Census Feature
Please read the Upgrading section for instructions to upgrade to V9002 or v9212 of this mod. The Census Feature FAQ contains answers to common questions.
If you downloaded the TNG v9.2.1 upgrade/update after May 14 you need the v9.2.1.2 version of this mod. |
Census Feature | |
Summary | Adds census record data for Households on individual Info page |
Validation | |
Mod Updated | |
Download link | |
Download stats | |
Author(s) | Gerald 'Jerry' Leehan |
Homepage | Census Feature (This page) |
Mod Support | TNG Community Forums |
Contact Developer | TNG Community Forums |
Latest Mod | for TNG v9 for TNG v9.2.1 if TNG v9.2.1 downloaded after May 14th |
Min TNG V | 9.0.0 |
Max TNG V | 9.2.1 |
Files modified | |
Related Mods | |
Notes | Note that the mod zip file is 9MB because of the help images. |
Purpose of the mod
This mod provides administrators with the ability to create census records and transcripts and store them in new tables that can be searched and displayed in TNG. It also creates a directory for census images.
The mod creates a display in the 'Census' tag on each census individual's TNG Info page that shows key fields from the census record for each member of the household. Transcripts of the census page containing the individual are created and linked to the census item.
Tools automate the linking of individual census records to people in the database using search techniques that consider alternate spellings and maiden and married names.
When census individuals cannot be located in the existing TNG People table, the administrator is given the option of automatically adding them along with any relationships that can be deduced from the census household data.
Ancestry.com members can automatically import census records.
This mod was developed by Gerald 'Jerry' Leehan with very significant contributions from Ken Roy.
V9.0.0.2 enhancements to this mod were made by Janice Nation and Ken Roy
- A working TNG installation.
- A backup of all affected files (see the list in the summary in the upper right corner of the page)
- An installed current version of the Mod Manager (is already included in TNG v9)
- All templates/templateN folders be on your site
- Both English and English-UTF8 folders be on your site
- The CENS custom event type must be set to Accept.
- You must use the standard CENS - Census event and not a personally created census event (v9000 or v9211 only)
- The CENS custom event date must be entered as YYYY only (v9000 or v9211 only)
- Download the appropriate zip file as shown in the summary in the upper right corner of the page.
- Extract the files and folder from the downloaded zip file into the mods folder or FTP the extracted files and folder to your mods folder.
- You MUST transfer the censusmod_vnnnn folder and all its contents to the TNG mods folder.
- Follow the normal automated installation for Mod Manager, as shown in the example Mod Manager - Installing Config Files to install the mod.
- Note - if you're using the tng.php WordPress-TNG Plugin, you might need to "Update the TNG Variables" in the WordPress Admin pane for the TNG Plugin to get this to work correctly.
First Time Post Install Actions
- Click the Create Reqd Tables if they do not exist button shown on the mod manager screen to add the census tables if they do not exist.
- This button will only create these tables if they do not already exist in your database.
- Click the Create Census directory if it doesn't exist button on the Mod Manager screen to create the census folder if it does not already exist.
- Click the Load initial Alternate Spelling Dictionary to load a dictionary of common alternate spellings used to improve searches.
- You can optionally, skip step 3 and create the Alternate Spelling table as you Assign IDs on new transcripts
- Mod Upgrades: You should
- Create a backup of the Census Tables before you remove the mod and do the upgrade
- Create a backup of the extensions/cen_settings.inc file that contains your Mod Manager Edit changes to the Census Feature default options
- Remove (uninstall) the currently installed version of the mod but not the tables since they will contain your census data
- Download and extract the new version of the mod
- FTP the extracted .cfg file and the censusmod_v900n folder to your TNG mods folder (or extract on site)
- Install the new version of the mod which should leave your tables and directories intact.
