Forum for TNG

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Caution This mod is no longer supported. Use at your own risk and do NOT ask for enhancements or changes to the mod behavior. While the Forum for TNG mod works on TNG 13, it only supports templates 1 through 14. Erik Hoppe, the mod developer is no longer in a position to support this mod Caution
Restricted Downloads of Forum for TNG are restricted to logged in users. If you do not have a user account on the TNG Wiki use the Request Account link to request a user account Restricted
Caution If you have trouble downloading with Google Chrome, Vivaldi, Brave or other Chromium based browser, try using a right-click and select Open in new Window, then F5, or use another browser such as Firefox Caution
Forum for TNG
Summary Adds a forum system to TNG, for logged in users
Validation The mod is XHTML compliant.Valid-xhtml10.png
Mod Updated 25 Sep 2020
Download link for
TNG 13.0
TNG 12.0
TNG 11.0
TNG 10.1.3
Download stats Forum for TNG
Author(s) Erik Hoppe
Homepage Forum for TNG (this page)
Mod Support TNG Community Forums: TNG Specific - Code Discussion - Addons
Contact Developer TNG Community Forums
Latest Mod for TNG v10.1.3 for TNG v11.0.1 and above (Tested in TNG v12.3) for TNG v13.0
Min TNG V 10.1.3
Max TNG V 13.0
Files modified
Related Mods
Author of TNG Colouring Book
Mods by me: At my user page.

Purpose of the mod

This mod adds a forum system to your TNG installation.
You may setup one forum or as many as you like.
The forum(s) can only be accessed by logged-in users so there is no register or login procedure.
A demo is not possible any more as it demands a full TNG install and I can't host that any more.

The system has been tested in TNG v10.1.3, 11.0.1 - 11.1.2 - 12.0 - 13.0.
Please report other versions. Thanks.

Integrated into TNG

The forum system acts as a part of your TNG installation:

  • The forum can only be accessed by your logged-in users
  • Users don't have to register or log in to the forum
  • TNG design and template colours are used
  • The Forum link is found in the Info dropdown menu
  • A Forum link can appear at your index page, if there is no dropdown menu, with a separate mod (enclosed)
  • The "New post" signal appears in the menu heading and the menu link - also at the index page if used (see above)
  • Users with a registred (in TNG) e-mail can watch threads (receive a message about new posts).
  • You can create threads and full forums only visible for Editors and/or Administrators
  • Database tables are handled in Utilities (Backup, Restore...)
  • Add a personID (Ixxx or Pxxx) or familyID (Fxxx) to a post:

    There will be a header / link added to the post:

    Individ or Family will have an Event Forum = link to the thread, in getperson.php:


This mod was developed by Erik Hoppe who is NOT maintaining or developing this mod.
See Mod Support in the data box top right.


My sincere Thank You to these persons who translated the almost 200 entries in the language file:

  • Danish: Mogens C. Fenger
  • Dutch: Marco van den Heuvel
  • French: Christophe Potié
  • German: Hendrik Martius


My sincere Thank You to these persons who have been brave enough to install and run the beta and alpha versions and then reported back to me:

  • Mogens C. Fenger
  • Marco van den Heuvel
  • Hendrik Martius
  • Christophe Potié
  • Ken Roy

What's "Bi-lingual"?

Do you use more than one language at your site?

This "bi-lingual" forum gives you and your users the option to use two languages concurrently.
A second language may be selected for users who don't use your site default language.
The result is, that not only TNG and the forum interface are translated but also forum names, texts and posts - if they are written in two languages.

Instead of a post in two languages, say Swedish and English, the user will only see the Swedish or English text.
I use it especially in a forum where I collect instructions and "how-to"s for the site.
The English reading user doesn't have to see a lot of Swedish instructional text and vice versa.

You will probably understand much better if you go to my Forum demo (click "Enter forums"): Eveything is in Swedish.
Click the English flag up left and everything is in English: Not only the TNG parts and the forum interface but also the forum names and descriptive texts.
Open the "Help" forum and f.ex. the "Help for forum" thread. Again switch language...

Note that the system is not prepared for adding or subtracting languages after the installation.
But also note that even if you set the system up for two languages, you and your users don't have to use two languages anywhere (with one small exception, once in install, for you).
- It's always optional.


TNG version: 10.1.3
  • A working TNG installation.
  • A backup of all affected files (see the list below)
  • An installed current version of the Mod Manager (is already included in TNG v10.1.3)

Mod Conflicts

The below is added to all involved mods:
Of my mods, some demand a special order to Install and Uninstall. This is one of them.
Installing / Uninstalling in the wrong order may create chaos at a later stage.
The mods may signal Okay to Install but nevertheless may not be.

