Burial Website Media Import

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Ambox notice.png If Find A Grave stops working for you, see the Automated Installation section below for information on what Find A Grave has changed on their site and what can be done to work around the issue.

Burial Website Media Import
Summary Adds Find-A-Grave and BillionGraves external media links to burials with burial Source/Citations that reference a Find-A-Grave Memorial or BillionGraves record.
Validation Admin application not validated.
Mod Updated 05 Mar 2023
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Author(s) Wendel Voigt
Homepage Burial Website Media Import
Mod Support TNG Forums and Wendel's Mod Support
Contact Developer Wendel's Mod Support
Latest Mod v14.0.0.1 for TNG V14 and up, for TNG V9 to v13
Min TNG V 9.0.0
Max TNG V 14+
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Inspired by Linking_To_Find_A_Grave but not inspired enough to individually add all the links by hand, I wanted an easier way to add Find A Grave external media links to burial events. Since I was already adding Find A Grave Source/Citations to individuals, I focused on using the burial citations to automatically add the Find A Grave links. Since the introduction of this mod, it has been expanded to include BillionGraves records as well. This mod does the following:

  • Adds a custom 'Find A Grave' media type if it does not already exist
  • Adds a custom 'Billion Graves' media type if it does not already exist
  • For each website ('findagrave.com' and 'billiongraves.com')
    • Searches through all the burial events looking for Source/Citations that contain the webite address (i.e., 'findagrave.com' or 'billiongraves.com'). This can be in the Source or the Citation and is not case sensitive.
    • For each of those found, look for a Memorial/Record number in the burial Citation. If found, go to the website, get the page, and extract the title. Then either add or update the media with the information and make sure it is linked to the person's burial event.

To use this mod, go to 'Administration', then 'Import/Export', then 'Secondary Processes' tab and finally click the 'Burial Website Media Import' button.

Source / Citations Requirements

  1. The Source/Citation must be attached to a Burial.
  2. The Source or Citation must include the keywords 'findagrave.com' or 'billiongraves.com'. The following fields are examined:
    1. Source Long Title
    2. Source Short Title
    3. Source Publisher
    4. Source Actual Text
    5. Source Call Number
    6. plus the citation fields below
  3. The Citation must included a recognized Memorial or Record Number. The following fields are examined:
    1. Citation Page
    2. Citation Actual Text
    3. Citation Note
    4. Citation Description

Recognized Memorial or Record Numbers

The Memorial numbers recognized automatically in the Citation can take the following forms:

  1. GRid=<digits> // as found in old Find A Grave URLs
  2. /memorial/<digits> // as found in new Find A Grave URLs
  3. /record/<chars>/<digits> // as found in old BillionGraves URLs
  4. /grave/<chars>/<digits> // as found in new BillionGraves URLs
  5. Memorial <number> <digits> // all case insensitive with zero or more spaces between the parts
  6. Record <number> <digits> // all case insensitive with zero or more spaces between the parts


  • <digits> = one or more numbers 0 to 9. This is assumed to be the Find A Grave memorial number or the BillionGraves record number.
  • <number> = #, number, nummber, nr, nr., nbr, nbr., no, no., or blank/nothing/empty. Case Insensitive.
  • <chars> = one or more characters 'a' to 'z', 'A' to 'Z', and/or '-' (dash) with no spaces

Examples of recognized Memorial Numbers:

Memorial #122620107
Memorial 122620107
Memorial No. 122620107 
memorial     no.     122620107
record    122620107
Record   Nbr 122620107
ReCoRd   Number122620107

and remember, either in the Source or in the Citation the keyword 'findagrave.com' or 'billiongraves.com' (case insensitive) needs to be found. Examples include:


NOTE: Simply having the URL to a specific Find-A-Grave Memorial or BillionGraves Record in one of the Citation fields (e.g., Page or Note) will satisfy all the criteria for detection.


  • A working TNG installation. This mod was initially tested on TNG Versions 9.2.2 and 10.0.3.
  • An installed current version of the Mod Manager.

Automated Installation

For TNG V9 and up

TNG version: 9.0
  1. Download the appropriate zip file from the Mod Summary in the upper right hand corner
  2. After downloading the zip file, unzip it into your mods folder
  3. Follow the normal automated installation for Mod Manager, as shown in the example Mod Manager - Installing Config Files to install the living_flag_backup.cfg.

