Display Jobs Facts

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Display Jobs Facts
Summary Adds a person's occupation and/or an interesting fact under the header and a badge/label if the person has been DNA confirmed.
Mod Updated 29 Mar 2024
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Author(s) A.S. DuPree
Homepage Display Jobs Facts (This page)
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This mod adds DNA, jobs interesting facts - and a system for adding them

Purpose of the mod

This TNG modification displays a person's job and/or an interesting fact under the header.


This mod was developed by A.S. DuPree.


  • A working TNG installation.
  • A backup of all affected files (see the list in the summary in the upper right corner of the page)
  • An installed current version of the Mod Manager.

Revision History

Mod Version TNG Version Date Contents 14.0 29 May 2024 Removes Job in header for living individuals 14.0 18 May 2023 Improved edit category menu. Small fixes for errors with Php 8. 14.0 02 Mar 2023 Version for tng 14 13.0 02 Feb 2022 Added DNA badges in searches. Moved settings to extension folder to make them persistant. 13.0 8 Jan 2022 Fixed an install location that only works when familyeditlinks is installed.
13.0 27 Dec 2021 Made DNA system work with TNG built in DNA tests
13.0 24 Dec 2021 Some code cleaning thanks to Michel Kirsch
13.0 20 Dec 2021 Modified to display DNA confirmation badges.
13.0.1 08 Jul 2019 Modified to work with tng 13.0.1
12.4 12.0 20 Dec 2021 Added a menu to enter jobs as a separate event type.
12 12.0 02 Jun 2019 Fixed double display of jobs when option 3 is chosen.


Mod Conflict Note the install order requirements.

If you use Group custom events with this Mod,
- From version, install this Mod first then Group custom events
- beyond install Group custom events then this Mod
- Always uninstall them in the reverse order.

Mod Conflict

Mod enters into a crowded area with many other mods around the header. It may conflict with other header modifying mods.


  1. Uninstall and delete previous version of this mod (if installed)
  2. Download the appropriate zip file as shown in the mod summary in the upper right corner of the page.
  3. Extract the file from the downloaded zip file into the mods folder or FTP the extracted file to your mods folder.
  4. Follow the normal automated installation for Mod Manager, as shown in the example Mod Manager - Installing Config Files to install the mod.

In the event of a problem

Uninstalling the mod

If you want to completely Remove (uninstall) this mod and any tables if created, you should

  1. click the Uninstall button to uninstall the mod
  2. click the Delete button to delete the config file from the mods folder.


  • Uninstall and eventually Delete the current Mod.
  • Proceed as for an installation with the new Mod.


UPDATE 2 (Feb 2022-v2b) Added DNA badge in searches.

1) You can add a custom event for DNA confirmation OR you can just link a person to a DNA test.

2) There is an option to turn off labels if you do not want them displayed. The default is to display labels.

3) There is an option to suppress display of the DNA custom event in the events section on the getperson.php page. This is the default.

4) Labels now display for spouses, parents and children on the get person page so that you can easily see who has been DNA confirmed in a family.

Update (Dec 2021-v2) The 13_2 update adds in the ability to mark DNA confirmed family members. A label will show before the name at the top indicating the person has been DNA confirmed. Ancestor trees -- vertical and fan and the text descendants trees will add labels for all DNA confirmed people.

To use - you need to add an event for a person that uses the DNAFACT tag (Add a custom event with this tag, or you can use a different tag just enter it in the mod options).

This is the badge.

There are two additional options dna_icon.png and dna_badge.png in the included folder that will be copied to your img folder.

You can choose the icon you want in the options for the mod or you can add your own image - just put it in the tng/img directory and add the file name in the mod options.

Back to Jobs and facts.

Jobs and facts are drawn from the event tags.

  1. Jobs uses the built in Occupation event. You can change it if you want to use another event field by entering the tag for that field in the mod options
  2. Interesting facts can use whatever event you like. It is set by default to use the event tag IFACT but you must enter an event in the administration custom events type manager with this tag. Alternatively, you can choose any event field to be an interesting fact by entering the tag for that field in the mod options.

When entering a Job a new button will appear on the edit page to ADD JOB. (The ADD NEW button on the edit page is replaced by an ADD EVENT and an ADD JOB button. ADD EVENTS will not show the Occupation event.). The ADD JOB screen looks like this:


The Mod does NOT change the tng database structure. It does however enter occupations in this format:
If you decide to uninstall the mod or export data the occupation event fields will be in that format. Hence, jobs will look something like: Business - Production Manager ...got this job after the depression.
Job categories are remembered after you enter one and you can choose them from a dropdown list.

With Expand_Statistics installed this mod can show a summary view of all the jobs by type and all the individuals that have these jobs.


Customizations in Mod Manager

  1. Job/Fact after name or after date string
  2. Event tag to use for Job
  3. Event tag to use for interesting fact

Language Customization

Mod currently works in English and French. To customize for your language you need to add the following to the Language cust_text.php file after you translate the parts after the equal signs. If you do translate please consider providing them to me for a future update.

$admintext['add_event_but'] = "Add Event";
$admintext['add_job_but'] = "Add Job";
$admtext['job'] = "Job";
$admtext['addnewjob'] = "Add New Job";
$admtext['jobmsg'] = "or make new job category";
$admtext['jobtype'] = "Job Type";
$admtext['jobdate'] = "Job Date";
$admtext['jobplace'] = "Job Place";
$admtext['modifyjob'] = "Modify Job";
$admtext['notspecified'] = "(Not Specified)";

Sites using this mod

If you download and install this mod, please add your TNG site to the table below:

URL User Note Mod-Version TNG-Version User-language
Adupree.com A.S. DuPree Mod Developer 14.0.4 EN
theroadtoethel.com Alicia Clemmons User 12.0.3 EN
Journeys in Genealogy Patrick Thrush Public WordPress/TNG bundle 12.1 EN
The Cole / Tanner Family Tree David Cole Public/Private see here see here EN,DE,FR,ES,NL
Johnson/Bryans Family Tree Charlie Ferrero Public 13.1 EN
Conroy Family Tree Bud Conroy Public/Private 13.1.1 EN
Huygens - Van de Moortel Tom Huygens Public/Private on WordPress 13.1.2 NL
GénéaKat Katryne Chauvigné-Bourlaud Public & Private 14.0.4 FR,EN,SP
Scealta Ton van Lil Public/Private 14​.0​.0​.0a 14.0.1 Nl, EN
Our Immigrant Ancestors Jim Larson Private 14.0.5 EN, NO
Harnett Sheehan Families Kathy Harnett Sheehan Private/Very helpful mod! 14.0.2 EN
Auf den Spuren meiner Ahnen Michael Klein Public/Pricate site - Thanks to A. Scott DuPree
TNG 14.0.4