CSV Reports for Admin only

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Obsolete CSV Reports for Admin only is now obsolete with TNG v13 which added the option in Admin > Setup > General Settings > Privacy section whether you want to allow CSV downloads or not.
Mod applies only to TNG 9.0 through TNG 12.3
TNG version: 12.3.0
TNG version: 9.0

TNG V13+ action required If you do not want to Allow CSV downloads of reports, change the
Admin > Setup > General Settings > Privacy section Allow CSV downloads for reports option to No


Restricted Downloads of CSV Reports for Admin only are restricted to logged in users. If you do not have a user account on the TNG Wiki use the Request Account link to request a user account Restricted
Caution If you have trouble downloading with Google Chrome, Vivaldi, Brave or other Chromium based browser, try using a right-click and select Open in new Window, then F5, or use another browser such as Firefox Caution
CSV Reports for Admin only
Summary Removes the CSV Reports except for the TNG Administrator
Validation Mod is XHTML compliant.Valid-xhtml10.png
Mod Updated 8 Jul 2015
Download link for
TNG 12.0
TNG 11.0
TNG 10.1.2
TNG 10.0
TNG 9.0
Download stats View download statistics
for CSV Reports mod
for Admin User mods group
Author(s) Ken Roy
Homepage CSV Reports for Admin only (This page)
Mod Support TNG Community Forums
Contact Developer
Latest Mod V10.1.2.2 for TNG 10.1.2 and up
V9.0.0.1 for TNG V9 and above
Min TNG V 9.0.0
Max TNG V 12.3
Files modified
Related Mods


TNG V9 adds a button on the Reports page that when clicked will generate a comma separated value (CSV) report file. There are no options provided to control whether this button is available or not.

Purpose of Mod

This mod was created to remove the Comma-delimited CSV Report button except to those who have the Administrator privilege. Note that the administrator privilege is not limited only to the TNG Administrator, but includes those with Editor roles.

This mod was developed based on the email reply provided by Robert Collingwood on the tnguser2 list on how to suppress the button.

Mod Developer

Ken Roy based on the email reply provided by Robert Collingwood


  1. Download the mod from the Mod Summary in the upper right hand corner
  2. Extract the downloaded zip file in your mods folder, or upload the extracted file to your mods folder
  3. Install the mod using the Mod Manager install capability


TNG V9 distributed software shows, which after installing this mod, will only be shown to those with admin privileges

CSV Reports button

Visitors and registered users who do not have admin privileges, will no longer see the Comma-delimited CSV Report button.

No CSV Reports button

Revision History

Version Date Contents
v10.1.1.2 8 July 2015 Updated for TNG 10.1.2
v9.0.0.1 13 January 2015 No code changes. Updated to add Wiki icon and URL link generated by the %wikipage: keyword in TNG 10.1
v9.0.0.0 17 February 2012 Initial release of the mod

Sites Using

If you download and install this mod, please add your TNG Site to the table below:

URL User Note Mod-Version TNG-Version User-language
Our Roy and Boucher Family Ken Roy Mod Developer based on Robert Collingwood reply on tnguser2 list V10.1.1.2 12.0.0 EN, FR
Hooley Family Links Rick Hooley Public/Private See Here See Here EN
DJCM.DK Claus Martinussen Public site. Mod adapted to the danish language 12.0 DA,EN
Brady Family Tree in Western Australia Darryl Brady Public site 10.1.1 EN, DE
Brabantse Genealogie Rob van Rij Public Site 12.2 EN,NL
Avery Genealogy Jim Kratoville 11.0.2 EN
OurLife Family History - McMullen Clan Sean Thompson 11.1.0 EN
Martius family Hendrik Martius Half public 12.0.1 DE, EN, FR, NL
Kemp(e) Family History Andrew Kemp Public see User:Kempons see User:Kempons EN