Customized Logs Mod

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Restricted Downloads of Customized Logs Mod are restricted to logged in users. If you do not have a user account on the TNG Wiki use the Request Account link to request a user account Restricted
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Ambox notice.png The latest version of this mod uses the guidelines for TNG v12+ cust_text.php files. If you are using TNGv12+, and any cust_text.php file in this mod is marked with a Bad Target error, you need to update your cust_text.php files before you can install this mod. [Show instructions]

If you upgraded to TNGv12+, and did not update your cust_text.php files as instructed in the upgrade readme script, then you must use the TNG Mod Manager to update them. To do so:

  1. Go to Mod Manager, and select its "Recommended Updates" tab.
    (If the "Recommended Updates" tab is not visible, then go to the Mod Manager Options tab, select "Display Settings", and turn on the "Recommended Updates" tab.)
  2. Click the "Update" button in the "Recommended Updates" tab.
    Installed mods do not interfere with the update, and if you already have (or think you may have) run this update, it will not hurt for you to run it again.

[See details in the TNGv12 Change Impacts Article][Hide the instructions]

TNG 14.0
TNG 13.0
TNG 12.0

Customized Logs
Summary Splits search engine bot access to a different log file
Mod Updated 22 Mar 2024
Download link For
TNG 14.0.1

cust_logs v14.0.1.11c

TNG 14.0

cust_logs v14.0.0.11a

TNG 13.0

cust_logs v13.0.0.10

TNG 12.3.0

cust_logs v12.3.0.7

[Show older versions]
Download stats Current V13.0.0.10

Previous v12 and v13
View download statistics for for v9.2.2.6 to v12.1.0.5
statistics for v9.2.2.5
statistics for v9.1.1.2 to v9.2.0.3

statistics for earlier versions
Author(s) Brian McFadyen
Ken Roy developed install config file
Current development by Rick Bisbee
Mod Support TNG Community Forums
Contact Developer Support for Customized_Logs_Mod
Latest Mod for TNG 14.0.1+, for TNG 14.0.0, for TNG v13+ for TNG v12.3
See mod versions
Min TNG V 7.1.0
Max TNG V 14+
Files modified

Files added:
Related Mods
You can change the default log option to include the referrer info, to display the UserAgent string and to enable logging to the userlog.txt file


The Customized Logs mod splits the search engine bots from the normal TNG user access into three separate logs, one for normal access by visitors, one for normal access by users and one for bots. This TNG modification will also change the way site accesses are logged.

  • It will include additional information indicating where the access was linked from (the referrer info) if you change the option
  • It will include additional information containing the User-Agent string of the visiting user in the Visitor log if you change the option
  • It will split the log into three files: one for visiting browsers, one for known users and one for crawlers
  • It will enhance the filter options available through the Admin->Setup->Log Settings. Filtering based upon Host IP Address and logged in User Descriptions will be added to the existing filter on Host Name.
  • It will optionally add a button to Backup / Clear Log file. Clicking on the button makes a backup of the log file then clears all of the entries from the log file.

The mod has an option to show the referrer information in the access log. The default install option is to not show the referrer, which will cause the log to appear the same as the original TNG log. You can change the option to include the referrer using the Mod Manager Edit capability.

The mod has an option to show the user-agent information in the access log. The default install option is to not show the user-agent, which will cause the log to appear the same as the original TNG log. You can change the option to include the user-agent using the Mod Manager Edit capability.

The mod has an option to split the known users from the visiting users in different logs. The default install option is to split the information. You can change the option to include the user-agent using the Mod Manager Edit capability.

Changes for TNGv13

Custom Logs Mod v13.0.0.10 separates the robot listings from the cfg and log_botchecks.php files so that both developer and users can update their lists without having them overwritten by new versions of the mod. There are now two sets of lists, one pair to record identifying fragments from the website IP or URL that launched the bot (clbotsites.txt and cust_botsites.txt), the other pair to record identifying fragments from the bot's user-agent (clagents.txt and cust_agents.txt.) If they do not already exist, all four files are installed in the extensions folder the first time the mod is installed. If the developer posts updated listings (clagents.txt and/or clbotsites.txt,) they may be downloaded and installed manually without requiring a new version of the mod. Of course, user additions should go into the cust_agents.txt and cust_botsites.txt files.


