Regroup Person Profile

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Regroup Person Profile
Summary This mod makese numerous changes to the layout of getperson.php to reorganize the display of a Person's Profile in a way that I find more readable.
Mod Updated 20 Mar 2024
Download link v14.0.4.20c
TNG 14.0.4
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Author(s) Robin Richmond
Homepage Regroup Person Profile (this page)
Mod Support My Mod Support form
Contact Developer My Mod Support form
Latest Mod v14.0.4.20c
Min TNG V 10.0.1
Max TNG V 14.0.4
Files modified
getperson.php, personlib.php, dna_test_results_lib.php, genlib.php, admin_genconfig.php, and admin_updateconfig.php
Related Mods

Purpose of the Mod

To rearrange the data in the person profile in a way that I find more readable, with less scrolling. There are numerous changes, the most notable of which may be

  • Each event's date and place or combined into one table cell primarily to prevent relative dates (e.g. Bef 5 Jul 1897) from wrapping to a second line within the date cell
  • Metadata such as the primary person's personID, date of last update, tree, branches, familyID and hyperlinks to family group sheets and family charts are moved to headings above the data tables for person, parents, and families.
  • A button that hides or shows the Event Map is placed in a heading above the map.
  • Events not related to the profiled person's name, birth, christening, death and burial have been moved to a second HTML table labeled "Other Personal Person Events" that is placed below the Parents and Family tables.

Note that the other mods in the "Regroup Person" family make other changes to the Person Profile, as summarized in the Related Mods section of this page. In particular, Regroup Person-Date Place can restore the two-cell presentation of event dates and places.

See Visualizations or a detailed description here

[Hide details]
  1. The most basic Person information is listed first, then parents, marriages, and only then, "Other Personal Data".
    • Basic information includes (among other facts and events) Name, Sex, Birth, Death, Burial, Cause of Death, Alias, and Race.
  2. Subheadings have been added above what I call "event blocks" - the blocks of data for personal data, parents, marriages, the event map, source citations, etc.
  3. Metadata elements (primary personID, familyIDs, treename, branches, edit date, links to edit pages) are no longer presented as if they were events. Some metadata elements have been moved to the person's heading, and others are placed immediately above the relevant event blocks.
    • The tree name is not displayed if there is only one tree.
  4. Under the control of a mod option, the personID for relatives (parents, spouses, children, siblings) can be displayed
  5. The letter I in personIDs is displayed in a serif font to distinguish it from the digit 1 and the lower-case letter l.
  6. The Event Map is enlarged a bit, as I've eliminated the mostly-blank shaded left-hand column, and tweaked the event list adjacent to the map. The entire map can also be hidden and re-displayed.
  7. The Source Citations box is also enlarged with the elimination of the mostly-blank left-hand column. New bolding of the Source titles improve readability a bit. (See also Regroup Person-Sources)
  8. In the Format for Printing page, the cell height for the Source Citations is ignored, under the assumption that, when you print the page, you want to see all of the sources.
  9. Under the control of a mod setting, the person's siblings can be displayed, and can be presented either with the Parent data or with the Person data.
  10. When siblings are displayed, half-siblings can be included, and are flagged with the ½ symbol.
  11. A mod option allows the Person Notes to be displayed in places not covered by the related TNG system option, for example, up near the top of the page in the "Personal Information" data block.

See also Visualizations, Related Mods, Incompatible Mods, and additional comments in the .cfg file itself.

[Hide the options for mod v19]

Mod Options

This mod has numerous options in a mod settings block. See a Visualization or [Show details here]