Order to INSTALL:

All mods below the one you want to Install, must first be Uninstalled (if you use them).
See the Uninstall order below. You can Install them after.

  1. Maternal And Paternal Lines
  2. Scrollbox
  3. Public Access Control
  4. Forum for TNG
  5. Fixed Family Tab

All mods above the one you want to Uninstall, must first be Uninstalled (if you use them).
You can Install them after. See the Install order above.

  1. Fixed Family Tab
  2. Forum for TNG
  3. Public Access Control
  4. Scrollbox
  5. Maternal And Paternal Lines

Suppose you use the Scrollbox and Fixed Family Tab mods.
Now you want to install Maternal And Paternal Lines.
As you can see in the Install Order both the used mods are below the Maternal And Paternal Lines mod and therefore you must first Uninstall the mods in the Uninstall order:
First Uninstall the Fixed Family Tab mod and then the Scrollbox mod.
Now you can install all three mods in the Install order:
First you Install Maternal And Paternal Lines, second the Scrollbox mod and finally Fixed Family Tab.

Installation and First Forum setup

  1. Click on the download link, shown in the summary in the upper right corner of the page.
  2. You will receive a zipped file. Unzip it and open the folder.
  3. Inside you will find:
    * A file named READ_THIS_vX.X.X.X.txt <== Important!
    * A ModManager config file: forum_for_tng_mod_vX.X.X.X.cfg
    * A ModManager config file: count_ancestors_descendants_mod_v10.1.1.3e.cfg (ONLY bef v13.0.0.7)
    * A folder named forum_for_tng_mod_vX.X.X.X
    * A folder named Forum_link_to_index_Mods_vX.X.X.X
    * A folder named ForumIcons_Save_on_PC
  4. Open the READ_THIS_vX.X.X.X.txt file and read it, so you understand WHAT, WHEN and HOW to use the contents.
  5. When the correct files are uploaded to the mods folder at your server...
       Follow the instructions in Forum For TNG - The Admin Manual
       The four necessary steps - Install, Create, Set up and Release - are fully explained. Plus a lot more.
    * UPDATE TO v 5: (TNG v11)
       - Un-install your current version. Do not click any other button.
       - Install this version and then click only the Update button. There is a change to the database making this necessary.
       - Update the Modmanager Edit Options if you have changed "180".

In the event of a problem

Modmanager Option to set

Deleted Threads and Posts will have a header or text showing they are deleted.
It will automatically disappear - be totally deleted - after 180 days (whenever a user opens your Forum startpage).
You can edit this value in the Modmanager Edit Options and set it to whatever you like.
Set to 0 (zero) it is removed immediately.

After releasing your forum(s)

When you have released your forums to your users:
Do NOT use any of the two custom buttons in ModManager! Simply don't. Ever. Period.

If you later enter the Setup & Edit forum panel and you also open the ModManager, it will signal "Partially installed":
This is correct! Do NOT try to clean up or remove the mod.
Close ModManager and return to the Setup & Edit forum panel.
When you finish the editing and release the forum, ModManager will signal OK.

Locked out: A back-door

If you enter the Setup & Edit forum panel you lock the forum(s) so they can't be accessed. Not even by you, although you can still test what you set up or edit.
When finished, you are supposed to use the Release the forum(s) button to unlock everything.
Should you instead, by accident, close the tab/window there is a back-door:
Go to the public part of your site, logged-in as Administrator (you probably were) you simply select the Forum link. You will then open the startpage and everything is unlocked.
Also for your users.

Uninstalling the mod

  • Use the ModManager "Uninstall" button.

If you want to completely delete the forum(s) you should, after the above, also

  • use the "...completely DELETE the forum(s)" button
  • and then the ModManager Remove button

Forum For TNG - The Admin Manual

Did you miss the link above, under Install?
Here it is again: Forum For TNG - The Admin Manual

Custom Text Additions

The system includes the English language custom text.
There are Danish, Dutch, French, German and Swedish translations if they are present in your TNG system.
Those language files are stored in a separate language folder forum_languages.
There are almost 200 entries in each file... - Please volonteer to translate.
The cust_text.php files are also somewhat modified.

Suggested Development

Add your suggestions here.
I'm not saying that I will implement any of them myself - a lot of time has already been spent on this project and I do have a site and a life also :D
If you are willing to realize any of these suggestions: Please: Feel free to do it!

