Privacy Policy Mod

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Privacy Policy Mod
Summary Integrating of a Privacy Policy-note/warning
Mod Updated {{{mod_last_update}}}
Download link‎ for
TNG 9.0
Download stats {{{download_stats}}}
Author(s) Oname.gif
Homepage Privacy Policy Mod (this site)
Mod Support
Contact Developer
Latest Mod Version for TNG V9
Min TNG V 9.0.0
Max TNG V 9.0.x
Files modified
admin_genconfig.php, cust_text.php
Related Mods

Purpose of the mod

This TNG modification will add the Privacy Policy for the Social Network links.




  • A working TNG installation.
  • A backup of the following files:
  • admin_genconfig.php
  • cust_text.php-files

(Semi-) automatic installation

  1. Download of the‎ file
  2. After download unzip zip-file and copy the file in the "mod" folder in your TNG-installation.
  3. Follow the normal automated installation for Mod Manager, as shown in the example Mod Manager - Installing Config Files to install the Privacy_Policy_Mod_v.

Supported languages (cust_text.php)

German-UTF8 und English-UTF8
For other languages ​​must be performed manually additions in the cust_text.php files.


Mod adds in cust_text.php following variable:

$admtext['showsharenote'] = "*** Achtung: Durch die Aktivierung dieser Funktion wird bei jedem Besuch einer TNG-Seite Daten an die Servern von Facebook, Google und Twitter geschickt!";


$admtext['showsharenote'] = "*** Warning: By selecting this function each time, if you visit a TNG-page, data sent to the servers of Facebook, Google and Twitter!";

Sites using this mod

Please add TNG sites that you have found that utilize this modification!

URL User Note Mod-version/TNG-version used user-language(s)
My family (no public site) Oname.gif Template 3 see at Oname.gif users site D,(NL),(GB)