Cemetery Disclaimer

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Cemetery Disclaimer
Summary Adds a disclaimer of affiliation with the cemetery on the single cemetery page.
Validation This mod is XHTML compliant.Valid-xhtml10.png
Mod Updated 22 Feb 2015
Download link
TNG 13.0
TNG 12.0
TNG 11.0
TNG 10.1.0

TNG 9.0
TNG 10.0

Download stats none
Author(s) Rev. Clinton Macomber
Homepage Cemetery_Disclaimer
Mod Support Rev. Clinton Macomber
Contact Developer Rev. Clinton Macomber Contact Info.
Latest Mod for TNG V9, V10 for TNG V10.1+
Min TNG V 9.0.0
Max TNG V 13.0.3
Files modified
Related Mods
Other language translations needed

Purpose of the mod

The purpose of the mod is to add a disclaimer to the cemetery display page. This may be helpful for those who added the geocode to their cemeteries, and so are contacted for information about the cemetery, not related to your family tree. After setting up the cemeteries in their family tree, the Macomber family began getting a number of calls and emails, some insisting the family give cemetery record information, set up graveside services, dig grave sites, give prices, fix headstones, etc. Since adding the disclaimer, the requests have stopped.


This mod was developed by Rev. Clinton Macomber.


  • A working TNG installation. The automated installation release was tested for TNG Version 9.0.0 and above.
  • An installed current version of the Mod Manager (note this is built into TNG 9).

Automated Installation

TNG version: 9.0
  1. All previous versions of Cemetery Disclaimer must be uninstalled and deleted.
  2. Download appropriate zip file from the upper right corner of this page and extract the file.
  3. Upload the uncompressed (unzipped or extracted file) cemetery_disclaimer to your mods folder.
  4. Follow the normal automated installation for Mod Manager, as shown in the example Mod Manager - Installing Config Files to install cemetery_disclaimer_vx.x.x.x.cfg file.

Upgrade Notes

  1. Before upgrading to a newer version of this mod, first use TNG's Mod Manager to "Remove" the mod (button under the status column on the Mod Manager page). Next use the "Delete" button to remove the old version. Last, follow the instructions under "Automated Installation" above to install the newer version.
  2. Before upgrading TNG to a newer version, it is recommended that this mod be removed first, then after the upgrade of TNG, reinstall the mod.

Revision History

Version Date Contents 22 Feb 2015 Turned missing Cemetery Name back on 18 Feb 2015 Small changes to make compatible with TNG Version 10.1 9 Sept 2012 Revised wording to make succinct and impersonal.
Added red color.
Added note about driving directions per Ken Roy.
Changed css style from css/mytngstyle.css to css/genstyle.css per Ken Roy. 17 June 2012 clarified wording 12 March 2012 removed bold and large type 20 February 2012 original config file by by Pastor Clinton Macomber for TNG V9

In the event of a problem

Visualization of this mod

Cemetery Disclaimer Example

Side effects

  1. There are no known conflicts
  2. As with most source code modifications, these changes will likely be overwritten during your next TNG revision upgrade and will need to be re-implemented. (Using the Mod Manager greatly simplifies this process).

Sites using this mod

Please add TNG site that you have found that utilize this modification!

URL User Note Mod-Version/TNG-Version User-language
MacomberKin Family Tree Rev. Clinton Macomber the mod developer's site 9.0.0 EN
Legacy Gazette: My Roots - My Legacy Melissa Watson Padilla Public site / TNG 9.2.1 EN
The Duttons of New England Darrin Dutton Public Site / TNG 14.0.1 EN
R G Strong Family Genealogy Russell G Strong Public Site TNG v14.0.4 EN (DE, FR, NL)
Genealogy of the Weir and Drain Families Beverley Stimpson Public Site / 11.1.2 EN