Google maps 15

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Google Maps 15
Summary Replaces the default 6 place levels by 15.
Mod Updated 22 Apr 2015
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TNG 13.0
TNG 12.0
TNG 10.1.0
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Author(s) Bart 'Roebie' Degryse (deceased)
updated for TNG 10.1 by Ken Roy
Homepage Google maps 15
Mod Support TNG Community Forums
Contact Developer
Latest Mod for TNG v10.1 and up for TNG v9 and up
8.1.0 for TNG v8
Min TNG V 8.0.0
Max TNG V 12+
Files modified
Related Mods
You can NOT have both this mod and the Google Maps - More Place Levels Mod or Google Maps - Change Pin Legend Mod installed at the same time. You will have to choose the one most suited for your needs.

Purpose of the mod

This mod replaces the 6 default Google maps place levels with a range of 15 levels more suited for the situation in Belgium, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, France and Spain. Of course the 6 default levels are still in there in some or other form.


This mod was developed by Bart 'Roebie' Degryse

This mod was updated by Ken Roy for TNG 10.1


  • A working TNG installation. The v8 release was tested on TNG Version 8.1.0., 8.1.1 and and the v9 release was tested on TNG Version 9.0.0.
  • A backup of all edited files (see TNG Modules Involved).
  • An installed current version of the Mod Manager (note this is built into TNG v8 and above).

Automated Installation

  1. Download the appropriate zip file as shown in the summary in the upper right corner of the page. NOTE that I host these zip files on my own server. That way I can count the number of downloads for each mod I made and estimate the relevance of such mod.
  2. Extract the config file and the google_maps_15 folder from the downloaded zip file into the mods folder
  3. Follow the normal automated installation for Mod Manager, as shown in the example Mod Manager - Installing Config Files to install the mod.

Other Languages

Those who use other languages in addition to English can find appropriate mods to add Dutch, French or Spanish custom text additions in the summary in the upper right corner of this page. Follow the same procedure as explained above to install them.

In the event of a problem

  • Try using the Mod Manager Remove capability
  • Or copy your backup of the TNG modules involved.

After Installation

This mod is based on the Google Maps - More Place Levels Mod by Roger Moffat.

TNG 8.0

Unlike Roger's mod however this one provides no automatic nor manual updating of your current place levels. Just go to Admin->Places and update the Place Level where needed.
Those who feel comfortable with it could make the changes directly in the database. Be very careful however as you could ruin your database. Make sure you make a backup before you start (Admin->Utilities)!

TNG 9.0

Roger was so kind as to make a seperate mod of his code to update the place levels. That way you can also use it together with this Google maps 15 mod. Please check out Update Place Levels Mod for more information.

Visualization of this mod


English without this mod
English with this mod


Dutch without this mod
Dutch with this mod


French without this mod
French with this mod


Spanish without this mod
Spanish with this mod

Side effects

As with most source code modifications, these changes will likely be overwritten during your next TNG revision upgrade and will need to be re-implemented. (Using the Mod Manager greatly simplifies this process).

Revision History

Version Release Date Contents
v10.1.0.4 22 April 2015 Updated by Ken Roy to eliminate the conflict with Mobile Individual Page Map
v10.1.0.3 12 January 2015 Updated by Ken Roy for TNG V10.1 to add a conditional on the copyfile for the font file so that it will not cause an error in a Windows environment when deleting the mod

Sites using this mod

Well, of course, my own. Since it's not public it's not really worth adding a link here though.

If you download and install this mod, Please add your TNG site to the table below

URL User Note Mod-Version TNG-Version User-language
Bart 'Roebie' Degryse The mod developer. 8.1.0 / / 9.0.0 EN, ES, FR, NL
Voyer and Bedard Genealogy Larry Voyer 11.1.0 EN, FR
Van den Heuvel Marco van den Heuvel ... 9.0.3 NL, EN
Mackay / McCoy / McKee YDNA Surname Project Greg Roberts Public Site. 10.1.0 EN
Anderson, Kitchen, Ramirez, and Reynoso Families Denton B. Anderson 11.1.0 EN
Andersen Family Erik Billeskov Andersen 11.1.0 Danish
localhost site only Hazel Foster 11.1.0 English
Familienforschung SCABELL Helga Scabell Public/Private 12.1 DE, EN, PT
My exploration of Genealogy Ivan Hurst Public/Private 12.3 English
Huygens - Van de Moortel Tom Huygens Public/Private on WordPress 13.1.2 NL

TNG modules Involved


It's safe practice to make a backup of these before installing the mod.

  • getperson.php
  • admin_editplace.php
  • admin_newplace.php
  • personlib.php
  • mapconfig.php
  • admin_mapconfig.php
  • admin_updatemapconfig.php
  • languages/English/cust_text.php
  • languages/English-UTF8/cust_text.php


  • extensions/google_text_marker.php (v8)
  • google_text_marker.php (v9)
  • extensions/LiberationSans-Regular.ttf (v8)
  • LiberationSans-Regular.ttf (v9)
  • img/007.png
  • img/036.png
  • img/040.png
  • img/051.png
  • img/056.png
  • img/062.png
  • img/075.png
  • img/087.png
  • img/119.png
  • img/120.png
  • img/124.png
  • img/139.png
  • img/170.png
  • img/215.png