Admin Places Date

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Ambox notice.png This mod will probably not be upgraded for TNGv13 because the new sortable "Modification Date" field in Admin>>Places>>Search virtually replaces the Admin Places Date functionality.
TNG 13.0

Admin Places Date
Summary Adds a Creation Date to the Places table, and search features that use it in Admin>>Places>>Search
Mod Updated 28 Sep 2019
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TNG 12.0
See older versions in the Revision History
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Author(s) Robin Richmond
Homepage Robin Richmond's Genealogy Database
Mod Support My Mod Support form or TNG Community Forums
Contact Developer My Mod Support form
Latest Mod
Min TNG V 11.0 (probably earlier)
Max TNG V 12.3
Files modified
admin_places.php, installs admin_placesdate_dbsetup.php in TNGv11, and rrplacesdate_dbsetup.php in TNGv12
Related Mods

Purpose of the Mod

To allow administrators to review the most recently-created Places, this mod installs a setup program that adds a Creation Date field (called 'datecreated') field to the Places table, and modifies admin_places.php (the Admin >> Places >> Search program) to search for places created after a given date, and to display the creation date.

Before you can use the new 'datecreated' field, you must run the setup program, which is accessible through the expanded status cell in the Mod Manager mod list. The setup program creates the new database field, and populates all Places records with a date of "1 Jan 2000" so that they do not accidentally pick up a current date when they are edited.

Mod Conflicts

This mod is compatible with Admin Places Search, Admin Places Geocode, Places Subject to Deletion, TreeID-One Column, Google Maps - More Place Levels Mod and Google maps 15. It is not compatible with Tree ID Mod, but TreeID-One Column accomplishes the same purpose as Tree ID Mod. TreeID-One Column just uses one column instead of two to display the Tree ID and Tree Name, and avoids a couple of mod conflicts.

Related Mods

  • My Admin Places Search mod coordinates with this mod in that the field buttons defined for the new creation date search field are activated only after Admin Places Search is installed - along with Field Buttons.
  • This mod uses the Field Buttons mod to attach small 'field buttons' to several text fields, but it is not dependent on Field Buttons. Field buttons are configurable (and generally one-character) buttons that are attached to HTML form fields, and that reduce the typing or mouse movements needed to perform several common editing tasks. This mod is not compatible with Field Buttons mod versions earlier than version 3.


Files Installed

This mod has two mod subfolders:

  1. admin_places_date_v12.0.0.3b - The subfolder that you expect to exist for any mod that installs files. It contains
    1. rrplacesdate_dbsetup.php - A one-time setup program that creates the database field in which a place's creation date is stored.
  2. The shared folder RR-shared_mod_includes_v12.0.0.4, which contains files that support mod option management in many of my mods. The files installed from that shared folder are:
    1. rrshared_innermodmenu4.php - Inner Mod Menus
    2. img/rrshared_wikilogo.gif - An icon that links to a mod's TNG Wiki page from an Inner Mod Menu or Mod Settings Block

The shared folder is packaged with several mods, each of which may install some or all of its files. Once a file from this folder has been installed (by any mod), that file will not be overwritten or removed by the subsequent installation or un-installation of any mod (including this one), nor will its presence generate any Mod Manager errors.

If you unzip mod distribution files directly into your mods folder, then the presence of this second subfolder and the installation of its files should be invisible to you. But if you generally copy mod subfolders to your mods folder, you need to make sure to copy the folder RR-shared_mod_includes_v12.0.0.4 (well, unless you are confident that it is already in your mods folder because it was part of another mod).

[Show Installation Details]


  • A working TNG installation.
  • An installed current version of the Mod Manager.
  • You should backup files listed in the panel on the right.


  1. Remove and delete previous version of this mod.
  2. Backup the files updated by this mod. They are listed in the panel at the upper right.
  3. Download the .zip file, Extract its .cfg file to the mods folder.
  4. Follow the normal automated installation for Mod Manager, as shown in the example Mod Manager - Installing Config Files.


  1. Try using the Mod Manager Remove capability
  2. Contact me through My Mod Support form.
[Hide Details]


The Admin>>Places>>Search screen After Installation

The highlighted items are:

  • The new menu tab that runs the setup program,
  • The new "Places Created Since:" date field, and
  • The Creation Date column that is placed in the report only when there is a "Places Created Since" date.

Admin places date-after.jpg

Revision History

Mod Version TNG Version Date Note 12.0-12.3 10Apr2020
  • Jumped to version 5 to stay in sync with Admin Places Search, since they both must be v5 to avoid having completely separate Inner Mod Menus.
  • Moved to a standalone version of the Inner Mod Menu library, installed by its own mod.
  • Moved the cust_text strings into a mod subfolder.
  • Cleaned up some references to undefined variables and subscripts 12.0-12.3 26Feb2020
  • Added a missing %end:% tag as required by TNGv12.3
  • Upgraded to version 4 of the shared mod includes
  • In admin_places.php (the Places search form)
    • When trying to apply the "created since" search condition, check for the presence of the database field (as before), but don't display the warning message, which was awkardly presented before the page headings.
    • Instead, use the search form row created for the "created since" search condition to display the warning and link to the database setup utility.
      • Also display a link to the Mod Manager, for uninstalling the mod.
  • In the database setup utility
    • Removed the default value from the db field definition. It doesn't work in newer versions of MySql, and isn't needed, anyway.
    • Changed the default date value from 1 Jan 2000 to 31 Dec 1999
    • When deleting the field 'creationdate' silently remove old field 'datecreated' if it exists. 12.0-12.2+ 28Sep2019
  • Added an InnerModMenu to admin_places.php
  • Now modifies gedimport_misc.php to save the same date/time for all places created by a Gedcom Import.
  • Removed the dummy mod parameter that did nothing more than provide a link to the database setup utility.
  • Changed the database setup program to have tabs for the Mod Manager and the Admin Places Search to make it cleaner for it to be linked from and linked to both programs.
  • Added a link to the database setup utility in a .cfg file note tag. 12.0+ 4May2018 No functional changes; made compatible with TNGv12, and changed the filename of the database setup program. 11.0-11.1.2 10Jan2018 No real functional changes. Removed an Admin>>Places tab for running the database setup program, since the it is only meant to be run once. The database setup program is now accessible through the mod description and the mod options in Mod Manager. 11.0-11.1.2+ 07Jan2018 New Mod

Sites using this mod

If you download and install this mod, please add your site to the table below.

URL User Note Mod-Version TNG-Version User-language
Robin Richmond's Genealogy Database Robin Richmond Mod developer 12.3 English
Our Family History Paul Barrett Public/Private site 11.1.2 EN