Expand Statistics

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Expands the power of your statistics.

Expand Statistics
Summary Stats pages to go into greater depth in analyzing and searching the tng database
Mod Updated 17 Mar 2024
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TNG 13.0
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TNG 12.0
Expand Statistics Version 9a
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Author(s) A.S. DuPree
Homepage Expand Statistics (This page)
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Contact Developer A.S. DuPree
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Min TNG V 12
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This expands the TNG statistics page. Oldest living persons table written by Rick Malkin


Display statistics about your data.

  1. Overview - Statistics about individuals, families, media and other in your data.
  2. Surnames - Statistics about surnames in your data.
  3. Occupations - Statistics about occupations. (Only shows up if you have Display_Jobs_Facts set up)
  4. DNA Matches - Statistics about DNA matches.
  5. By Century - Statistics about individuals by century.
  6. Veterans - Statistics about veterans (must be configured following one or two systems explained in options).
  7. Data Issues - A data validation page. (Must be a logged in user with admin edit privileges)

Expand statistics creates different views and incorporates new statistics for family data. It replaces the built in statistics page with a series of pages following the logic above. It provides the ability to filter your data places, surnames or Sosa if installed.

It adds a magnifying glass next to some statistics to see the specific individuals. The searches are improved if you have the latest version of Expand_Search installed. The example shows folks by century in my database in California.

Screen Shot 2019-07-20 at 9.50.26 PM.png


This mod was developed by A.S. DuPree (a novice, happy for any help on improving it)


  • A working TNG installation.
  • A backup of all affected files (see the list in the summary in the upper right corner of the page)
  • An installed current version of the Mod Manager.
  • Installed mods: Expand_Search Display_Jobs_Facts Sosa Surname_Statistics enable various functions. The Mod, however, functions also as a standalone.

Overview page

The Overview page provides all the statistics that come with the tng statistics page and adds a few extra ones:

  • Most: occurring surnames, year of most births, places of most births, baptisms, deaths and burials
  • Total children who died before age 5
  • Average number of children in families, largest family size and average number of identified parents in a family.

The page is reformatted to give four different views: individuals, families, media and other (sources, citations, places and events). In the individuals and families views a search displaying individuals and families in a filtered category is provided if Expand Search mod is installed. In the media and other view a search for media in the filtered category is provided as part of the mod.

Surnames page

Incorporates tables developed in mod Surname_Statistics. Thanks to Jeff Robinson for permission.

Occupations page

Page shows up if you have Display_Jobs_Facts mod installed.


By Century page

Page gives data by century or decades. Includes stats on age at first marriage and lifespans.


Veterans page

Page requires updating the fields you use for veterans in the mod options. The mod works either by identifying veterans with codes in your events or identifying them under one event where their particular service is entered at the front of the field and followed by a comma (or separator of your choice), such as, "World War I, served in Egypt and Montenegro.... "


Data Issues page

Only shows up for logged in admins. The page offers data validation on the front end. It is largely built from the Data Validation page in admin. The difference is that it allows data to be filtered, adds search for individuals with no sources, adds an overview page to show what issues exist, slightly revises some of the queries and gives a differently organized table of results.

Data issues.png


  1. Uninstall and delete previous version of this mod (if installed)
  2. Download the appropriate zip file as shown in the mod summary in the upper right corner of the page.
  3. Extract the file from the downloaded zip file into the mods folder or FTP the extracted file to your mods folder.
  4. Follow the normal automated installation for Mod Manager, as shown in the example Mod Manager - Installing Config Files to install the mod.

In the Mod Manager you can enable a number of options. Please be aware of how the following dependencies work:

  • Search links - appear as a magnifying glass next to statistics only if you have Expand_Search installed.
  • SOSA Filter - if you have sosa installed a sosa filter will appear as a checkbox in the filter bar.
  • Occupations Page - if you have Display_Jobs_Facts installed the Occupations page will appear. Otherwise it cannot be enabled.
  • Veterans Page - The veterans page requires that you are entering military service as different events (i.e. "World War II"). If you are, you need to collect the event ids for all these events and add them in the mod options.