Ambox notice.png Getting the memorial title directly from the Find A Grave website may not always be available.

At various times Find A Grave has initiated much tighter security on programs directly accessing their site. You may not notice it in your browser, but under the covers there is a lot of code on their site making sure it is visible to a human and not to a program. If you are interested in the likely reason for this, here are a few articles:

The only information this mod gathered from the Find A Grave site was the title of the memorial.
If Find A Grave information is no longer available, the title can be generated from the information in TNG.
To do this add the following line to your customconfig.php file:

$BWMI_mod['web']['FAG']['title_template'] = 'Find A Grave Memorial - %N% %Y%';

More information on what this is and what other customization you can make can be found in the section Changing the Media Title below.


Upgrade to new version

  1. In the Mod Manager, uninstall the Mod
  2. Install the new version of the mod using the Automated Install procedure

Visual of mod

A typical burial field on a person's page before the mod. Burial Website Media Import

The same burial field on a person's page after the Find A Grave media has been added. Burial Website Media Import

The addition of the 'Find-A-Grave Import' button on the Import/Export >> Secondary Processes menu. Burial Website Media Import

Example lists of the new media imported by the mod. Note the use of the Collection name to narrow down the list of media displayed. Burial Website Media Import Burial Website Media Import


Note The items below already have the default values shown included in the mod. No changes are automatically made to English/cust_text.php or English-UTF8/cust_text.php. But if you want to make changes to the behavior of the mod or to the language, you can manually add these to your customconfig.php file or if you prefer, your language/<language>/cust_text.php file. You only need to add entries that you want to change.

Note If you made customizations before v9.0.4, you will need to update. The base variable has changed from $text to $BWMI_mod to avoid collisions with other parts of TNG.

Burial Website Definition

// Find A Grave
$BWMI_mod['web']['FAG']['name']           = 'Find A Grave';             // Name of website
$BWMI_mod['web']['FAG']['search']         = 'FindAGrave.com';           // Primary search - case does not matter
$BWMI_mod['web']['FAG']['url']            = "https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/%s";
$BWMI_mod['web']['FAG']['title']          = 'Find A Grave Memorial';    // Default title if can't get real one
$BWMI_mod['web']['FAG']['tagline']        = '\-[\s]*Find A Grave Memorial[\s]*'; // Tag Line on Title, ie., extra stuff
$BWMI_mod['web']['FAG']['thumb']          = 'findagrave_small.png';     // Displays on Media list
$BWMI_mod['web']['FAG']['type_thumb']     = 'findagrave.png';}          // Displays on getperson
$BWMI_mod['web']['FAG']['match_url']      = "[?&]GRid=|/memorial/";     // record prefix in URL
$BWMI_mod['web']['FAG']['match_name']     = "^(.*)[\(]+[^a-zA-Z]+";     // match just the name in a title
$BWMI_mod['web']['FAG']['type_ID']        = 'findagrave';
// Billion Graves
$BWMI_mod['web']['BG']['name']            = 'Billion Graves';           // Name of website
$BWMI_mod['web']['BG']['search']          = 'BillionGraves.com';        // Primary search - case does not matter
$BWMI_mod['web']['BG']['url']             = "https://billiongraves.com/grave/number/%s";
$BWMI_mod['web']['BG']['title']           = 'BillionGraves Record';     // Default title if can't get real one
$BWMI_mod['web']['BG']['tagline']         = '\|[\s]*Billion[\s]*Graves.*';  // Tag Line on Title, ie., extra stuff
$BWMI_mod['web']['BG']['thumb']           = 'billiongraves_small.png';  // Displays on Media list
$BWMI_mod['web']['BG']['type_thumb']      = 'billiongraves.png';        // Displays on getperson
$BWMI_mod['web']['BG']['match_url']       = '/(?:record|grave)/[a-zA-Z\-]+/'; // record prefix in URL
$BWMI_mod['web']['BG']['match_name']      = '^(.*)[\(]+[^a-zA-Z]+';     // match just the name in a title
$BWMI_mod['web']['BG']['type_ID']         = 'billiongraves';
// graftombe.nl
$BWMI_mod['web']['GTNL']['enable']        = 0;                             // Disable by default
$BWMI_mod['web']['GTNL']['name']          = 'Graftombe';                   // Name of website
$BWMI_mod['web']['GTNL']['search']        = 'graftombe.nl';                // Primary search - case does not matter
$BWMI_mod['web']['GTNL']['url']           = "http://graftombe.nl/names/info/%s";
$BWMI_mod['web']['GTNL']['title']         = 'Graftombe Graf';              // Default title if can't get real one
$BWMI_mod['web']['GTNL']['tagline']       = '[\s]*Graftombe.nl[\s]*\-[\s]*Informatie over[\s]*'; // Tag Line on Title, ie., extra stuff
$BWMI_mod['web']['GTNL']['match_url']     = "/names/info/";                // record prefix in URL
$BWMI_mod['web']['GTNL']['match_record']  = "Graf|Grafsteen";              // record references
$BWMI_mod['web']['GTNL']['match_name']    = "Informatie over (.*)$";       // match just the name in a title
$BWMI_mod['web']['GTNL']['type_ID']       = 'graftombe';
// www.online-begraafplaatsen.nl
$BWMI_mod['web']['BGPNL']['enable']       = 0;                              // Disable by default
$BWMI_mod['web']['BGPNL']['name']         = 'Online Begraafplaatsen';       // Name of website
$BWMI_mod['web']['BGPNL']['search']       = 'online-begraafplaatsen.nl'     // Primary search - case does not matter
$BWMI_mod['web']['BGPNL']['url']          = "http://www.online-begraafplaatsen.nl/zerken.asp?g=%s"; 
$BWMI_mod['web']['BGPNL']['title']        = 'Online Begraafplaatsen Graf';  // Default title if can't get real one
$BWMI_mod['web']['BGPNL']['match_url']    = "[?&]g=";                       // record prefix in URL
$BWMI_mod['web']['BGPNL']['match_record'] = "Graf|Grafsteen";               // record references 
$BWMI_mod['web']['BGPNL']['type_ID']      = 'begraafplaatsen';

