Mod User Support Form

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Mod User Support Form
Summary Form for mod developers
Mod Updated 13 Feb 2023
Download link For
TNG 14.0.1
TNG 13.1.0


TNG 13.0.2

TNG 10.1.0
TNG 10.0
TNG 9.0


TNG 9.0


TNG 9.0

Sites running under a CMS.
CaptchaSecurityImages included.

TNG 8.0

CaptchaSecurityImages included.

TNG 8.0

CaptchaSecurityImages not included.
Download stats See download statistics
Author(s) Jeff Robison
Homepage Mod User Support Form (This page)
Mod Support TNG Community Forums
Contact Developer Support for this Mod
Latest Mod
Min TNG V 8.0
Max TNG V 14+
Files modified
Related Mods

Note to mod developers...

This his a major change
From version, if you want (not an obligation) to see the mod name on the submitted form / Emails : Add ?mod={{PAGENAMEE}}
after the link to your support form
If you install the Mod User Support Form and want to be contacted using this method, you need to change the TNG Wiki article for your mod to include the following line in the TNG Mod summary.

| mod_support = [http://www.yoursite.url/mod_support.php?mod={{PAGENAMEE}} My Mod Support]

Note: My Mod Support in the example above can be replaced with whatever you wish to be displayed. Don't forget to change the URL !

Purpose of the mod

This simple form asks for helpful initial information for debugging mods.
It has proved to be very useful.

  • This mod adds custom text to the English, French, Dutch and German folders.
    No other TNG files are modified.
  • V8.1.4 copies three files to your root directory....
    mod_support.php, CaptchaSecurityImages_msf.php and monofont2.ttf.
  • V8.1.4a only copies mod_support.php to your root directory.
  • Upon successful submission of the form, an e-mail containing all entered fields will be sent to the mod developer. The sender will be sent to an acknowledgment page and after closing returned to your TNG Wiki mod page.
  • E-mail 'Subject' contains the mod's name taken from the TNG Wiki Mod page where the link to the form is clicked.

I.E. Mod Support: Submit Photo/Document Form Mod

  • Ken Roy has added a new line, '| mod_contact =', on TNG Wiki Mod pages that displays - Contact Developer as seen to the right.

Note that the TNG Forum might allow others to be aware of a problem as well as allow other TNG Users to contribute to fixing problems.

The Contact Developer should certainly be used for feedback and suggestions


This mod was developed by Jeff Robison.
* View all mods by Jeff Robison


  • A working TNG installation.
  • A backup of all affected files (see the list in the summary in the upper right corner of the page)
  • An installed current version of the Mod Manager.

Revision History

Mod Version TNG Version Date Contents 13.0.2+ 15 May 2023 On sites requiring a log in, the page was not displayed ! 13.0.2+ 13 Feb 2023 TNG 13.1.0+ and 14.0.1 Ready - Use now ?mod={{PAGENAMEE}} for the mod name 13.0 04 Apr 2022 TNG 13.0.2 Ready 9.0 1 Mar 2015
  • Added an option in MM after installation to add SMTP encryption protocol (tls, ssl) if needed. 9.0 27 Feb 2015
  • Added an input field (required/auto-filled) for email subject line for use when mod name cannot be gleaned from the Wiki URL.
  • Added missing monofont2.ttf to V9.0.0.4b and V9.0.0.5b
  • Added %fileoptional:% for languages after 4:00 pm CST US. 9.0 01 Feb 2015 Updated for TNG v10.1. 9.0 21 Sep 2014 (CaptchSecurityImages) updated by Wendel Voigt to also work with sites running under a CMS. 9.0 25 Aug 2014 Updated for TNG users who set the 'Send all mail from address above' in mail settings.
Thanks Brad Mohr. 9.0 27 Jun 2014 Updated to use TNG_captcha. Edit parameter after installation in Mod Manager. 9.0 03 Jue 2014 Updated to allow for TNG sites using SMTP email.
  • Thanks to Roger Mitchell for testing. 9.0 17 Jan 2014 Two Mod Manager edit parameters added for TNG version and Template style radio buttons. 9.0 27 May 2013 The TNG version radio buttons finally updated.
Dutch custom text translations by Max Westen are included.
Deprecated PHP function change by Max Westen. 9.0 08 Feb 2012 For TNG v9 only.
8.1.5/8.1.4a 8.1 14 Aug 2011 Conflict with Custom Text Files Mod fixed.
8.1.3/8.1.3a 8.1 13 Aug 2011
  • Send e-mail copy to sender fixed.
  • Mod name retained when switching language.
  • Custom text for French and German languages added to the config file (Google Translated©).
  • 8.1.3 CaptchSecurityImages added. 8.1.3a No CaptchSecurityImages.
8.1.2a 8.1 08 Juy 2011 Mod version input field added.
8.1.1 8.1 16 Jan 2011 Send e-mail copy to sender option added.
8.1.0 8.1 03 Jan 2011 Introduction.