In the event of a problem

Uninstalling the mod

If you want to completely Remove (uninstall) this mod and any tables if created, you should

  1. click the Uninstall button to uninstall the mod
  2. click the Delete button to delete the config file from the mods folder.


  • Uninstall and eventually Delete the current Mod.
  • Proceed as for an installation with the new Mod.


v10c - fixes two data issues queries.

v10a - adds option to exclude the DNA page.

v10 - improved queries, new DNA statistics and testing with Php 8. Many thanks to Ron!

v9b/c - many fixes for php 8 - thanks to Ron, Michel and Ken. New version requires at least TNG 13 (it works with 12 with some functionality absent)

v9a - added in DNA stats for those linked to DNA tests.

v9 - new DNA statistics, an oldest living persons table (written by Rick Malkin) and some fixes related to language files (Thanks Katryne)

v8a - Expands filter to more pages, adds in media, source, citations, places searches to show records in these categories, adds option to only display filter to logged in users, speeds unfiltered queries in the overview pages. v8 - Adds alternative way to check veterans continued to fix coding issues.
v7 - Adds a data validation section - data issues, took out search page changes
v6 - All changes below and corrects for pooled places and improves searches (if Expand Search installed)
v5d - Adds exact surname search to title bar.
V5c - Fixes formatting issues with templates, adds in a few statistics and search links. Thanks particularly to Ron who not only did most of the troubleshooting but helped find the solutions.
V5a/V5b - Adds under 5 year old deaths, fixes All-USA issue, slight reformat to page, fixes to search page links
V5 - Adds surnames with permission to incorporate parts of Surname_Statistics. Fixes All Trees issue. Adds All-USA choice as an option (needs to be chosen on setup). V4b - Fixes wrong stats for media files for some people.
V4a - Adds surnames into the filters, search magnifying glasses next to some of the states and fixes some incorrect stats V4 - Added lifespan by century or decade, fixed some query issues.
V3 - Added filters for places and Sosa (if installed)
V2 - Added tree switching
V1b - Fixed a missing $ in cust_text file.
V1a - Adds new stats to the main stats page, some refinements on the other pages.

Language Customization

Mod currently works in English and French (Thanks Katryne and Ken). If you want to customize for another language a text file called "Language Strings" is included in the folder for this mod. To customize for your language, translate the words in quotes after the equal signs. Then include in the cust_text.php files for the appropriate languages.

Sites using this mod

If you download and install this mod, please add your TNG site to the table below:

URL User Note Mod-Version TNG-Version User-language
Adupree.com A.S. DuPree Mod Developer 14.0.1 EN
A Line of Malkins' in NZ Rick Malkin Only home page is public 13.1.1 b1 EN
Family tree of Marcin & Emilia Senderski Marcin Senderski Only home page is public 13.0.4 EN,PL
Genealogy of the van Heerden Family Emile van Heerden Administrator 12.1 EN
Roots & Relatives Remembered Ron Krzmarzick Public & Private See here See here EN,DE,CS
Journeys in Genealogy Patrick Thrush Public WordPress/TNG bundle 12.1 EN
Racine d'Alsace J-Louis Valory Private - T17 customized 12.3 FR
The Cole / Tanner Family Tree David Cole Public/Private see here see here EN,DE,FR,ES,NL
Lathrope Family Genealogy S Sharpe Public 13.0.4 EN
GénéaKat Katryne Chauvigné-Bourlaud Public/Private 14.0.4 FR,EN,SP
Huygens - Van de Moortel Tom Huygens Public/Private on WordPress 13.1.2 NL
La Saga BIGEY Francois BIGEY Public 13.10a 14.0.1 FR
Scealta Ton van Lil Public/Private 14.0.1 NL,EN