// Default setting for all websites. Only need to add to definition if different.
$BWMI_mod['web']['x']['enable']        = 1;
$BWMI_mod['web']['x']['event']         = 'BURI';  // Event Type:  Burial = 'BURI' or 'Burial';  Death = 'DEAT' or 'Death'
$BWMI_mod['web']['x']['match_url']     = "[?&]GRid=|/record/[a-zA-Z]+/";
$BWMI_mod['web']['x']['match_name']    = "^(.*)[\(]+[^a-zA-Z]+";
$BWMI_mod['web']['x']['match_record']  = "Memorial|Record|Item";
$BWMI_mod['web']['x']['match_number']  = "number|nummer";
$BWMI_mod['web']['x']['match_numabbr'] = "nr|nbr|no|n";
$BWMI_mod['web']['x']['tagline']       = '';  // '' = No tag line. The "extra stuff" in website title
$BWMI_mod['web']['x']['title_no_year'] = 0 ; // 1= removed (yyyy - yyyy) or [yyyy - yyyy] from Title
$BWMI_mod['web']['x']['title_template']= $BWMI_mod['txt_sym_WEBfull'];  // template for displayed title
$BWMI_mod['web']['x']['type_ordernum'] = 0 ;
$BWMI_mod['web']['x']['type_path']     = 'img';
$BWMI_mod['web']['x']['type_liketype'] = 'headstones';
$BWMI_mod['web']['x']['type_form']     = 'html';
$BWMI_mod['web']['x']['type_display']  =  $BWMI_mod['web']['x']['name'];    // Default to the same as name
$BWMI_mod['web']['x']['type_icon']     = 'img/tng_hs.gif';                 // Displays on menu pulldown
$BWMI_mod['web']['x']['type_thumb']    = 'tombstone_color_small.png';      // Displays on getperson
$BWMI_mod['web']['x']['thumb']         = 'tombstone_color_small.png';      // Displays on Media list
$BWMI_mod['web']['x']['exportas']      =  $text['BWMI_web']['x']['type_ID']; // Default to the same as type_ID
$BWMI_mod['web']['x']['type_disabled'] =  0 ;

// Required settings for each website
$BWMI_mod['web']['x']['name']            = 'Web Site Name';                             // Name of website
$BWMI_mod['web']['x']['search']          = 'website.com';                               // Primary search - case does not matter
$BWMI_mod['web']['x']['url']             = "http://website.com/pages/record/number/%s"; // %s is for record number
$BWMI_mod['web']['x']['title']           = 'Website Record';                            // Default title if can't get real one
$BWMI_mod['web']['x']['type_ID']         = 'website';                                   // Unique name (no spaces)

Various Constants

$BWMI_mod['NewWindow']      = 1; // 1 = open link in new window, 0 = use same window
$BWMI_mod['log']            = 1; // 1 = log to {mods directory}/burial_website_media_import/log.txt, 0 = do not log

                                 // Only change these if you are having trouble getting to websites.
$BWMI_mod['connecttimeout'] = 5; // Connection timeout in seconds to the website.
$BWMI_mod['timeout']        = 4; // Page timeout in seconds to load a web page.