  • The TNG Customized Logs Mod was originally developed by Brian McFadyen.
  • It includes a List of Bots provided by Jerome Liebowitz on the user list.
  • The original Mod Manager configuration file was created by Ken Roy.
  • The Backup/Clear function was originally developed by Jim Graham and incorporated into the Customized Logs mod by Bryan S. Larson.
  • V12.1.0.6 and v13.1.0.8 was updated to fix PHP 7.2 and 7.3 warnings and notices by Ken Roy.
  • Mod versions 13+ are currently maintained and developed by Rick Bisbee.
  • Mod versions 14+ are currently maintained and developed by MichelK. Design by Steven Davis


  • A working TNG installation.
  • A backup of the TNG log.php and showlog.php files.
  • An installed current version of the Mod Manager.

Upgrading / Installing Customized Logs Mod V13.0.0.10 and later

First time installation:

  1. Download the appropriate zip file for the Mod Manager configuration file
  2. Extract all the files in customized_logs zip file
  3. Upload customized_logs_v13.0.0.10 and the entire customized_logs folder to your mods folder.
  4. Follow the normal automated installation for Mod Manager, as shown in the example Mod Manager - Installing Config Files to install the customized_logs file.
  5. ensure the new logfiles botgenlog.txt and userlog.txt are writeable.
  6. Set the desired options using the Mod Manager Options Edit for this mod.

Upgrading From Previous Versions

Be sure to read this before uninstalling an older version of the Customized Logs Mod.

If you have been running an older version of the mod, you can save your custom additions by retrieving them from your current log_botchecks.php file in the extensions folder, and then creating and adding them to a cust_agents.txt and/or cust_botsites.txt files in the extensions folder as appropriate. If you manually create these files beforehand, the mod will not overwrite them during installation. Note that the files are strictly text files. Enter each agent or URL fragment on a separate line with no additional punctuation like commas or quotes, and do not include any PHP syntax for arrays.

To help you place them correctly, note that in previous versions of the mod, log_botchecks.php files contained "bot" site URL fragments in the $spiders array and bot user-agent fragments in the $bots array. Avoid mixing these elements in your new lists, or else they will not work as intended.

Upgrading / Installing Customized Logs Mod V10.0.0.2 and later

First time installation:

  1. Download the appropriate zip file for the Mod Manager configuration file
  2. Extract all the files in customized_logs zip file
  3. Upload customized_logs_v10.0.0.n.cfg and the entire customized_logs folder to your mods folder.
  4. Follow the normal automated installation for Mod Manager, as shown in the example Mod Manager - Installing Config Files to install the customized_logs file.
  5. Optionally, Optional Parameters using the Mod Manager Edit capability
  6. Ensure the new logfiles botgenlog.txt and userlog.txt are writeable

Upgrading from previous versions:

  1. Create backups of botgenlog.txt and userlog.txt (those files are deleted by versions and earlier of this mod)
  2. Installing the mod:
    1. From versions and older
      1. Uninstall the old version of the mod using the mod manager
      2. Unzip and upload the new version of the mod to your mods directory
      3. Follow the normal automated installation for Mod Manager, as shown in the example Mod Manager - Installing Config Files to install the new version of the customized_logs file.
      4. Restore your backed up copies of botgenlog.txt and userlog.txt to your root directory

Automated Installation V10.0.0.0 and earlier

  1. Download the appropriate zip file for the Mod Manager configuration file
  2. Remove Previously Installed mod
  3. Extract all the files in customized_logs zip file to your mods folder.
  4. Follow the normal automated installation for Mod Manager, as shown in the example Mod Manager - Installing Config Files to install the customized_logs file.
  5. Click the "Check Now" button - this will create empty an userlog and botlog if they do not already exist.
  6. Optionally, Optional Parameters using the Mod Manager Edit capability

Optional Parameters

This mod has 5 optional parameters which can be modified using the Mod Manager Edit capability.

  1. Restrict logs to admin only: When enabled, this option restricts all log files to administrators only. This is enabled by default.
  2. Add link to clear/backup log files: When enabled, each log file will have a button to clear/backup that log file. The first time the button is used, a directory is created (genlog_backup) where all backups generated by this button are stored.
  3. Referrer Option: When enabled, this option will show the referrer information in the access log. This is disabled by default.
  4. Include useragent string in the log file: When enabled, this option appends the useragent string to each log entry. This is disabled by default.
  5. Log the user actions in separate user log: This option logs all action by registered users in a separate user log. This option is enabled by default.
  6. Specify a preferred time format for timestamps (i.e. 12 hour or 24 hour short or long).