- Delete the previous version of the mod
- For v9.0.0.2 or v9.2.1.2 of the mod you need to click the buttons in the Mod Manager screen for the Census Feature mod to
- Create the Census Summary table
- Update the Census Features Tables
- Note - if you're using the tng.php WordPress-TNG Plugin, you might need to "Update the TNG Variables" in the WordPress Admin pane for the TNG Plugin to get this to work correctly.
- Create a backup of the Census Tables after the upgrade before you make any changes
- Using the backup of the extensions/cen_settings.inc file Edit the Mod Manager option to set your preferred processing options.
- TNG release upgrades: It is not necessary to remove (uninstall) the mod prior to installing the TNG upgrade. You will likely need to do a Clean up after the upgrade and then re-install the mod.
Uninstalling the mod
If you want to completely Remove (uninstall) this mod and any tables if created, you should
- click the Drop Census Feature Tables button in the Mod Manager status screen for the mod to delete the census table before you
- click the Remove button to uninstall the mod and then
- click the Delete button to delete the config file from the mods folder.
If you are uninstalling the mod prior to an upgrade, you should only click the Remove button to uninstall the mod. You should not Drop Census Feature Tables nor Delete the mod since you will want to re-install the mod after the upgrade.
Other Languages
This MOD currently only supports English language and has extensive 'help' files containing images with English depicted on screens. Since the TNG Help screens are in the English language folder, if you run your site as UTF-8 then you need to keep both the English and English-UTF8 folders.
V9002 or V9212 has added a census_text.php and started converting several headings used in difference scripts to use $text variables, which should allow converting the displays for multi-language sites in the future. Not all hard-coded English text has been converted to $text variables at this time.
- If you import a GEDCOM as a way of supporting your web site, you must define the Census events (or facts) in your desktop genealogy program
- The image file name in the census folder must be in the following format dbid=6743&iid=4241561-00594.jpg that matches the transcript_file column in the cen_transhead and cen_data database tables
- The procedure for Using the Basic Viewer for US Census applies to Firefox and SeaMonkey browsers only.
- The household number must be the same for all members in a household.
- If a family crosses images, where the Head of household is at the bottom of one page, and part of the family is at the top of the next page, you must enter the same household number for both transcript sources when assigning household numbers.
See Census Feature restrictions removed for restrictions removed in v9002 or v9212 of the mod
Known Issues
For a list of issues fixed and restrictions removed in v9.0.0.2 of the mod, see Census Feature issues fixed in v9002
- Template 5 width in some cases, like the 1830 and 1840 transcripts with household summary counts will generated table entries that exceed the page content width
- You will need to increase the width for maintable class to something like 1100 px
- The help files in Version have not yet been updated to reflect the changes in this version.
- A problem has been reported where the Census Feature tables appear to have been created with a collation sequence that is different from other collation sequence
- You may need to check the collation sequence of the Census Feature tables after creating them to make sure that they match your existing collation sequence and change them accordingly before importing any census transcripts, since the MySQL manual indicates that new tables created would use the same collation sequence as the database
Feature List
- Four new tables and two new directories are added to TNG to facilitate storage, manipulation, and display of Census data and images.
- (Note that if you are already using a census folder for a Census media collection for example, it will co-exist with this mod).
- Records can be linked to individuals in the main TNG People table... see ADMIN tools
- Information from the Census tables will display in the Census Description box of each individual in the census
- Each individual in the household will be shown
- Key census fields displayed
- Links to each individual
- Focus individual is highlighted
- Links to full transcripts and to actual image data are provided
- Image link will find images stored in the Census folder or look for them on Ancestry.com if they are not on site
- The transcript display
- Shows all individuals and all fields contained on each census page
- Shows header data for the page... e.g. Township, City, State, Enumeration District, Page...
- Links to preceding and succeeding transcripts if they exist and to the full image
- Is editable by those with administrator privileges
- Each individual in the household will be shown
- A Census section is added to the TNG Administration Index page with tabs for key census administration procedures:
- View
- Add
- Edit
- Delete (v9002 or v9212 only)
- Import from Ancestry
- Update Transcript
- Assign IDs
- After assigning Person IDs, v9002 or v9212 allows creating the 1830 or 1840 Summary count information (100 plus or Free Color counts are not yet implemented)
- Image
- Extensive pictorial 'Help' tutorials are provided for each Census Administration tab.