[Hide the options]
  1. Show dates of last edit" - There's not much point in showing change dates if the data was loaded by a Gedcom Import, since they are all the same.
  2. For Relatives, (that is, for parents, spouses, children, and siblings) display the Gender Icon and/or personID.
  3. Options about displaying siblings:
    • Where to Display Siblings - "Don't display them", "With personal data", or "With parent's data".
    • Show half-siblings, which works only when they are displayed with personal data.
    • Number of siblings to show when the Person Profile loads: "none", "all", or some specific number.
      • Since users aren't always interested in siblings and a list of eight or ten or fifteen siblings can take up a lot of space, you can set this option to display only a few siblings to start. A hyperlink that says "{n} more" will expose the remaining siblings.
    • These siblings options are similar to those provided by the Add Parents Children Row and Add Person Siblings Row. Those mods used to be compatible with Regroup Person Profile so that you select which way to handle siblings. But they are no long compatible, and there is a very good chance that I will remove this feature in favor those two mods.
  4. Where to put notes' - Allows several possibilities, including (but not limited to) displaying personal notes very close to the the top of the Person Profile.
    • This option overrides the TNG configuration variable that provides more limited control of the placement of notes, and replaces that option in the configuration page with a note.
  5. Adjust the styling of templates that use .art‐content‐layout:
    • This option is driven by a styling conflict between Regroup Person Profile and certain TNG Templates. The styling problem manifests itself by using only half of the screen width to display the Person Profile. I may have fixed this conflict, but I can't be sure that it works in all templates. if you encounter the half-screen display, just try this option. If it still doesn't work, please let me know.

Also note that several options from earlier versions of Regroup Person Profile are not listed here. In most cases, the relevant features and their options have been spun off from Regroup Person Profile into new "Regroup Person*" mods. See some details in [#Related_Mods|Related Mods]] below.

[Hide the options for mod v19]

These options are defined and edited in a "Mod Settings Block". Each mod that puts it mod configuration variables at Admin>>Setup>>General Settings, in the new subform "Mod Settings Blocks". As with ordinary mod options, the mod settings block is accessible from the Mod Manager "Edit Options" button, but that button is not available if the mod is only Partially Installed. However, three other links to the mod settings block work even if the mod is in a Partially Installed state (which, as described under the Related Mods heading, is not necessarily an error condition).

  • From the mod description in the status cell of the Regroup Person Profile row of the Mod Manager List
  • From the Inner Mod Menu that this mod installs on the Person Profile page (see a visualization below), and
  • From the "Mod Settings Block" subform at Admin>>Setup>>General Settings

Other Mods

Many, many mods affect the Person Profile. These notes cannot cover them all (and are not really up to date).

Related Mods

The Mod Settings Blocks mod packages this mod's options into what I call a "Mod Settings Block", which is a set of form fields that formatted and labeled so that it stands out among other options in an Admin>>Setting form. Mod Settings Blocks is a prerequisite for this mod; it must be installed before this mod can be installed.


Compatible Mods

This is not a complete list of compatible mods that affect the Person Profile.

Mod Conflicts

This is not a complete list of incompatible mods. Please contact me if you run into any other conflicts.


These mod implement features that are also implemented by Regroup Person Profile or a companion mod from the Regroup Person* family. In some cases, the two mods have installation or functional conflicts, and you must pick one or the other. In cases where the mods do work together, some Regroup Person* features can be disabled in favor of the other mod, but, in others the "compatible" features are redundant and you'll probably want to install just one of the two mods.



This mod does not install any files. It modifies getperson.php, personlib.php, dna_test_results_lib.php, genlib.php, admin_genconfig.php, and admin_updateconfig.php. Instead of cluttering genstyle.css and cust_text.php (for several languages) with styles and strings that are used only by the Person Profile,

  • This mod defines an inline style sheet in getperson.php. You can override these styles by specifying new style rules in genstyle.css
  • This mod's language strings are defined, distributed and files in its mod subfolder rather than in its .cfg file. TNG programs affected by this mod then load language strings from those mod subfolder files rather than from cust_text.php files. This non-standard technique for handling language strings has several advantages, including that
    1. It loads language strings only into the pages that need them rather than into all TNG pages, and
    2. It simplifies the process of defining and editing translations.
    This non-standard technique should be invisible to you unless you want to define a translation or override any of this mod's string values.
    Read more about this technique, the simplified translation process, and the procedure for defining site-specific overrides to its language strings.

[Show Standard Installation Process]


  • A working TNG installation.
  • An installed current version of the Mod Manager.
  • You should backup files listed in the panel on the right.


  1. Remove and delete previous version of this mod.
  2. Backup the files updated by this mod. They are listed in the panel at the upper right.
  3. Download the .zip file, Extract its .cfg file to the mods folder.
  4. Follow the normal automated installation for Mod Manager, as shown in the example Mod Manager - Installing Config Files.


