New Account Form Mod

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Restricted Downloads of New Account Form Mod are restricted to logged in users. If you do not have a user account on the TNG Wiki use the Request Account link to request a user account Restricted
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Ambox notice.png The latest version of this mod uses the guidelines for TNG v12+ cust_text.php files. If you are using TNGv12+, and any cust_text.php file in this mod is marked with a Bad Target error, you need to update your cust_text.php files before you can install this mod. [Show instructions]

If you upgraded to TNGv12+, and did not update your cust_text.php files as instructed in the upgrade readme script, then you must use the TNG Mod Manager to update them. To do so:

  1. Go to Mod Manager, and select its "Recommended Updates" tab.
    (If the "Recommended Updates" tab is not visible, then go to the Mod Manager Options tab, select "Display Settings", and turn on the "Recommended Updates" tab.)
  2. Click the "Update" button in the "Recommended Updates" tab.
    Installed mods do not interfere with the update, and if you already have (or think you may have) run this update, it will not hurt for you to run it again.

[See details in the TNGv12 Change Impacts Article][Hide the instructions]

TNG 14.0
TNG 13.0
TNG 12.0

New Account Form Mod
Summary Changes $text variable for override and adds a Reason to Request an account
Validation This mod is XHTML compliant.Valid-xhtml10.png
Mod Updated 7 Feb 2025
Download link For
TNG 15.0
TNG 13.0
TNG 12.0
TNG 11.0
TNG 10.0
TNG 9.0
TNG 8.0
TNG 7.0 for TNG V7
Download stats View download statistics
Author(s) Ken Roy
Homepage New Account Form Mod (This page)
Mod Support TNG Community Forums
Contact Developer
Latest Mod v15.0.0.3 for TNG 15+
v13.0.0.2 for TNG 13+
v10.0.0.1 for TNG 10+ for TNG v9 and up
8.1.0 for TNG V8
1.1 for TNG V7
Min TNG V 7.0.0
Max TNG V 15+
Files modified
Related Mods
You need to edit the config file to reflect your own reasons for a User Account Request and the information required in the Notes field.
If using multiple languages, please add the custom text for your other language files.


Note that with TNG V8, $text['acctcomments'] is used for the newacctform.php and can be overridden using the normal custom text overrides in cust_text.php without impacting the use of $text['comments'], which might eliminate the need for this mod.

This sample mod:

  • changes $text[comments] to $text[usercomments] to make it easier to override the text since $text[comments] is also used elsewhere within TNG V7 and provides the languages/English and English-UTF8/cust_text.php overrides for $text['acctcomments'] for TNG V8
  • adds a $text[userreason] to indicate when a User Account is required
  • makes the Phone Number a required field
  • makes the Notes a required field

This mod Automated Install was tested on TNG 7.1.0 and above. The mod will work with other TNG version where you are using the Mod Manager, or you will need to figure out what line numbers to modify, since no Manual Install instructions are provided.

The New Account Form Mod is provided as an example of how to modify the New Account Form (newacctform.php). Since this will be unique to each site, you will need to edit the config file for the text you want to display and whether you want to make certain fields required or not.

Note that you cannot use php comment characters to comment out lines in the Mod Manager config file, you need to remove the lines. You can add comments between the end of a keyword parameter and the start of the next keyword parameter sequence. See Mod Manager Syntax


Ken Roy developed this mod with help from several other TNG users on the Forum or User2 list.


This mod

  • identifies the reason you need a User ID on your site, such as to view information on living cousins
  • reduces the number of User Account requests received from people who are related to ancestors in the 1600s and 1700s
  • eliminates the need for additional correspondence with the requester to determine how they are related to a person in your family tree

Revision History

Version Date Contents 7 Feb 2025 Updated mod for TNG v15 3 Oct 2020 Reworked mod for TNG V10 provided by Bryan Larson. Updated for TNG 10.1 to add Wiki icon and URL generated by %wikipage:New_Account_Form_Mod% 25 Oct 2014 Reworked mod for TNG V10 provided by Bryan Larson. Updated for TNG 10.1 to add Wiki icon and URL generated by %wikipage:New_Account_Form_Mod% 2 Feb 2012 Reworked mod for TNG V9.
8.1.0 24 May 2010 Reworked mod for TNG V8
1.1 17 Dec 2009 Changed hard-coded name to use $dbowner to make it usable on all sites, increased the number of rows and added a width="30%" to the column for the $text[usercomments] that replaces Notes, based on feedback from Bryan Larson
1.0 17 Dec 2009 updated config file and published to TNG wiki. Original Mod Manager config file was created on 25 May 2009 but not uploaded to the TNG Wiki.