                                  // Change these if you have a lot of entries and you begin to experience 
                                  //   server timeouts because things are taking too long.
$BWMI_mod['update']          = 1; // 1 = update existing entries. 1=yes, 0=no.  A 0 skips all existing entries.
                                  // You should still occasionally set this to a 1 just to reload any changes.
$BWMI_mod['refresh']         = 0; // Number of web page accesses before the page automatically refreshes. 0=off.
                                  // NOTES: Numbers between 20 and 50 generally work well.
                                  //        You can still look in the log (assuming it is on) to see the results.
                                  //        I personally use $BWMI_mod['update']= 1 and $BWMI_mod['refresh']= 20;


$BWMI_mod['txt_eol']          = "\r\n";
$BWMI_mod['txt_exists']       = "Media type '%s' already exists.  No need to add.";
$BWMI_mod['txt_insert']       = "Media type addition of '%s' %s.";
$BWMI_mod['txt_look']         = "Examine all %s ('%s') citations...";
$BWMI_mod['txt_noID']         = "No Memorial or Record found in the citation.";
$BWMI_mod['txt_record']       = "Person:%s/%s, Citation:%s, ";
$BWMI_mod['txt_data']         = "Web:(%s) '%s'";
$BWMI_mod['txt_timeout']      = "Web:(%s) WEBSITE ERROR %s: %s";
$BWMI_mod['txt_media']        = "mediaID:%s %s, medialinkID:%s %s, ";
$BWMI_mod['txt_results']      = "%s: %s";
$BWMI_mod['txt_succeeded']    = 'SUCCESS';
$BWMI_mod['txt_failed']       = 'FAILED';
$BWMI_mod['txt_warning']      = 'WARNING';
$BWMI_mod['txt_updated']      = 'updated';
$BWMI_mod['txt_update_error'] = 'update Error';
$BWMI_mod['txt_added']        = 'added';
$BWMI_mod['txt_add_error']    = 'add Error';
$BWMI_mod['txt_nochange']     = 'no change';
$BWMI_mod['txt_unknown']      = 'unknown';
$BWMI_mod['txt_errors0']      = "had no errors";
$BWMI_mod['txt_errors1']      = "had trouble with getting website information";
$BWMI_mod['txt_errors2']      = "had trouble with the TNG database";
$BWMI_mod['txt_errors3']      = $BWMI_mod['txt_errors1']." and ".$BWMI_mod['txt_errors2'];
$BWMI_mod['txt_errsummary']   = "SUMMARY: Citations:%s, Media Adds:%s, Media Updates:%s, Media Skipped:%s, Media Errors: %s, MediaLink Adds:%s, MediaLink Updates:%s, MediaLink Unchanged:%s, MediaLink Errors:%s, Website Errors:%s";
$BWMI_mod['txt_savefails']    = "If this does not complete ";
$BWMI_mod['txt_sym_TNGname']  = '%N%'; // Title template symbols for Name of person in TNG
$BWMI_mod['txt_sym_TNGyear']  = '%Y%'; // Title template symbols for birth and death years of person in TNG
$BWMI_mod['txt_sym_TNGtitle'] = '%T%'; // Title template symbols for the generic website title $BWMI_mod['web'][x]['title']
$BWMI_mod['txt_sym_WEBname']  = '%n%'; // Title template symbols for Name of the person on the website
$BWMI_mod['txt_sym_WEByear']  = '%y%'; // Title template symbols for birth and death year of person on website
$BWMI_mod['txt_sym_WEBtitle'] = '%t%'; // Title template symbols for title for website with the tagline removed
$BWMI_mod['txt_sym_WEBtag']   = '%e%'; // Title template symbols for extra data of the matched tagline for website
$BWMI_mod['txt_sym_WEBfull']  = '%f%'; // Full web title

Customization Examples

To make these changes, just add the statements to your customconfig.php file:

Small Icons

This will change the mod to only use the small icons for Find A Grave and Billion Graves.

