Fixed Family Tab

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NeedSupport The mod Fixed Family Tab needs a new support person since the original mod developer or subsequent developers are no longer available to support the mod NeedSupport

Restricted Downloads of Fixed Family Tab are restricted to logged in users. If you do not have a user account on the TNG Wiki use the Request Account link to request a user account Restricted
Caution If you have trouble downloading with Google Chrome, Vivaldi, Brave or other Chromium based browser, try using a right-click and select Open in new Window, then F5, or use another browser such as Firefox Caution
Ambox notice.png Mod version bumped to v12.0.0.1 (and minor syntax correction) by Ron Krzmarzick since this mod uses Mod Manager tags that are only available in TNG v12. Minimum version of TNG that this mod will install on is TNG 12.0 since it uses conditional tags to see if the Maternal And Paternal Lines and Public Access Control mods are installed. I removed TNG v11.1.2 from min TNG version. KenRoy (talk) 05:11, 11 March 2019 (CDT)--
TNG 12.0

Fixed Family Tab
Summary Fixes the Family Tab
Mod Updated 22 Feb 2021
Download link for
TNG 14.0
TNG 13.0.3
TNG 13.0
TNG 12.0.3
Download stats Downloads
Author(s) Erik Hoppe
Homepage Fixed_Family_Tab (this page)
Mod Support TNG Community Forums
Contact Developer TNG Community Forums
Latest Mod -
Min TNG V 12.0.0
Max TNG V 14+
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Author of TNG Colouring Book
Mods by me: At my user page.

Purpose of the mod

This mod makes all tabs stay active when the Family Tab is selected and navigating family pages is done in the "innermenu" (like ancestors pages).
If the Subject Person* has no family (no spouse and no children), the family pages in the Family Tab pertains to the parents. This does not change the Subject Person*.
If the Subject Person* has more than one family, the family pages in the Family Tab pertains to the first family by default.
Previous families are selected in the Family sections links and are opened in the Family Tab. Reset to the first family by selecting the Individual Tab.
If a new family is selected, the new Subject Person* will be the Husband/Father if possible.
When family pages are browsed, the Suggest/Edit tab pertains to the current Family while the Subject Person* is kept for the other tabs.
* Subject Person = the selected individual.

What you sacrifice

When you browse a familygroup.php page (Group Sheet) there may be shortcuts to Media, Notes, Sources etc. in the innermenu:
Those shortcuts are not present when this mod is installed.

Visualization of this mod

A live demo is found here (Wife is subj. pers, her 2nd marr.)

This mod makes the TNG tab collection consistent with other tab collections on Internet:
Clicking the original Family tab in TNG

and DANG! This happens:

ALL your tabs are gone - and are replaced by others!

A sidenote: Family Chart and Group Sheet tabs are placed in the reversed order compared to the links at getperson.php:
This mod corrects that, see below. (Nit-picking - I know ;)

After mod install, this is the result of clicking the Family tab:
All tabs are at their proper places and the familychart.php is opened (optionally familygroup.php).
The familygroup.php and familychart.php (and Maternal/Paternal Lines mod) pages are selected in the innermenu.


This mod was developed by Erik Hoppe who is NOT maintaining or developing this mod.
See Mod Support in the data box top right.
(See all my mods at my Wiki user page.)


Credits go to forumuser Merv for inspiration to make this mod and to Ron and Ken for testing, help, suggestions, advice and patience. Thanks!
More Cred to Ron and Ken for correcting/updating the mod. Thanks.

Mod Conflicts

must be uninstalled while this mod is installed or uninstalled.
It can be re-installed after.

(Version resolves that conflict from RPP v13.0.0.19e and later)

  • The below is added to all involved mods:

Of my mods, some demand a special order to Install and Uninstall. This is one of them.
Installing / Uninstalling in the wrong order may create chaos at a later stage.
The mods may signal Okay to Install but nevertheless may not be.

Order to INSTALL:

All mods below the one you want to Install, must first be Uninstalled (if you use them).
See the Uninstall order below. You can Install them after.

  1. Maternal And Paternal Lines
  2. Scrollbox
  3. Public Access Control
  4. Forum for TNG
  5. Fixed Family Tab

All mods above the one you want to Uninstall, must first be Uninstalled (if you use them).
You can Install them after. See the Install order above.

  1. Fixed Family Tab
  2. Forum for TNG
  3. Public Access Control
  4. Scrollbox
  5. Maternal And Paternal Lines

Suppose you use the Scrollbox and Fixed Family Tab mods.
Now you want to install Maternal And Paternal Lines.
As you can see in the Install Order both the used mods are below the Maternal And Paternal Lines mod and therefore you must first Uninstall the mods in the Uninstall order:
First Uninstall the Fixed Family Tab mod and then the Scrollbox mod.
Now you can install all three mods in the Install order:
First you Install Maternal And Paternal Lines, second the Scrollbox mod and finally Fixed Family Tab.


