Geocode Assistant

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Geocode Assist
Summary Allows geocoding locations from the person page
Validation Latest mod is XHTML compliant.Valid-xhtml10.png
Mod Updated 8 December 2022
Download link For
TNG 15.0
TNG 14.0
TNG 13.0.4
TNG 13.0
TNG 12.0
TNG 11.0
TNG 10.1.0
excludes Don't Geocode locations
TNG 10.0
TNG 9.0
TNG 7.0
TNG 8.0
TNG 6.0
Download stats View download stats
Author(s) Brian McFadyen
maintainted by Ken Roy
Homepage Geocode Assist Mod (this page)
Mod Support TNG Community Forums
Contact Developer TNG Community Forums
Latest Mod for TNG 14+ for TNG 13.0.4+ for TNG 13+ for TNG 11 and up for TNG 10.1 and up for TNG V9
8.1.2 for TNG V8
Min TNG V 7.1.0
Max TNG V 15+
Files modified
globabllib.php - v11.0.0.1 and later
personlib.php - v10.1.0.2 and previous
Related Mods
In TNG V9 through TNG 10.0.3, if you install the Wiki Integration mod along with this mod, the Wiki Integration mod must be installed before the Geocode Assist Mod.


This mod provides an easy way to geocode locations. A small globe icon is added on the person page to the location that has not yet been geocoded. You must have Admin privileges to use this mod.

Geocoding is the process of coding a latitude and longitude for a location that allows the display of the location in the Google Maps section of the TNG page. In TNG, it also includes setting the Place Level and Zoom values. The small globe icon will only be shown when you are logged in with Admin privileges and only for locations that currently do not have latitude and longitude information.

The geocode_assistant function is added to personlib.php to return the HTML that adds a geocode globe URL link next to the location name if no latitude and longitude information exists. When you click on the globe, a new window will be opened that allows you to quickly geocode this location, since the Edit Place geocode screen form has been pre-filled you only need to click the Search button. The latitude and longitude information will be automatically added to the TNG Place record when you click the Save button.

Version 8.1.1 of the mod now closes the Edit / Update Place window when you save the geocoded location. Note that the Edit window close is incorporated into TNG V9, so the enhancement part of the mod was dropped.

Version 8.1.2 of the mod is XHTML compliant.

TNG version: 10.0.3
TNG version: 9.0

In TNG 9 through TNG 10.0.3, while there is not mod conflict per se. If you install the Wiki Integration mod along with the the Geocode Assist Mod, the Wiki Integration mod must be installed before the Geocode Assist Mod in order to get the globe icon to display after the Place name. This conflict was resolved in TNG 10.1.


This mod was developed by Brian McFadyen.

This mod is currently supported by Ken Roy who enhanced it in version 8.1.1 and again in to add the geocode assistant to the search results page using code provided by Teresa Goatham.


  • A working TNG installation.
  • A backup of all affected files (see the list in the summary in the upper right corner of the page)
  • An installed current version of the Mod Manager.
  • An updated Map Settings file that provides
    • a map key for the Google Maps platform OR
    • a map key of OSM to activate the OpenStreetMap mod which also must be installed

Revision History

Mod Version TNG Version Date Contents 14.0 8 Dec 2022 Updated to use TNG v14 after beta 1.1.2
Code for $thisperson['birthplace'] and $thisperson['altbirthplace'] are now both $birthplace in personlib.php 13.0 5 Jun 2021 Updated to use TNG v13.0.4 so that admin_editplace.php screen returns control to the Individual (getperson.php) page when Save+Exit or Cancel button is clicked.
Mod may install correctly on all TNG v13 versions/releases.
Requires TNG 13.0.4 change in admin_editplace.php to return control to getperson.php page 13.0 2 Nov 2020 Updated to use TNG v13 Do Not Geocode functionality
Fix PHP warnings and notices for TNG v13 and later 11.0 4 Mar 2018 Updated to add the geocode assistant to the Search results page. Code provided by Teresa Goatham.
Geocode assistant function was moved from personlib.php to globallib.php.
This version might in fact install and work on TNG 10.1 and above but has not been tested as such. 10.1 16 May 2017 Updated to not display the geocode globe if the placelevel is set to "-1" (Don't geocode).
Now be set by the Admin Places Geocode mod 10.1 10 Jan 2015 Updated for TNG V10.1 to support MySQLi 9.0 2 Feb 2012 Updated for TNG V9
8.1.2 8.1 8 Feb 2011 Updated to be XHTML compliant.
8.1.1 8.1 30 Oct 2010 Updated to now close the Edit Place window when you save the geocoded location.
8.1.0 8.1 28 May 2010 Updated for TNG 8 and to conform to the Mod Manager Parameter Editing
1.6 4 Dec 2009 Updated config file documentation to point to TNG Wiki.
This file is identical as that of V1.5 included in the Mod Manager zip file, but will soon be eliminated from the bundle.
1.5 18 May 2009 Initial release of config file


  1. Uninstall and delete previous version of this mod (if installed)
  2. Download the appropriate zip file as shown in the mod summary in the upper right corner of the page.
  3. Extract the file from the downloaded zip file into the ./mod_folder (V7) or ./mods (v8 and after) or FTP the extracted file to your mods folder.
  4. Follow the normal automated installation for Mod Manager, as shown in the example Mod Manager - Installing Config Files to install the mod.

In the event of a problem

Uninstalling the mod

If you want to completely Remove (uninstall) this mod and any tables if created, you should

  1. click the Uninstall button to uninstall the mod
  2. click the Delete button to delete the config file from the mods folder.


  • Uninstall and eventually Delete the current Mod.
  • Proceed as for an installation with the new Mod.