If you have already run the mod in the past, you will need to delete both media types first so the mod will add them back in with the correct image file.

// Mod: Burial Website Media Import
$BWMI_mod['web']['FAG']['type_thumb']     = 'findagrave_small.png';
$BWMI_mod['web']['BG' ]['type_thumb']     = 'billiongraves_small.png';

Changing the Media Title

By default the media title is set to the title of the webpage referenced. To change this, use the $BWMI_mod['web']['x' ]['title_template'] and $BWMI_mod['web']['x' ]['title_no_year'] settings.

Setting $BWMI_mod['web']['x' ]['title_no_year'] = 1 will remove the '(yyyy - yyyy)' from the title. It also works for '[yyyy - yyyy]'.

For $BWMI_mod['web']['x' ]['title_template'], the following symbols are used:

  • %T% - the generic title for the website as set in $BWMI_mod['web'][x]['title']
  • %n% - for the Name of the person extracted from the website title (not always perfect, works for Findagrave)
  • %y% - for birth and death year extracted from the website title (not always perfect, works for Findagrave)
  • %t% - for displaying the title from the website with the tagline removed (i.e., %f% with %e% removed)
  • %e% - for displaying the 'extra' data matching the tagline.
  • %f% - for the full title from the website
  • %N% - for Name of person in TNG
  • %Y% - birth and death years of person in TNG

Any other words or characters in $BWMI_mod['web']['x' ]['title_template'] remain.

// Mod: Burial Website Media Import
$BWMI_mod['web']['FAG']['title_no_year']     = 1;
$BWMI_mod['web']['FAG']['title_template']     = "%T% - %n% (%Y%)";

The above will set the media title to show the generic website Title, a '-', the name from the website, and the years from TNG in ().

WARNING: Using %N% and %Y% makes the ASSUMPTION that the person being referenced on the website is the same person on which the citation is located.

If you have citations that reference other individuals, then you will get strange results. So use with caution.

Using Dutch Sites instead of Find A Grave and Billion Graves

This will enable the 'graftombe.nl' and 'online-begraafplaatsen.nl' websites (both of which are already defined in the mod).

For both of these websites, it will change the event to be searched to the Death field (instead of the Burial field).

Finally, the Find A Grave and Billion Graves websites are disabled.

// Mod: Burial Website Media Import
$BWMI_mod['web']['GTNL']['enable']  = 1;        // Enable 'graftombe.nl'
$BWMI_mod['web']['GTNL']['event']   = 'death';  // Look in Death field for citations for this website
$BWMI_mod['web']['BGPNL']['enable'] = 1;        // Enable 'online-begraafplaatsen.nl'
$BWMI_mod['web']['BGPNL']['event']  = 'death';  // Look in Death field for citations for this website
$BWMI_mod['web']['FAG']['enable']   = 0;        // Disable 'Find A Grave'
$BWMI_mod['web']['BG']['enable']    = 0;        // Diable 'Billion Graves'

In the event of a problem with your TNG site

  1. Try using the Mod Manager to remove the mod
  2. copy your backup admin_secondmenu.php and admin_secondary.php files

Removal of the media is a manual process. But it is not too difficult. For example, to remove the 'Find A Grave' media:

  1. In administration, go to Media
  2. Set the Collection to 'Find A Grave'
  3. You can now click 'Select All' followed by 'Delete Selected' to remove the new media. Repeat for each page of 'Find A Grave' media.
  4. To remove the 'Find A Grave' media type, simply click on 'Delete' once you set the Collection to 'Find A Grave'

Revision History

Version Date Contents 05 Mar 2023
  • Updated Menu selection for TNGv14
  • Changed default $BWMI_mod['connecttimeout'] from 5 to 600. Intended to help with FAG.
  • Changed default $BWMI_mod['timeout'] from 4 to 600. Intended to help with FAG.
  • Added default $BWMI_mod['maxreceivespeed'] as 144000. Tries to limit the maximum download in bytes/second. Set to 0 to disable. Intended to help with FAG.
  • Added default $BWMI_mod['order'] as 0. Specifies the update order. 0 = By Person old to new, 1 = By citation new to old. Added v14.0.0.1

burial_website_media_import_v14.0.0.1.zip 29 Nov 2020
  • Accomodated request from Robin Richmond of the Admin Branches Queue mod, to place the admin_secondmenu.php button AFTER the Sort Spouses button instead of BEFORE the Relabel Branches button. Button ends up in the same place.
  • Added comments to each target location insertion text to indicate which mod changed the PHP code.