TNG version: 12.0.0
  • A working TNG installation.
  • A backup of all affected files (see the list below)
  • An installed current version of the Mod Manager (is already included in TNG v10)


  1. Click on the download link, shown in the summary in the upper right corner of the page.
  2. Un-zip the file.
  3. Move/copy/FTP the .cfg file to the mods folder of your TNG system.
  4. Follow the normal automated installation for Mod Manager, as shown in the example Mod Manager - Installing Config Files to install the mod.
  5. If you use the Maternal And Paternal Lines mod: Remember to clear your cache!

In the event of a problem

Modmanager Edit Option

  • familygroup.php (Group Sheet) may be used as the Family tab default page.

Uninstalling the mod

Click the Uninstall button.
If you want to completely Remove this mod and all its tables, you should also

  • click the Delete button to delete the config file from the mods folder.

Revision History

Version Date Description
22 Feb 2021
  • Wrong ID going from browsemedia.php showing family image to individ page corrected
  • for TNG v13.0.3
29 Nov 2020
  • Multiple marriages are supported
  • The Individual Tab resets the Family and Family Tab to the first family
  • No conflict with Robin Richmond's Regroup Person Profile mod v13.0.0.19e (only v13.0.0.2b)
  • PHP Notes removed 22 Sep 2020 Updated for TNG v13.0 by Ron Krzmarzick - Thanks Ron! 29 Jul 2020 Because of prev update persons w/o parents got themselves as parents... Sorry about that. 24 Jul 2020 The subject person changed when a tab was clicked in some situations. Cleaned up and re-wrote some code. 29 Jul 2019 Remove warning from undefined constant. Bumped version to min. required. Ron K. 6 Jan 2019 Bookmarking of getperson.php was removed. Now back. Thanks to Ron K for the alert. 8 Oct 2018 The Suggest tab didn't "release" the PersonID properly. Thanks to Ron K for the alert. 23 Sep 2018 Small modification: Maternal And Paternal Lines mod now shows "Family..." in the innermenu. 17 Sep 2018 Introduction

Sites using this mod

If you download and install this mod, please add your TNG site to the table below:

Regarding my Swedish-Only site: Using the Google setting "English language" and then google for the site, I have a "Translate this page" beside the link. If I use it I get a quite decent translation...

URL User Note Mod-Version TNG-Version User-language
Botebygden / CD Jansdotter
Swedish only (community research site).
Lars Arén Open public site: Many of Erik Hoppe's mods on display. 13.1.2 SE
A Line of Malkins in New Zealand Rick Malkin WordPress & TNG integrated. TNG Login required 13.1.2b EN
Roger's Ramblings & Genealogy Roger Moffat 13.0.3 EN
Roots & Relatives Remembered Ron Krzmarzick Public & Private See here See here EN,DE,CS
The Cole / Tanner Family Tree David Cole Public/Private see here see here EN, DE, FR, ES, NL
British 1820 Settlers to South Africa Paul Tanner-Tremaine Public 12.1.0 English
Racine d'Alsace J-Louis Valory Public/Private - T17 personnalisé 12.0.2 French
Genealogische Datenbank JPB Public site see here see here DE, EN, FR
Barta-Joggele Online aus Mauren, Liechtenstein Gerald Meier Private 12.3 DE, EN, FR, ES, PT
Baza danych Rodziny Jarocińskich Michał Jarociński non-public site 13.0.3 PL, EN
Scealta Ton van Lil Public/Private 14.0 NL, EN
Johnson / Bryans Family Tree Charlie Ferrero Public 13.1 EN
Our Immigrant Ancestors Jim Larson Private 14.0.5 EN, NO
Joseph Oran Holtz Genealogy Pages Jim Holt Private See Here See Here EN
Huygens - Van de Moortel Tom Huygens Public/Private on WordPress 13.1.2 NL
Solem Genealogy Jan-Thore Solem Private 13​.0​.3​.3a 14.0.5 EN, NO
Nos Familles Genealogy Eric Lenerville Public/Private 14.0.4 EN, FR
Stammbaum der Familie Datschetzky Christian Datschetzky Public 14.0.3 DE, EN

TNG Modules Impacted

The following TNG Modules are modified, and should be backed up prior to installing this mod:

  • getperson.php
  • showmedia.php
  • suggest.php
  • genlib.php
  • familygroup.php
  • familychart.php
  • xerxxFamilyMaternalLine.php (if Maternal And Paternal Lines mod is installed)
  • xerxxFamilyPaternalLine.php (if Maternal And Paternal Lines mod is installed)