  1. Try using the Mod Manager Remove capability
  2. Contact me through My Mod Support form.
[Hide Details]



Click on the image below to see larger side-by-side non-annotated before and after images. Note that the media files have been clipped out because they haven't changed. But the personal and family data is now laid out differently, the Event Map is now slightly wider, and the Sources, by default, show only the titles, not the full citation information. (Note that Some of the changes shown in the visualizations are now implemented by other mods that were extracted from earlier versions of Regroup Person Profile). In particular, Regroup Person-Date Place now combines the date, place, and description for an event into one cell in the display table.)

Regroup person profile-both.png
2. BEFORE: The personal data section of the original version of the Personal Profile.

The red comments describe some of the changes that the mod will make.

Regroup person profile-before1.png

3. AFTER: The personal AND family data in the new format
  1. Personal meta-data has been moved to the heading.
  2. The "Mod Information" menu, which is visible only to admins, provides links to this Wiki article, and provides a link directly to the mod options.
    • By "directly to", I mean that the link opens this mod's "Mod Settings Block", without the need to select a subform at "Admin>>Setup>>General Settings", nor to scroll down to this mod's options. (See The Mod Settings Block Screenshot.
  3. Events that describe the profiled person are divided into two data blocks. Basic name, birth, death, and burial information are in the first data block (like the native Person Profile), but all other personal events are displayed in a second block, labeled "Other Personal Events" below the person's parents and families.
  4. The white space between blocks of data is now occupied by headings and metadata.
  5. A mod option determnines whether the personID of each relative(spouses, parents, children, siblings) is shown.
  6. The words "Wife" and "Husband" replace "Family" in the table row for the spouse/partner name.
    • I now realize that labels other than "Wife" and "Husband" should be used if the parents are not married. In a future version, I hope to implement labels that reflect the nature of the relationship, though I need suggestions about what terms to use.
  7. The indentation of the children's name/birth/death/age data has been improved. The data now wraps like HTML list items; that is, it does not wrap below the number at the beginning of the line.
Regroup person profile-after19.jpg
4. AFTER: The Event Map

The map is wider than before because the mod has eliminated the colored left-hand column, and put the Event Map label in the whitespace above the map. It has also modified the layout of the first pin legend so it wastes less space, and so that it wraps more cleanly when the page is narrow enough to require wrapping. Also note the button outlined in red at the top right, which changes to "Show Event Map" when the Event Map is hidden.

Regroup person profile-after-map.png
5. AFTER: The Source Citations block

Like the Event Map, the Sources block no longer uses the colored left-hand column, and its label (now "Source Citations") is in the whitespace above the sources. The Regroup Person-Sources mod adds substantial functionality to the Source Citations block. It loads the page with just the Source name, and provides links and buttons that add and remove Source and Citation details.

Regroup person-after-sources.png

6. AFTER: Siblings
  1. A mod option controls whether siblings are displayed in the Parents' data block, in the basic personal data block (as shown here), or not displayed at all.
  2. Another mod option controls how many siblings are shown as the page is loaded If not all siblings are initially displayed, the program displays a "more" link that expands the list to include all siblings.
  3. The the name of the person being profiled is not a hyperlink, since we are already on that person's profile.
Regroup person profile-siblings.png

7. AFTER: The Regroup Person Profile mod configuration settings in their "Mod Settings Block"




msbviz1 msbgenconfig
8. AFTER: The Person Profile "Inner Mod Menu" after several Regroup Person* mods have been installed.

Language Strings


White Space

Aside: Vertical whitespace can produce a feeling of "openness" in web pages and other media. But sometimes it unnecessarily reduces the amount of data that can be seen at once, and increases the need for users to do vertical scrolling. So I've been known to push back on whitespace a bit - especially when whitespace is generated by <br> tags rather than style rules. To that end:

  1. This mod uses styles to decrease the whitespace between the HTML tables that define various sections of the Person Profile (basic personal data, parents, families, the event map, media items, etc.). This mod provides 1ex of whitespace in the bottom margin of each table. You can increase that whitespace with a style rule such as .datatable {margin-bottom:1em;} at the bottom of your genstyle.css or in your template's mytngstyle.css.
  2. This mod removes a hard break from the end of the TNG "innermenu". Whitespace below the innermenu can be restored by a style rule such as .pub-innermenu {margin-bottom:1em;} at the bottom of your genstyle.css or your template's mytngstyle.css.
    • The "innermenu" is a horizontal menu on most TNG pages that appears immediately below the "Tab menu". It usually has white text on a dark background, and its links are almost always separated by vertical bars. In the Person Profile, the innermenu looks something like this:
      Personal Information  |  Media  |  Notes  |  Source Citations  |  Event Map  |  All  |  PDF  
    • This change affects not just the Person Profile, but most TNG page headings. However, the .pub-innermenu style rule shown above will restore whitespace to all affected pages.

Formatting Person and Family IDs

In order to distinguish the leading "I" of a person ID from a "1" or a lower-case "l", this mod displays PersonIDs and FamilyIDs with style classes that change the font of the ID's.

"Source Citations"

This mod relabels the "Sources" section of the Person Profile as "Source Citations". The distinction is not important, especially to end users, but it does have meaning, and I think that translators - and maybe some others - might benefit from an explanation..

At least in English, the terms "Sources", "Citations", or "Source Citations" are completely ambiguous, and could each reasonably serve as a heading. But the items listed in this section of the report do not accurately represent what TNG calls "Sources" or "Citations"

  • They are not TNG "Sources" in that they contain citation details. They also are not unique. Two entries in the list can have different citation details from the same source.
  • So really, they are more like citations, and "Citations" would be a perfectly reasonable heading.
  • But they are not really TNG "Citations" in that TNG citation records can point to only one event. They can be thought of as (for lack of a better term) "generic citations" or "unique citations". After all, in many genealogy applications, citations can link to many events (even to events in multiple person and family records). In those applications, the heading "Citations" would be completely consistent with the way that the items in the list are stored in the database.

In any case, it turned out to be so trivial to change the heading that I just did it.

Event Labels as Nouns or Verbs

In "most?" genealogy applications, most event labels are nouns, e.g. BIRT->Birth, CHR=Christening, DEAT->Death, BURI->Burial, MARR=>Marriage, DIV=>Divorce, OCCU->Occupation, RESI->Residence, IMMI->Immigration, GRAD->Graduation, EDUC->Education,RELI->Religion.

In TNG Person Profile, however,

  • The labels for "custom" events (those stored in the Events table) are all defined in the Eventtypes tables, which is edited at Admin>>Eventtypes. When you add a new Eventtype, you can specify an arbitrary tag and label (a "description"), or select from about 45 hard-coded tags, which are each paired with a label. Most of those labels, like the ones listed above, are in noun form. Once entered into the Eventtypes table, an Eventtype's label can be changed.
  • The labels for "Built-in" events (those stored in the People, Families, and Children tables rather than in the Events table) have hard-coded labels, which are
    • Displayed in the People and Families edit page as nouns, e.g. BIRT->Birth, CHR=Christening, DEAT->Death, BURI->Burial, MARR=>Marriage, DIV=>Divorce, and
    • Displayed in the Person Profile, the Places detail page, and the Register report in verb forms, e.g. BIRT->Born, CHR=Christened, DEAT->Died, BURI->Buried, MARR=>Married, DIV=>Divorced.
    • The verb forms are handy for generating sentences in the Register Report (e.g. "Moses Wheeler was born on 5 Jan 1598 in Bow, Middlesex, England; died on 15 Jan 1698 in Stratford, Fairfield County, Connecticut, USA; was buried in Old Congregational Burying Ground, Stratford, Fairfield County, Connecticut, USA.") but are distinctly inconsistent with the other events and with the typical noun forms.