burial_website_media_import_v9.0.0.12.zip 16 Feb 2020
  • Fixed PHP warning. Changed array [number] to ['number'].

burial_website_media_import_v9.0.0.11.zip 21 Jan 2018
  • Change to new URL format for Find A Grave. This includes adding "/memorial/" in the match_url. Old URLs in source citations continue to work but will use the new Find A Grave format.
  • Expanded the search for existing media by matching IDs for media and burial citations instead of just the media URL. This allows for updating older links even if the URL structure changes.
  • Update on 13 Apr 2019 on changes for Find A Grave

burial_website_media_import_v9.0.0.10.zip 12 Feb 2017
  • ignore changes in case and in http/https when checking if a media event at that URL exists.

burial_website_media_import_v9.0.0.9.zip 11 Feb 2017
  • When just doing updates (i.e., $BWMI_mod['update'] = 0), only print out results of added entries. This reduces the displayed clutter.
  • Allow mod to follow website redirection
  • Print error information when having trouble getting a URL
  • Changed default Find-A-Grave to be https instead of http

burial_website_media_import_v9.0.0.8.zip 09 Jan 2016
  • Various updates to accomodate BillionGraves updated website. Including updated default $BWMI_mod['web']['BG']['match_url'], $BWMI_mod['web']['BG']['url'], and $BWMI_mod['web']['BG']['tagline'].
  • Added $BWMI_mod['web']['x']['match_name'] for better name extraction from each site's title

burial_website_media_import_v9.0.0.7.zip 28 Jun 2015
  • Added $BWMI_mod['update']. If 1 (default), it will update all entries. If 0, it will skip getting updated information from websites for existing citations. It will only do new citations.
  • Added $BWMI_mod['refresh']. If 0 (default), behaves as before. If provided number x>0, it will do an automatic "refresh" of the page after every x burial website inquiries.
  • Restructured code to accommodate the $BWMI_mod['refresh']. Makes use of TNG's "saveimport" table to hold data, so the process can be resumed.

burial_website_media_import_v9.0.0.6.zip 11 Jan 2015
  • minor mod formatting fixes to conform to the new mod standards
  • fixed one more mysql_ statement
  • changed $BWMI_mod['web']['x']['tagline'] to be a regular expression to match more complicated web site taglines
  • added dash to $BWMI_mod['web']['BG']['match_url']

burial_website_media_import_v9.0.0.5.zip 02 Nov 2014
  • Fixed problem with using $text['BWMI_web'] multi-dimentional arrays by changing $text[] to $BWMI_mod[] to hold all mod settings.
  • To help with "What's New", only set media changedate upon creation.
  • Added tng_ versons of mysql_ to be compatible with TNG 10.1.0 as well as backwards compatible.
  • Added %wikipage% in cfg file for TNG 10.1.0
  • Updated mod description and added link to the TNG Wiki mod page.
  • Minor tweaks on the Dutch 'match_record' entries (removed ID references)
  • Added option to delete years like '(yyyy - yyyy)' from the link title. $BWMI_mod['web']['x']['title_no_year']='1';
  • Added definition of website tag line (i.e., the extra stuff on the title, like name of the website) $BWMI_mod['web']['x']['tagline'] = '- Find A Grave Memorial';
  • Added option to change the title used in the link. $BWMI_mod['web']['x']['title_template'] can be used to define the title.
 %f% = full title from web (default),
 %t% = title from website without the tagline set by $BWMI_mod['web']['x']['tagline'],
 %T% = generic title set by $BWMI_mod['web']['x']['title'],
 %n% = name from website title after the tagline and years removed
 %y% = birth - death years from website title,
 %N% = name from TNG (women's married names appended to surname in order of marriage),
 %Y% = birth - death years from TNG
 The default is $BWMI_mod['web']['x']['title_template'] = "%f%", the full title from the website.
 EXAMPLE: $BWMI_mod['web']['FAG']['title_template'] = "%T% - %n% (%Y%)"  will show the generic Title, the name from the website, and the years  from TNG
 WARNING: Using %N% and %Y% makes the ASSUMPTION that  the person being referenced on the website is the same person on which  the citation is located.
 If you have citations that reference other individuals, then you will get strange results.  So use with caution. 