Revision History

Mod Version TNG Version Date Contents 14.0.1+ 22 Mar 2024 Design modifications by Steven Davis 14.0.1 14 May 2023 Suppress the new line in front of the bot line - Add a 'nowrap' in the date columns - Suppress hard-coded names in log_botcheck.php 14.0.1 27 Jan 2023 TNG14.0.1 Ready 14.0 08 Jan 2023 TNG14 Ready - PHP8.2 Ready - Two missing empty files added (for new users of the Mod) 14.0 29 Dec 2022 TNG14 Ready - PHP8.2 Ready 13.0 6 Jan 2022
  • Fixes failure to preserve bot listings upon uninstall/reinstall
  • Removes hard-coded "bot" identification listings from the cfg file and from log_botchecks.php.
  • Adds new custom listings for owner-provided "bot" identifiers.
  • Adds new developer-updatable listings that can be downloaded without requiring a new mod.
  • Semantic updates make scripts more understandable. 13.0 31 Dec 2021
  • Combines all versions of TNGv13 into this version of the mod.
  • Successfully tested with with PHP 8.1 13.1 31 Dec 2021 Superseded by Customized Logs Mod version for all versions of TNGv13. This version will no longer be maintained. 13.1 3 Nov 2021 Updated for TNG 13.1 code change only cfg file changed. Same mods folder as v13.0.0.8 13.0 12 Sep 2020 Updated for TNG 13 and fixes the Auto Refresh / Turn Off auto refresh toggle which is now supported with tree selection. 12.3 15 Mar 2020 Updated for TNG 12.3 and includes several new $text variables and and updates for TNG 12.3 change log item 11. Logs/Security: Log entries will now screen out attempts to log redirection and other malicious code. This is the same code ad the V12.3.0.7_beta1 12.3 23 Feb 2020 Updated for TNG 12.3 and includes several new $text variables and and updates for TNG 12.3 change log item 11. Logs/Security: Log entries will now screen out attempts to log redirection and other malicious code. 12.1 15 Nov 2019 This version has been updated to fix several PHP 7.3 warnings and notices This version only works with TNG V12.1 or newer. For TNG V12.0.3 or below, use a previous version of the mod. TNG 2.2 might be needed to resolve PHP 7.3 errors 12.1 23 Feb 2019 This version has been updated to support TNG V12.1. Updated with newer mod manager syntax and removed the need for the "Check" button. Added more bots and spiders to bot list. This version only works with TNG V12.1 or newer. For TNG V12.0.3 or below, use a previous version of the mod. 11.1 6 Feb 2017 This version has been updated to support TNG V11.1. 11.0 25 Jan 2017 This version has minor changes to code to add support for TNG/WordPress sites. Thanks goes to Roger Moffat for this change. 11.0 6 Sep 2016 This version has been updated to support mod manager changes in TNG V11.0.2 which now uses the $extspath variable for the extensions folder. 11.0 14 Mar 2016 This version has been updated to support TNG V11. It also adds BOLD text for usernames in the user log (suggested by Jay Wilpolt) and adds translations for the backup/clear button. 10.0 23 Jan 2016 This version adds an option for 4 different time formats for the timestamp on log entries. Thanks to Bernard Wortelboer for the suggestion and some of the code for this feature. This version also corrects an error in the cust_text modifications in some languages. 10.0 4 Jan 2016 This version adds support for Italian as well as updated translations for German and Dutch. Thanks goes to Richard Falzini, Oname.gif and Marco van den Heuvel for the translations of text variables. 10.0 25 Mar 2015 This version adds code to show the original IP address on sites that use a CDN service (i.e. CloudFlare). Thanks goes to Fred Feldman for the suggestion and the code. 10.0 5 Mar 2015 This version fixes several bugs, improves logging of bots, adds new bots to the list of identified bots, cleans up syntax and other code changes as well. NOTE: this version has only been tested with TNG V10.1 and may or may not work with older versions of TNG. Please report any incompatibility issues with older versions so the wiki can be updated appropriately. 10.0 24 Feb 2015 This version fixes a syntax error found in V10.0.0.3 10.0 20 Feb 2015 This version adds improvements and fixes from previous versions of the mod:
  • The "Check Now" button should now work on more sites. In some cases, the file that ran the checks was converted to a single line of code by FTP processes - this file is now created by the mod rather than moved by the mod.
  • Other minor improvements
  • Cleaned up mod manager instructions for a more clarity 10.0 2 Jul 2014 This version adds several improvements from previous versions of the mod:
  • Simplified installation procedure while still protecting existing logs and eliminates the customized_logs_readme.txt file. Now, there is a "Check Now" button that checks to see if the appropriate logs exist and if necessary, create those files
  • Optional button to backup/clear the log files - there are buttons specific to each separate log
  • Option to restrict all logs to admin only
  • Cleaned up edit options screen for a more clean set of options for changing options