  1. Uninstall and delete previous version of this mod (if installed)
  2. Download the appropriate zip file as shown in the mod summary in the upper right corner of the page.
  3. Extract the file from the downloaded zip file into the mods folder or FTP the extracted file to your mods folder.
  4. Follow the normal automated installation for Mod Manager, as shown in the example Mod Manager - Installing Config Files to install the mod.

In the event of a problem

Uninstalling the mod

If you want to completely Remove (uninstall) this mod and any tables if created, you should

  1. click the Uninstall button to uninstall the mod
  2. click the Delete button to delete the config file from the mods folder.


  • Uninstall and eventually Delete the current Mod.
  • Proceed as for an installation with the new Mod.

Custom Text Additions

Note: The config file includes the English, French, Dutch and German language custom text.
For other languages you can modify the config file to add the custom text or manually add to whatever language you like. However, if you have installed the Custom Text Files Mod this task can be postponed until you have time to do the translations.

English custom text For Reference Only!
French and German custom text translations by Google Translate© may be changed by editing the config file.

//  Added for Mod User Support Form
$text['msfpagehead'] = "Mod Support";
$text['msfrequiredfield'] = "Required Field (4)";
$text['msfdebughelp'] = "Helps with debugging problems";
$text['msfscreenshot'] = "Screenshot";
$text['msfmodversion'] = "Mod Version";
$text['msftngversion'] = "TNG Version";
$text['msftmpltstyle'] = "Template Style";
$text['msfmessage'] = "Message";
$text['msfcomment'] = "Comment";
$text['msfquestion'] = "Question";
$text['msfproblem'] = "Problem";
$text['msfcustom'] = "Custom";
$text['msfdeflang'] = "Default Language";
$text['msfotherlang'] = "Other Languages";
$text['msfentercode'] = "Enter Security Code";
$text['msfsecurity'] = "Security code";
$text['msfentercodealert'] = "Please enter the security code";//Alert pop-up
$text['msfenterrightcode'] = "Incorrect security code! Please try again.";//Alert pop-up

Swedish custom text by Erik Hoppe / Wiki user XerxX.
Special characters are replaced with character entities. Can be used in both Swedish and Swedish-UTF8

//  Added for Mod User Support Form
$text['msfpagehead'] = "Mod Support";
$text['msfrequiredfield'] = "Obligatoriska fält (4)";
$text['msfdebughelp'] = "Hjälper för felsökning";
$text['msfscreenshot'] = "Skärmbild";
$text['msfmodversion'] = "Mod Version";
$text['msftngversion'] = "TNG Version";
$text['msftmpltstyle'] = "Mall (Template) Nr";
$text['msfmessage'] = "Meddelande";
$text['msfcomment'] = "Kommentar";
$text['msfquestion'] = "Fråga";
$text['msfproblem'] = "Problem";
$text['msfcustom'] = "Special";
$text['msfdeflang'] = "Förinställt Språk";
$text['msfotherlang'] = "Andra Språk";
$text['msfentercode'] = "Fyll i säkerhetskoden";
$text['msfsecurity'] = "Säkerhetskod";
$text['msfentercodealert'] = "Vänligen fyll i säkerhetskoden";
$text['msfenterrightcode'] = "Felaktig säkerhetskod! Försök igen.";


Click here for visual (With CaptchaSecurityImages) - My Mod Support

Sites using this mod

If you download and install this mod, please add your TNG site to the table below:

URL User Note Mod-Version TNG-Version User-language
Robison and Blythe Genealogy Jeff Robison Public site 10.1.2 EN
Bisbee Family Connection Rick Bisbee 10.0.3 EN
Our Roy and Boucher Family Ken Roy 10.0.2 EN,FR
Max Westen's genealogy site Max Westen 9.2.1 NL,EN
Our Family Histories Bryan S. Larson See here EN
Chamberlain and Eidenbenz Geneaology Graham Chamberlain 12.0.1 GB,FR,DE,NL,ES
Mitchell Families Online Roger Mitchell Fixed syntax to work with 10.1.0 10.1.0 GB,FR,ES,DE,NL
Robin's Genealogy Database Robin Richmond 10.0.2 EN
Lindell-Herndon Genealogy Bill Herndon 14.0.2 DA,DE,EN,ES,FR,SV
R G Strong Family Genealogy Russell Strong 14.0.4 EN, DE, FR, NL
Racines Luxo-hennuyères Michel Kirsch Public site (registration) V12.0.0.2a 14.0.3 FR/EN/GE/NL
Gilbert Family History Warren Gilbert 14.0.3 EN