burial_website_media_import_v9.0.0.4.zip 11 Oct 2014
  • Changed the website specific items into the $text['BWMI_web']['x'] array. This will allow for easier user addition of other websites.
  • Added unique site matching parameters for matching record numbers in URLs, the terms for Records, Numbers, and Number abbreviations.
  • Gave many common website parameters most often used defaults.
  • Added the ability to disable a website ($text['BWMI_web']['x']['enable'] = 0; ).
  • Added the ability to search the Death event instead of the Burial event ($text['BWMI_web']['x']['event'] = 'Death';).
  • Added Dutch sites graftombe.nl and www.online-begraafplaatsen.nl as example, but default is disabled.
  • Moved Success or Fail message to the beginning of the line to make it easier to sort afterwards.
  • Added media "Owner" as the website name.
  • Added logging to {mod directory}/burial_website_media_import/log.txt. Can be disabled with $text['BWMI_log'] = 0;.
  • Bug fix: now handles cases where the media is used by more than one person.
burial_website_media_import_v9.0.0.3.zip 10 Sep 2014
  • Made sure external source was checked for all versions of TNG (was only below v 10.0.3 in previous versions)
  • Added $text['BWMI_NewWindow'] = 1 (default). 1=open link in new window. 0=open in existing window.
  • Added lat/lng information from BillionGraves to media (experimental).
  • Added default values to more media fields. abspath, alwayson, status. This Fixed compatibility problem with Submit Headstone Photo Mod.
  • Changed mediatype liketype field to be 'headstones' instead of 'photos' (experimental).

burial_website_media_import_v9.0.0.2.zip 08 Sep 2014
  • Renamed to Burial Website Media Import.
  • Added support for BillionGraves.com
  • Changed collection type icon to be the same as headstones
  • Changed media thumbnail to a small version of the website icon
  • Changed the findagrave icon
  • Added more ways to get to website depending upon system setup. First tries curl, then file_get_contents, then provides an error if those do not work.

burial_website_media_import_v9.0.0.1.zip 06 Sep 2014
  • Original version called Findagrave Media Link Import.



This mod was developed by Wendel Voigt

Sites using this mod

If you download and install this mod, please add your TNG site to the table below

URL User Note Mod-Version TNG-Version User-language
VoigtWorld.com Wendel Voigt Mod Author 12.02 / 13.0.1 English
Brady Family Tree in Western Australia Darryl Brady Public site 10.1.1 EN, DE
Sorenson-Robey.org United States of America 9.1.1 English
Mitchell Families Online Roger Mitchell A great mod, very well thought out! 10.0.3 & 10.1.0alpha2 English
De veenkoloniale genealogieen Henny Savenije Wendel did some efforts for me to add the Dutch graveyard sites. Great mod 10.0.3 English, Dutch, French etc
Kemp(e) Family History User:Kempons Victoria, Australia see User:Kempons see User:Kempons English
Kleinmann Genealogy John Kleinmann Thank you for this mod! It's great! 13.0 EN
Ewbank, Smith, Family History Ron Hall Wendel has been great help. Definitely one of the top 5 TNG mods. 13.1 English
Crawford County Genealogy Gateway Frank Bernosky Thank you for this mod! It's great! 11.1 English
Rintoul/Bowman Family Andrew Rintoul Public/Private 12.0 EN, DE, ES, FR
The Cole / Tanner Family Tree David Cole Public/Private see here see here EN, DE, FR, ES, NL
Conroy Family Tree Bud Conroy Public/Private 13.1.1 EN
Daniel Bender - Generations Allison Sibert Public/ Living Private 13.1.2 EN
Dorsey/Zawitoski Family Tree John Dorsey 14.0.1 EN
Duttons of New England Genealogy Darrin Dutton Public/Private 14.0.1 EN
MOTYER & BENJAMIN Family Genealogy (Bermuda branches) John Mark Motyer Public site See here See here EN

Related Links

TNG Modules Involved

In TNG V9 and above, this mod modifies the following files:

  • admin_secondmenu.php
  • admin_secondary.php files