Do not Geocode

Version v10.1.0.2 of the mod will not display the Geocode globe if the place level is to -1 (Don't Geocode) which can be set by the Admin Places Geocode mod. If you import your data via GEDCOM, then it requires that your Places set to Don't Geocode not be deleted or replaced by the import.

As far as I know TNG only preserves the Places table entry under the following circumstances:

  • Place contains geocode (latitude/longitude) data
  • Places are shared or pooled with other trees

You can set the option to pool Places in Admin > Setup > General Settings by expanding the Miscellaneous section and changing the Assign Place records to Trees: to NO

Setting the option to No will then provide another screen to eliminate the treeID (gedcom column) from the places. Make sure you click Save in General Settings after changing this option, which was designed to Pool Places for multiple trees. Changing the option to remove the tree from the Places means you are pooling places, that is sharing them with other tree, so TNG will not delete the places table or entries within it. Pooling Places can be used even though you only have one tree, to prevent the Don't Geocode information from being deleted or replaced.

The downside of this approach means that you now need to manage (delete or merge) unused places. You can use my Places Subject to Deletion mod to help with this or the SQL Report for Maintenance - Pooled Places with no Events


The image on the right shows a visualization of the Geocode Assist Mod on the Individual page. The globe that you can click on to launch the Admin edit place screen is only shown if you have Admin privilege.
Geocode assist visualizaton.jpg

Sites using this mod

If you download and install this mod, please add your TNG site to the table below:

URL User Note Mod-Version TNG-Version User-language
McFadyen - Parker History Brian McFadyen Mod Developer Andreas Treichel Public & Private 14​.0​.0​.6
TNG 15.0
Our Roy and Boucher Family Ken Roy Added Close Window enhancement and support for Don't Geocode
TNG 14.0.4
Fam. van Seeventer Sandor van Seeventer Public site
TNG 14.0.5
Racines luxo-hennuyeres Michel KIRSCH 13.0.3 FR,EN,NL,SP,IT
Mueller Diefenbach Heritage Pages Bob Mueller 9.2.0 EN,DE
AppeltHaus Genealogy Lawrence Appelt Not a Public Site. 10.1.0 EN
Arsenault and Simpson families Bob Arsenault Not a Public Site 9.0.3 EN
Kemp(e) Family History Andrew Kemp See Here See Here EN
Legacy Gazette: My Roots - My Legacy Melissa Watson Padilla Public Site 9.2.1 EN
Hooley Family Links Rick Hooley Public/Private See Here See Here EN
Wortelboer Genealogy Bernard Wortelboer Public site 11.0.0 NL,EN
Moss Family Tree Chris Moss 10.0.3 EN
The Duttons of New England Darrin Dutton Public/Private Site 14.0.1 EN
Brady Family Tree in Western Australia Darryl Brady Public site 15.0.0 EN,DE
Bastiaanssen Genealogy Jan Bastiaanssen Public / Private
TNG 14.0.5
R G Strong Family Genealogy Russell G. Strong Public Site 14.0.4 EN,FR,DE,NL
Our Family History Paul Barrett Public except for living 11.1 EN
Leverette Family History Jeff Leverette 10.1.3 EN
OurLife Family History - McMullen Clan Sean Thompson Not a public site 11.1.0 EN
Maesen-Beusen Pierre Maesen Not a public site 9.2.2 DU
Roots & Relatives Remembered Ron Krzmarzick Public & Private See here See here EN,DE,CS
unserer Familien-Genealogie Angelika Oberhof Not a public site 11.1.0 GE,EN
The Larlee Genealogy Heather Feuerhelm 11.1.0 EN
Joseph Oran Holtz Genealogy Pages Jim Holt Not a Public Site 11.1.1 EN
OurRoots&Relatives - genealogy pages of Anne Hegland and Kåre Kjøllesdal Kåre Kjøllesdal Not a Public Site 11.1.0 EN
Rodriguez Lopez y Uribe Senior pagina de Genealogia Camilo Rodriguez Uribe Not a Public Site 11.1.0 EN,SP
Hans and Hennes Families Roar Dahle Not a Public Site 11.1.0 NO
Genealogy of the van Heerden Family Emile van Heerden 11.1.0 EN
Mull Families Michael Ford Not a Public Site 11.0.2 EN
Total Family History Scott Bennett Not a public site 11.1.1 EN
unserer Familien-Genealogie Angelika Oberhof Not a public site 11.1.1 GE,EN
Our Family Histories Bryan S. Larson Not a public site 11.1.1 EN
The Dutton's of Vermont Genealogy & History Darrin Dutton Public Site 11.1.1 EN
Genealogy of the Weir and Drain Families Beverley Stimpson Public Site 11.1.2 EN
Bumbery-Wangler Bob Bumbery Public Site 11.1.2 EN
Skeel, Schaffalitzky og Ahlefeldt Finn Holbek Public Site DA,DE,EN
Our Family Tree Search Jessica Senkyr-Robinette Not a public site 12.0.2 EN
Woking Family Tree Project Pete Smee Public/Private 12.1 EN
Familienforschung Scabell Helga Scabell Public/Private 13.0.1 DE
The Severijns / Timmer Familytree Rob Severijns Public / Private See here See here NL, EN
LookingBackwards - All Our Relations Ashleigh Mitchell Public 13.0.3 EN CaptKate Public 13.0.3 EN
Joseph Oran Holtz Genealogy Pages Jim Holt Private See Here See Here EN
Les Lapierre d'Amérique Normand Lapierre Public/Private site 14.0 FR, EN Janusz Kielak Public site 14.0.1 PL, EN, DE
Solem Genealogy Jan-Thore Solem Private 14​.0​.0​.6 14.0.2 EN, NO