Family Group Sheet Submission Form Mod

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Family Group Sheet Submission Form
Summary Provides a fillable PDF family group sheet that users can submit to the site administrator
Validation This mod is XHTML compliant.Valid-xhtml10.png
Mod Updated {{{mod_last_update}}}
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Author(s) Bryan S. Larson
Homepage Family Group Sheet Submission Form Mod
Mod Support TNG Forums
Contact Developer Bryan S. Larson
Latest Mod 1.3
Min TNG V 7.0.0
Max TNG V 8.1.3
Files modified
Related Mods
This may not work properly in Google Chrome because Chrome uses a proprietary PDF viewer rather than integrating with Adobe Acrobat as other browsers do.

== Purpose of the Mod ==

This form is not a true "Mod" in the sense that it does not use the Mod Manager. It is a PDF form embedded in a TNG php page. This form allows TNG users to submit a fillable PDF form to the webmaster through a page integrated within the TNG framework.


This form was developed by Bryan S. Larson.

Developer's note:
With the development of the newer Family Group Worksheet mod, I will no longer be updating this form.

Revision History

Version Date Contents
v1.0 24 June 2010 Original Form posted to the wiki and forum.
v1.1 15 Feb 2011 Updated to validate properly posted to the wiki and forum. If you are already using this form, you only need to update your site with submissions.php. The PDF forms have not changed. This release has only been tested in TNG v8.1.1. It should work in all TNG v8 releases, but may or may not work with older versions of TNG.
v1.2 7 Jul 2011 This is a very minor update. The new .zip file is now posted to the wiki and forum. Nothing has changed to the form or the main TNG page, but the icon used by submissions.php was missing and is not part of the core TNG package. It has been added here for completeness.
v1.3 7 Sep 2011 The new .zip file is now posted to the wiki and forum. This update greatly reduces the size of the form and thereby increases page load time. The required fields for submitter information has also been adjusted to only require the name and email of the submitter. This update also includes a couple of minor error corrections as well.


  • A working TNG installation.
  • You need to have a copy of Adobe Acrobat Pro to set the email address the form will be submitted to.
    If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Pro, you can contact the developer to have this done for you.

Automated Installation

This form does not require the mod manager to work.

TNG modules Involved

None, however you may optionally customize the following TNG file:

  • cust_text.php

It does introduce a new php page, submissions.php and requires one or two PDF files, fgs_pub_0001.pdf and fgslds_pub_0001.pdf

Manual Installation

  1. IMPORTANT: YOU MUST EDIT THE HARD CODED EMAIL ADDRESS IN THE PDF FORMS USING ADOBE ACROBAT PRO! If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Pro, contact me and I can send you forms using your email address. Before making a request, please look at the newer Family Group Worksheet mod and see if that better suits your needs.
  2. After downloading and unzipping the files, place all of the files in your TNG root directory except tng_guestbook.gif. The .gif image should be placed in your img directory.
  3. If you do not use captcha, you will need to comment out the captcha include statement (place // at the beginning of line 20 of submissions.php).
  4. You will need to put a link to the file somewhere on your site, i.e. in your index.php file.
  5. The submissions.php file checks whether a user has LDS permissions or not and determines which form to display based on those permissions. It also displays additional instructions for LDS users. If you do not have any LDS users or choose not to use the LDS version of the form, make sure you don't have any users with LDS permissions.
  6. *optional* If you want new users to fill out the form, place the following in your cust_text.php file (customize it to fit your site)

  7. $admtext['activated'] = "Thank you for registering. Your genealogy user account has been activated. To login, click the login link or go to After logging in, if you would like to submit information to add to the website, go to and fill out a family group sheet for yourself, your descendants, and any other close relations for whom you have better information than me. Alternatively, you may reply to this email with a GEDcom file if you wish to submit information that way.";
  8. *optional* I have added my own custom image to the top left corner of the form. If you want to use a different image, you can change it or send me an image to insert into the form with you (if you do not have Acrobat Pro).

To edit the form in Adobe Acrobat Pro, you need to open the form with Acrobat, then go to 'Forms', 'Edit Form in Designer'. This will open Adobe Live Cycle Designer (which is part of Acrobat Pro). This is where edits can be made. In Designer, you may also wish to go to 'View', 'XML Source' to directly edit the XML source of the form - use caution in doing this.

To add your email address to the form, after saving any changes (if any) in Designer, select 'File', 'Distribute Form', then select 'Save and send later'. Follow the prompts and save the form with the original file name, then upload to your server.

Sites using this mod

  • Please add TNG sites that you have found that utilize this modification.

Genealogy of the Murray/Gill families

Aust Family Tree

Mantione Family History I use this after Bryan graciously hard coded my email address into the associated form, along with Roger's ReCaptcha Mod.