Force Login For Some Sections

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Force Login for Some Sections
Summary Forces login for some sections on open sites
Validation Not validated
Mod Updated {{{mod_last_update}}}
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TNG 9.0

TNG 9.2

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Author(s) Anders Ivarson
Mod Support
Contact Developer here
Latest Mod V9.2.0.0 for TNG V9.2
Min TNG V ?
Max TNG V 9.2.x
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Related Mods
Back up the files listed above before installation!

Purpose of Mod

This mod is for those who have open access, i.e. no log-in required, to their TNG site and who wants to restrict access to certain selected sections. It allows access to certain sections for logged-in users only. Guests are redirected to the log-in screen if they try to access a 'protected' section.

Mod is only applicable to sites with:

Admin => Setup => General Settings => Privacy => Require Login = NO

Mod Developer

Anders Ivarson based on Selective Public Access for Sites Requiring Login

NB: this is my first mod on public release so any comments are welcome


  1. Download the mod from the Mod Summary in the upper right hand corner
  2. Extract the downloaded zip file in your mods folder, or upload the extracted file to your mods folder
  3. Install the mod using the Mod Manager install capability
  4. Edit the customconfig.php file
       $file = basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ,'.php');
       switch ($file) {
               /* Any file name (without .php) added here will require login */
               case "ajx_logxml":
               case "bookmarks":
               case "browsealbums":
               case "browsenotes":
               case "browserepos":
               case "browsesources":
               case "browsetrees":
               case "cemeteries":
               case "gedform":
               case "reports":
               case "showbotlog":
               case "showlog":
               case "showsource":
                       $text['needlogin'] = 'yes';
                       $text['needlogin'] = 'no';

Sites Using

If you download and install this mod, please add your TNG Site to the table below:

URL User Note Mod-Version/TNG-Version User-language
GeneaLoQuy Anders Ivarson V9.2.0.0 / TNG V9.2.2 EN, SV
Familien aus Europa Norbert Roclawski V9.2.0.2 beta2 EN, DE, FR, PL