Automated Install

  1. Download the appropriate distribution for your TNG version from the download links in the status area in the upper right.
  2. Extract the to your admin/mod_folder (V7) or mods (v8+).
  3. Edit the config file as appropriate for how you want to modify the New Account Form. This mod is provided as an example on how I modified the form for my site as shown in the Visual of Mod below.
  4. Follow the normal automated installation for Mod Manager, as shown in the example Mod Manager - Installing Config Files to install the new_account_form.cfg.

Custom Text Additions

Note that config file only includes the English language changes, so if you support multiple languages you will need to modify the config file to add the custom text for your other languages, or you need to manually add the custom text.

The following custom text will be added to your English/cust_text.php file by this mod. If you are using other languages, you must add these lines to each of your language cust_text.php files with appropriate translations of course.

//  New Account Request Form additions
//  Reason why you need a User ID on our site
$text['userreason'] = "Note that you must provide a direct connection to the <strong>person ID (Innnn) of your grandparent, great-grandparent, or great-great-grandparent</strong> who is in our database.  A User ID is only needed to view information on <strong>Living Cousins</strong>, and will only be approved if you provide information that documents your relationship to a person already in our family tree.  <strong>Relationships from the 1600-1700 are too far removed for me to grant access to Living people.</strong> Thanks. $dbowner";
//  Change to Notes field
$text['acctcomments'] = "Person ID of person you are related to and relationship *:<br /><br />Please enter the <strong>person ID (Innnn) of your grandparent, great-grandparent, or great-great-grandparent</strong> who is in our database and indicate how you are related to that person and thus to our family tree.  A user ID is only needed to view Living cousins. <strong>Relationships from the 1600-1700 are too far removed for me to grant access to Living people.</strong> <br />Thanks. $dbowner";
//  Make Phone Number and Notes field required
$text['enterphone'] = "Please enter your Telephone number.";
$text['enterusercomments'] = "Please enter Person ID to whom you are related and how you are related to that person, including the information on your parents and grandparents.";

For TNG V7, $text['acctcomments'] in above text additions was $text['usercomments'].

French Custom Text

For example, you would add to the French/cust_text.php

//  New Account Request Form additions
//  Reason why you need a User ID on our site
$text['userreason'] = "Notez que vous devez fournir une parenté <strong>directe à l'identification de personne (Innnn) de votre aïeul, bisaïeul, ou trisaïeuls</strong> qui est dans ma base de données.  Un compte d'utilisateur est seulement nécessaire pour voir l'information sur les cousins et cousines en vie. <strong>Les parentés du 1600-1700 sont trop lointains enlevés pour que j'accorde l'accès aux personnes vivantes.</strong><br />Merci. $dbowner";
//  Change to Notes field
$text['acctcomments'] = "Veuillez écrire <strong>l'identification de personne (Innnn) de votre aïeul, bisaïeul, ou trisaïeuls</strong> qui est dans ma base de données et indiquez comment vous êtes lié à cette personne et ainsi à notre arbre généalogique. Un compte utilisateur est seulement nécessaire pour voir l'information sur vos cousins et cousines vivants. Les parentés du 1600-1700 sont trop lointains enlevés pour que j'accorde l'accès aux personnes vivantes. <strong>Si vous n'êtes pas parent, un compte utilisateur ne sera pas fournie.</strong><br />Merci. $dbowner";
//  Make Phone Number and Notes field required
$text['enterphone'] = "Veuillez écrire votre numero de téléphone.";
$text['enterusercomments'] = "Veuillez écrire <strong>l'identification de personne (Innnn) de votre aïeul, bisaïeul, ou trisaïeuls</strong> qui est dans notre base de données et indiquez comment vous êtes lié à cette personne";

For TNG V7, $text['acctcomments'] in above text additions was $text['usercomments'].

Visualization of this mod

Without Mod

Without this mod, the Register for New User Account Form displays as shown in the image on the right.

New Account Form.jpg

With Mod Installed

With the New Account Request Form Mod, the New User Account Form includes a Reason for requesting a User Account above the form, and what information you should enter in the Notes field that now is shown as Person ID of person you are related to and relationship as shown in the image on the right. The Phone Number and Notes field were added to the required fields, so will display a message if left empty.

New Account Form mod.jpg

Sites using this mod

If you download and install this mod, please add your TNG site to the table below:

URL User Note Mod-Version TNG-Version User-language
Our Roy and Boucher Family Ken Roy I use this TNG mod to indicate my requirements for a User ID.
TNG 15.0
Leverette Family History Jeff Leverette 10.1.3 EN
MyMispoche Carlton Brooks 10.1.3 EN
OurLife Family History - McMullen Clan Sean Thompson Not a public site 11.1.0 English
Our Acadian Family Randal Suire Modified Mod - comments on right side. Media/Private 12.0.1 En, Fr
Our Family Histories Bryan S. Larson Customized for my own use. Public site. See here See here EN
LookingBackwards - All Our Relations Ashleigh Mitchell Public 13.0.4 EN