  • Bill Walton: A real editor instead of the text input field.
    I agree that the Nicedit editor used by TNG would be nice to implement.
    I tried to do it but couldn't make it work properly (pure incompetence...) and so I thought:
    "Shall they post messages in a forum or nicely formatted articles?" and decided to not put more time into that part myself.
  • Bill Walton: Sub-forums.
    This was never in my mind until you suggested it.
    I guess this will be a major change as at least one new table must be introduced and perhaps a lot of code-changes.
  • DONE! Bill Walton/Erik Hoppe: Automatically remove deleted threads and posts from the database.
  • Erik Hoppe: The Setup & Edit forum panel should be moved to Admin >> Setup >> General Settings and be somewhat re-designed.
  • Bill Walton: A Forum-Admin level of rights, separate from TNG Admin.
  • DONE! v11 An ID box like in the thread-start post, in all posts.
  • PARTLY DONE! v11Bill Walton: One or more images placed wherever I like. (Align left-center-right)
  • DONE! v11 Jeff: I would like to see the mandatory "read me first" section removed from the admin side because it isn't necessary. You can not create a forum without having to add a "read me first" post under each forum. The admin should be able to create a forum and then if he/she decides to add a specific "read me first" post for a particular forum, he/she could do it from the front side.

Revision History

Version Date Description
v13.0.0.7 25 Sep 2020 Update for TNG v13.0
v11.0.1.7 11 Jun 2020 Made some huge mistakes. If you tried v6 and failed, please read this Forum thread: TNG Forums/Code Discussion (bottom posts)
v11.0.1.6 17 May 2020 Thread start date was not displayed in the Forum's thread list. Also checked f. TNG v12.3
v11.0.1.5 24 Feb 2018 Read the Install instructions at the Wiki page!
Create new forums w/o a starting thread. No "sticky" thread needed. Forums can be empty (you can delete also the last thread in a forum). Add person or family ID to all posts. Align image left/center/right. Reported errors corrected (thanks to Dave Cole). Other errors found and corrected.
10 Jan 2018 The Dec 7 version included an old file making NEW install impossible. Did not affect updates.
THANK YOU Ray W. for the alert, and patience.
7 Dec 2017 The thread name was missing in Watch-mails.
Also now trim() the in- and output in the startpost ID-box (sadly, there may be spaces).
v10.1.3.2 9 Jul 2017 The version could not install properly!
Please accept my apologies for the delay and any inconvenience.
v11.0.1.2 7 Jul 2017 The version could not install properly! Thanks to Randal Suire and Andy Rintoul.
Please accept my apologies for any inconvenience.
3 Jul 2017
  • Stopped a possibility to delete un-restricted Sticky threads when only restricted Sticky threads are left. Thanks to Randal Suire.
  • (Suggested development) Added MM Edit parameter: Days to keep deleted threads and posts (def = 180)
27 May 2017 Version 0 released
V10.1.3.alfa0 18 March 2017 First alfa release is public

Visualization of this mod (v11.0.1.4 at my site)

A collection of forums (startpage):

Sites using this mod

If you download, install and enjoy this mod, please add your TNG site to the table below:

URL User Note Mod-Version TNG-Version User-language
Byberry Waltons Bill Walton Need Log in 11.1.2 English
Cook, Garza, Harms, Leake Klaus Dieter Cook Need Log in 11.1. EN, DE
racine d'Alsace J-Louis Valory Public/Private - Template 1 11.1.1 French
Our Acadian Family Randal Suire Public/Media Private 11.1.2 English, French
Where's Waldo Ray Waldo Private 11.1.2 English
The Cole / Tanner Family Tree David Cole Public/Private see here see here EN, DE, FR, ES, NL
Our Family History Alan Coon Public / Private 13.1.2 EN

TNG Modules Impacted

The following TNG Modules are modified, and should be backed up prior to installing this mod:

  • customconfig.php
  • processlogin.php
  • genlib.php
  • admin_genconfig.php
  • admin_utilities.php
  • admin_backup.php
  • admin_optimize.php
  • admin_restore.php
  • getperson.php
  • If you use a Forum_link_to_index_mod: templates/templateX/index.php
  • languages/English/cust_text.php
  • languages/English-UTF8/cust_text.php
  • languages/Danish/cust_text.php - if present
  • languages/Danish-UTF(/cust_text.php - if present
  • languages/Dutch/cust_text.php - if present
  • languages/Dutch-UTF8/cust_text.php - if present
  • languages/French/cust_text.php - if present
  • languages/French-UTF8/cust_text.php - if present
  • languages/German/cust_text.php - if present
  • languages/German-UTF8/cust_text.php - if present
  • languages/Swedish/cust_text.php - if present
  • languages/Swedish-UTF8/cust_text.php - if present