Inputting Dates - Eingabemoeglichkeiten

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The following is an attempt to describe how best to input dates if using TNG for your input.

Date, input modes

To input a known date, use the following format: DD MMM YYYY (31 Jan 1918)
Also different inputs are possible: DD-MM-YYYY (31-1-1918) or DD.MM.YYYY (31.1.1918) or DD/MM/YYYY (31/1/1918) or dd mm yyyy. Also for dates with 1-digit days or months, as an example d/m/yyyy may be used, including uses with hyphens, periods or spaces. During data entry, TNG will accept upper or lower case for months, but the storage and display (once converted using the TAB key when leaving the date field) will be the default (dd MMM yyyy...or...d MMM yyyy) or according to your preferred settings in customconfig.php
The day/month/year and/or month/day/year sequence can be set in TNG Admin under Setup - > Configurations - > General Settings - > Miscellaneous - > Numeric Date Preference:

Name of the month

So that the multilanguage conversions of the entered date will work, you must enter the names of the month as English abbreviations:

for German month Input Deutsch Display Englisch Display
Januar JAN Jan Jan
Februar FEB Feb Feb
März MAR Mrz Mar
April APR Apr Apr
Mai MAY Mai May
Juni JUN Jun Jun
Juli JUL Jul Jul
August AUG Aug Aug
September SEP Sep Sep
Oktober OCT Okt Oct
November NOV Nov Nov
Dezember DEC Dez Dec

The month will display in other languages accordingly.

In addition, the full name of the month may be used during input (Month must be in English!).
Entering a leading zero for a 1-digit day or month is optional. Such entries will store and display using the default (or preferred setting) date display. (Default is "d NNN yyyy".)
IMPORTANT! Continue with the TAB key, as this invokes TNG's date conversion to the default date storage and display (or your preferred setting in customconfig.php).

Symbols used to clarify dates

The following are symbols used to clarify dates which are undocumented, calculated or approximated.

for Input Deutsch Display Englisch Display
approximately ABT um Abt
estimated EST geschätzt Est
calculated CAL errechnet Cal
before BEF vor Bef
after AFT nach Aft
between BET zwischen Between
and AND und and
from FROM von From
to TO bis to
Y Datum unbekannt Yes, date unknown

The month will display in other languages accordingly.

In addition, the full name of the month may be used during input (Month must be in English!).
Entering a leading zero for a 1-digit day or month is optional. Such entries will store and display using the default (or preferred setting) date display. (Default is "d MMM yyyy".)
IMPORTANT! Continue with the TAB key, as this invokes TNG's date conversion to the default date storage and display (or your preferred setting in customconfig.php).

Source: TNG-Wiki on

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