go to Mod Manager, and select its "Recommended Updates" tab.
    (If the "Recommended Updates" tab is not visible, then go to the Mod Manager Options tab, select "Display Settings", and turn on the "Recommended Updates" tab.)
  2. Click the "Update" button in the "Recommended Updates" tab.
    Installed mods do not interfere with the update, and if you already have (or think you may have) run this update, it will not hurt for you to run it again.

[See details in the TNGv12 Change Impacts Article][Hide the instructions]

TNG 14.0
TNG 13.0
TNG 12.0

Add url into note
Summary Adds a clickable link into a note.
Mod Updated 28 Jan 2023
Download link For
TNG 14.0


TNG 12.0
TNG 13.0

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Author(s) Michel Kirsch
Homepage Racines luxo-hennuyeres
Mod Support TNG Community Forums
Contact Developer MyMail
Latest Mod for TNG v12 & 13+ for TNG 14.0
Min TNG V 12+
Max TNG V n.c.
Files modified
Related Mods

Purpose of the Mod

This TNG modification allows to include, into each note, a clickable link to an individual of the genealogy.
From version :
- allows you to add an empty URL too : just click on "Insert it" and complete the parts 'your_url' and 'your_text' with your own URL/text.
- The notes edited from Admin >> Notes are handled too.


This mod was developed by Michel Kirsch from Charleroi - Hainaut - Belgium


  • A working TNG installation.
  • A backup of all affected files (see the list in the summary to the right)
  • An installed current version of the Mod Manager.
  • Both English and English-UTF8 folders be on your site

Revision History

Mod Version TNG Version Date Contents 14.0 28 Jan 2023 Allows to add an empty URL - Applies on Admin >> Notes >> Edit too. 14.0 01 Oct 2022 TNG 14 ready. 12.3 24 Oct 2020 First online version.

Conflicts and Issues

No known conflicts.


  1. Uninstall and delete previous version of this mod (if installed)
  2. Download the appropriate zip file as shown in the mod summary in the upper right corner of the page.
  3. Extract the file from the downloaded zip file into the mods folder or FTP the extracted file to your mods folder.
  4. Follow the normal automated installation for Mod Manager, as shown in the example Mod Manager - Installing Config Files to install the mod.

In the event of a problem

Uninstalling the mod

If you want to completely Remove (uninstall) this mod and any tables if created, you should

  1. click the Uninstall button to uninstall the mod
  2. click the Delete button to delete the config file from the mods folder.


  • Uninstall and eventually Delete the current Mod.
  • Proceed as for an installation with the new Mod.


The following screen captures show the changes made by the mod:
Add Url into Note

Insert a link into the note in 3 steps :
1. Click on Search... and make an usual TNG search for a person. Select the choosen person in the result list.
2. Eventually modify the text that will be inserted into the note. (Default text is LastName + FirstName(s) of the person)
3. Click on Insert it ! to insert the link into the note.

Sites using this mod

If you download and install this mod, please add your TNG site to the table below: If you have any problem to do it, send me a mail...

URL User Note Mod-Version TNG-Version User-language
Racines luxo-hennuyeres Michel Kirsch Mod's Developper 14.0.3 FR,EN,NL,DE,SP
Dawkins Family Histories Phil Dawkins Private 13.0 EN Janusz Kielak Public site 14.0.1 PL,EN,DE
Skeel, Schaffalitzky og Ahlefeldt Finn Holbek Public Site 14.0.9 14.0.4 DA,EN,DE,SW,NO