- The help files in Version have not yet been updated to reflect the changes in this versioon.
- The census tables can be optimized, backed up or restored just like any other table.
- The census tables' structure will be backup up together with all other tables. Note that restoring such backup after explicitly deleting the table and uninstalling the mod will restore the census table. So you should probably make a new table structure backup before uninstalling the mod.
Visualization of this mod
The following images show the visual effects of installing the mod.
Site Visitor
Visitors to your site will see the Census transcripts.
Census custom event
With the mod installed and census transcripts added the individual info page shows a transcript for the Household for the Census custom event |
Visitors can click the Image and Transcript links on the Census transcript to view the actual image, if you have loaded the image to your census folder using the correct file name, or from Ancestry.com if you did not load the image and they have a subscription that allows them access, and the additional formatted transcript information.
TNG Admin
The TNG Administrator will see the following changes in the admin side.
An Approach to Using
Interactive Viewer
The procedure for the Interactive Viewer is similar. Sorry, I have not had the time to update the wiki documentation and may not before I leave on Wednesday, but it should be as follows:
- - select the View Record from the Ancestry Search results screen
- - select the New Image viewer from the Ancestry search results screen, if there is a choice since they appear to default to the new viewer in a lot of cases now
- - Expand the Index icon in the lower left corner of the screen
- - right click on the index heading line
- - choose the Select All option
- - right click again on the screen
- - choose the View Selection Source which launches a DOM Source window
- - wait for the new window screen to be completely populated
- - select File, Save Page As
- - save the file using a name that makes sense to you, such as year_person_US_state_county_town.txt
- - FTP the saved file to your tng/transcriptsource folder
- - click the Refresh List button if you don't see the file
- - if importing different than US, you must go back to the top of the screen and reselect the Series
- - click the Interactive Viewer button
Note that if you are saving DOM Source from the interactive and standard (basic) viewer you should indicate in your .txt file name the source such as using _std or _int in the file name
Note that only the Interactive Viewer is supported for the UK Census and Census of Canada collections. The Interactive Viewer might also support importing from AncestryLibrary provided that you can use your own laptop to connect to their network so that you can save the DOM Source file in Firefox or SeaMonkey. Most public libraries only use Internet Explorer (IE) on their own computers which does not allow saving a DOM Source file.
Note that you cannot use the right-arrow to get the DOM Source for the next page, since the transcript_file will be the same. To get to the next page when a family is across 2 pages, you should
- use the Census URL from the imported census
- increment the last digit to the next number
For example, if I captured my grandfather's page for the 1940 US Census http://interactive.ancestry.com/2442/m-t0627-01472-00028
to get to my dad's page, I need to change the ending 8 in the URL to a 9 http://interactive.ancestry.com/2442/m-t0627-01472-00029
Previous instructions
If you have a paid subscription to Ancestry.com, you can find the Census images and save the transcripts so they can be processed by this mod. The following is an approach used.
- Save the image to your census folder with a file name that uses part of the URL for the dbid= and iid=, for example
- dbid=6224&iid=4639366_00188
- save the census image with a file name that allows you to find the image
- save the transcript file with the same name but with a .txt extension
- copy the transcript file to the TNG transcriptsource directory
- copy the image file using the dbid= and iid= name to the census directory
Note: If you maintain your genealogy master database in a desktop program, the Census events (CENS) should be created in your desktop database using the census year only for the event.
See Using the Basic Viewer for US Census for additional details.