Credit goes to Jim Graham for developing the original backup/clear function that was modified for this version. 10.0 30 Mar 2014 Updated to prevent user log and bot log from being cleared when reinstalling mod.

Note: follow instructions from customized_logs_readme.txt file before installing or upgrading this version of the mod!
Thanks to Graham Chamberlain for the suggestion used for this version. 10.0 6 February 2014 Updated for TNG V10 9.2.2 4 October 2013
  • Minor bugfix 9.2.2 10 August 2013
  • Bugfix, making the V9.2.2.4 version install with the changed log.php file from TNG 9.2.2 9.2.2 27 May 2013
  • Essentially the same as V9.2.0.4 with the correct versioning system applied 9.2 26 May 2013
  • Use this version only if you have installed the new log.php file for testing in TNG v9.2.1. Otherwise use the older version
    Note that this mod should have been named to avoid any confusion that it applies to log.php released after TNG 9.2.1
  • added the custom known users logfile
  • using the translation files for the frontend files and added the English and Dutch languages
  • using additional filtering on User Agent stings
  • added descriptive page-titles, headers and changed the navigation structure 9.2 13 Apr 2013
  • Use this version only if you have installed the new log.php file for testing in TGNv9.2.0. Otherwise use the older version
  • Temporary stop-gap for modified log.php file released for testing about 12 April 2013.
  • changes log_botchecks.php to simplify the bot list. 9.1 23 Jan 2013 Updated for TNG V9.1.1 9.1 24 Dec 2012 Updated for TNG V9.1.0 9.0 2 Feb 2012 Updated for TNG V9
8.1.0a 8.1 16 Oct 2010 Updated for TNG V8.0.2
8.1.1 8.1 30 May 2010 Corrections for TNG V8 and revised .cfg to conform to new standard folder distribution.
8.1.0 8.0 24 May 2010 Updated for TNG8 and new version schema.
2.2 7 5 Dec 2009 Updated Mod Manager config file to include List of Bots provided by Jerome Leibowitz and to provide the Edit capability for the logging option.
2.0 7 16 May 2009 Original Mod Manager config file
Rev 1.11 7 27 Apr 2009 validated and updated for V7.1.0
See Customized Logs on Brian McFadyen's site for previous revision history

Sites using this mod

If you download and install this mod, please add your TNG site to the table below:

URL User Note Mod-Version TNG-Version User-language
Our Family Histories Bryan S. Larson Current Developer. I added new options and features for V10.0.0.2 through the current version as well as past fixes and tweaks. On my own site, I have also added buttons linking to additional analytics pages that I use. See Here See Here EN
Brian McFadyen's Genealogy site Brian McFadyen Developer of the customized logs mod 8.1.1
TNG 8.1.1 test
EN Andreas Treichel Public & Private 14​.0​.1​.11c
TNG 14.0.6
Roger's Ramblings Roger Moffat 13.1.1 EN
Our Roy and Boucher Family Ken Roy I have used Brian McFadyen's customized log since its early days.
TNG 14.0.4
Roni & Jerry's Genealogy and Family History Jerry Liebowitz If a new bot appears that I haven't identified on Brian's mod, I just add it to extensions> clbotsites.txt
(as described in the instructions as provided on the user list) 9.2.2 EN
Chamberlain & Eidenbenz Geneaolgy Graham Chamberlain Public Site 12.0.1 EN,FR,DE,ES,NL
A Bisbee Family History Rick Bisbee 9.0.4 EN
Chambers Family Ancestry Tom Chambers Very smooth installation & configuration, and helps to catch the bad guys. 9.1.1 EN
Arsenault/Simpson Family Website Bob Arsenault 9.1.2 EN
Gilbert family history Warren S Gilbert 13.1.0 EN
Max Westen's genealogy site Max Westen Developer of some additions of this mod(starting 9.2.1 NL,EN
MOTYER Family Genealogy John Mark Motyer Public site See here See here EN
British 1820 Settlers to South Africa Paul Tanner-Tremaine Public site 10.1.1 EN
Mitchell Families Online Roger Mitchell Another great update - excellent mod! 10.0.2 EN
Total Family History Scott Bennett Private Site (For right now) 10.0.1 EN
Hooley Family Links Rick Hooley Public/Private See Here See Here EN
Wortelboer Genealogy Bernard Wortelboer 11.0.2 NL,EN
Schmit/Heemskerk Family Rudi Schmit 10.1.3 NL
Familie van Seeventer Sandor van Seeventer Public site
TNG 14.0.5
Brady Family Tree in Western Australia Darryl Brady Public site 10.1.1 EN,DE
Kemp(e) Family History Andrew Kemp Public site see User:Kempons see User:Kempons EN
Gambrill Family Tree Bobby Gambrill Public site 11.0.2 EN
R G Strong Family Genealogy Russell Strong Public Site 14.0.4 EN,FR,DE,NL
The Grahams of Helensburgh Jim Graham Public/Private 12.0 EN
Roebuck and Families Ancestry Website Donald Roebuck Public site except for Living 11.0.2 EN
Crawford County Genealogy Gateway Frank Bernosky Public site except for Living 11.1 EN
Rintoul/Bowman Family Andrew Rintoul Public/Private 12.0 EN,DE,ES,FR
Racine d'Alsace J-Louis Valory Public/Private - T17 customized 12.0.2 FR
Bumbery-Wangler Bob Bumbery Public/Private site 13.0.0 EN
Family Histories Steven Davis Public/Private site 12.3 EN
The Cole / Tanner Family Tree David Cole Public/Private see here see here EN,DE,FR,ES,NL
Families all over the world Hans Weebers Public/Private 12.0.1 EN,NL,DE,FR
Genealogische Datenbank JPB Public site see here see here DE,EN,FR
Roots & Relatives Remembered Ron Krzmarzick Public & Private See here See here EN,DE,CS
Thurmon King's New Sackett Family Database Ted Smith Public site 12.1 EN
Auf den Spuren meiner Vorfahren UHaase Public/Private 12.2 DE,EN
Barta-Joggele Online aus Mauren, Liechtenstein Gerald Meier Private 14.0.1 DE,EN,ES,FR,IT,PT,CZ
Our Immigrant Ancestors Jim Larson Private 14.0.5 EN,NO
Auf den Spuren meiner Ahnen Michael Klein Public/Private site 14​.0​.1​.11a
TNG 14.0.3
The Duttons of New England Darrin Dutton Public / Private 13.0.2 EN
Racines Luxo-hennuyères Michel Kirsch Public site (registration) 14.0.4 FR,EN,GE,NL
The Severijns / Timmer Familytree Rob Severijns Public / Private See here See here NL, EN
Johnson / Bryans Family Tree Charlie Ferrero Public 13.1 EN
Sejarah Thümann Jeffrey Thümann Public 13.0.3 NL, EN
Helwegs Ahnen Andreas Helweg Public 13.1 DE,EN,DK,NL
Osage County Cousins Larry G Banks Public / Private 14.0.1 EN
Joseph Oran Holtz Genealogy Pages Jim Holt Private See Here See Here EN
Your Roots are Showing Harold Craswell Public/Private See Here See Here EN
La Saga BIGEY Francois BIGEY Public 14 FR
Les Lapierre d'Amérique Normand Lapierre Public/Private site 14.0 FR, EN Janusz Kielak Public site 14.0.1 PL, EN, DE
Solem Genealogy Jan-Thore Solem Private 14​.0​.1​.11b 14.0.2 EN, NO
American Kindred AmericanKindred Public 14​.0​.1​.11b 14.0.2 EN
Harnett Sheehan Families Kathy Harnett Sheehan Private/Very helpful mod! 14.0.2 EN
Stammbaum der Familie Datschetzky Christian Datschetzky Public 14.0.3 DE, EN
Racine d'Alsace J-Louis Valory Public (registration) 14.0.4 FR
Bastiaanssen Genealogy Jan Bastiaanssen Public / Private
TNG 14.0.5