In the event of a problem
- Try using the Mod Manager Remove capability
- Open an issue in the TNG Community Forums
- Copy the backup of the affected files back to your TNG directory
Revision History
Version | Release Date | Contents |
v9.0.0.2d v9.2.1.2d |
28 Jul 2013 |
v9.0.0.2c v9.2.1.2c |
11 Jul 2013 |
v9.0.0.2b v9.2.1.2b |
8 Jun 2013 |
v9.0.0.2a v9.2.1.2a |
2 Jun 2013 | Fix INSERT query for manual adds to use imageurl instead of image column name You only need to re-download the v9002 or v9212 if you are using the Add tab to manually add census transcript records. |
v9.0.0.2 v9.2.1.2 |
28 May 2013 |
v9.2.1.1 | 17 May 2013 | Updated for TNG V9.2.1 downloaded after May 14th |
v9.0.0.1 | 16 March 2013 | This version was only released to beta testers
22 February 2013 | Initial release of the Census Feature mod |
Sites using this mod
If you download and install this mod, please add your TNG site to the table below:
URL | User | Note | Mod-Version | TNG-Version | User-language |
Families of NW Pennsylvania | Gerald 'Jerry' Leehan | Mod Developer | V9.0.0.0 | TNG 9.0.2 | EN |
Our Roy and Boucher Family | Ken Roy | Worked with Jerry Leehan and Janice Nation to develop v9.0.0.2 and v9.2.1.2. Now using the Census Plus International mod |
TNG 9.2.0 | EN, FR | |
The Cook/Garza/Harms family pages | Klaus Cook | Registered only. Guest access login: guest pwd: guest Now using the Census Plus International mod |
V9.0.0.0 | TNG 9.2 | EN, DE, ES |
Our Family Histories | Bryan S. Larson | Tested the mod for Jerry Now using the Census Plus International mod |
V9.2.1.2 | TNG 9.2.1 | EN |
AppeltHaus Genealogy | Lawrence Appelt | Not a Public Site. | V9.0.0.0 | TNG 9.2.0 | EN |
Pimble One-Name Study | Gerald A Cooke | Not a Public Site. Now using the Census Plus International mod |
V9.0.0.0 | 9.1.0 | EN |
The Dutton's of Vermont | Darrin Dutton | Sample Page | V9.0.0.0 | TNG 9.1.2 | EN |
Conjunctions | Rosina Lippi | sample page (still tinkering) | V9.0.0.1 | TNG V9.1.0 | EN, DE |
Whittlesey-Whittelsey Family History | Willis S Whittlesey III | Public Site | V9.0.0.0 | TNG V9.2.0 | EN |
Ancestral Stewart Family Tree | Michael Stewart | Public Now using the Census Plus International mod |
V9.0.0.0 | TNG V9.2.0 | EN |
Mueller-Diefenbach Families | Bob Mueller | Link is to an example of this mod. I'm affected by the known AncestryLibrary bug | V9.0.0.0 | TNG V9.2.0 | EN, DE |
Pages From Our Past | Allen Prunty | Semi-Private Site | V9.0.0.0 | TNG V9.2.0 | EN |
Mosley Families | Martin Mosley | Public Site, privacy restricted. User: tester password 3005Tester can be used to view mod in action | V9.2.1.2 | TNG V9.2.1 | EN |
Roebuck And Families Ancestry Website | Don Roebuck | Public Site, access to living is restricted. Using UK Census | V9.0.0.2 | TNG V9.2.0 | EN |
TNG Modules Impacted
The following TNG Modules are modified, and should be backed up prior to installing this mod:
- customconfig.php
- admin_backup.php
- admin_optimize.php
- admin_restore.php
- admin_utilities.php
- admin_genconfig.php
- tabledefs.php -- should there be a change here?
- admin_merge.php
- getperson.php
- personlib.php
- admin_leftbanner.php
- admin_main.php
- treelib.php
- css/genstyle.css
- templates/templateN/css/templatestyle.css
- your languages cust_text.php file(s)
The following modules are added by this mod to create and delete the Census tables:
- usemakecensustables.php
- dropcensustables.php
Related Links
Census Feature mod
Importing US Census with the Interactive Viewer
Using the Basic Viewer for US Census