Revision History

Mod Version TNG Version Date Note
v14.0.4.20c 14.0.4 20Mar2024 Changed one location to handle a code change in TNG14.0.4.
v14.0.1.20b1 14.0.1-14.0.3 5Nov2023 Upgraded to TNGv14.0.1, Fixed bug that caused some mods to display children in the wrong font, Tweaked two insertion strings to avoid conflicts with Show All Family 13.0.4+ 28Apr2022 Changes comments that begin with "#[", since that syntax is not valid in PHP8. Please note the .cfg file for older versions of this mod may still contain that string, which you should change to something such as "##[" if you are using PHP8. 13.0.4 14Jun2021
  • Accommodates a change made in TNGv13.0.4 to the way TNG handles source titles.
  • Fixed a problem in which private notes could be exposed, depending on the placement of the notes according a mod option. 13.0.3 21Feb2020
  1. Cleaned up the Group Sheet, Family Chart, and Edit links above the parents marriage block
  2. Changed the way that this mod interacts with Regroup Person-Gender Before Birth and Regroup Person-Remove Gender
  3. Added the ability to place general notes near the top of the page; just after the name and gender.
  4. Created a separate version for TNGv13.0.3 because of underlying code changes. 13-13.0.2 28Nov2020 Established compatibility with the Public Access Control mod.
See changes preceding TNGv13 and Sep 2020 - back to Apr 2014, for TNGv10.1
Changes Preceding TNGv13 and Sep 2020
[Hide details]
Mod Version TNG Version Date Note 13-13.0.2 10Nov2020
  1. Bug fix: when a parent of the profiled person is undefined ALL children of an undefined parents were being shown as half siblings.
  2. Norwegian translation by Svein Krakeli
  3. Moved RACE and CREM to the main data block.
  4. Suppresses empty notes 13.0 7Oct2020

v19c 7 Oct 2020

  1. Bug fix: the 'Hide Map'/'Show Map' button was not changing to 'Show Map' when the map is hidden.
  2. Bug fix: Events and notes used different-sized fonts because of a TNGv13 upgrade mistake
  3. No longer shows the tree name if there is only one tree in the database

v19b 3 Oct 2020

  1. Fixed a typo that broke the the mod parameter edit page.

v19a 29 Sep 2020

  1. Implemented an ad-hoc heading that goes above all of the media items. The heading value comes from a custom string that must be defined in each language's cust_text.php file.
  2. Modifications to the French translation.

v13.0.0.19 17 Sep 2020

  1. Changed 6 target location search strings that now specify the "normal" class for data block table tags.
  2. Added a target location to handle TNGv13's new placement of LDS events vis-a-vis custom events.
  3. Now uses the Mod Settings Blocks mod rather than shared files.
  4. Added French translations by Katryne Chauvigné-Bourlaud 14 11 Nov 2023 12.0 - 12.3 15Aug2020 Most of the changes involve coordination with other Regroup Person* mods   [Show details]
[Hide details]
  1. Fixed a typo that was preventing sibling's popup profiles from popping up.
  2. Moved changes to the format of relatives' name/birth/death/age info to Regroup Person-Date Place, which was already handling event date/place spacing. This also removed the spacing button from this mod and the relatively complex coordination between the two mods over the spacing button.
  3. Moved changes to the Age format to Regroup Person-Date Place since the age format is part of relatives' name/birth/death/age info.
  4. This mod still has to coordinate with Regroup Person-Date Place in that the formatting of siblings' name/birth/death/age strings is different if Regroup Person-Date Place is installed.
  5. Both this mod and Regroup Person-Date Place have been identified as v19, since the changes in the functionality of and coordination between the two mods means that if both are installed, they both must use v19 or above.
  6. Under control of a new option, the mod now can move person notes up into the main personal data block.
  7. Another new mod option determines whether record change dates are displayed. (There isn't much point in displaying change dates if a Gedcom Import has specified the same change date for every record, whether it was changed or not.)
  8. Coordinates with Regroup Person-Family Indicators to make sure that the Regroup Person-Family Indicators icon is used for siblings.
  9. See the .cfg file Revision History for other details.
[Hide details] 12.0 - 12.3 24Feb2020
  • The siblings list is now labeled "Siblings" whether it is in the personal data block, or in the parents' data block.
  • Added a missing %end:% tag, as required in TNGv12.3.
  • Upgraded to version 4 of the shared mod libraries. 12.0 - 12.2 19Dec2019 Upgraded to version 3 of the shared mod includes libraries, installed a temporary CSS patch to allow this mod to work in certain templates, fixed a bug that was preventing relatives' data from being reformatted into three lines, and eliminated a conflict with Regroup Person-Source v18b. 12.0-12.2 28Sep2019
  • Moved the mod options to admin_genconfig.php, which requires shared include files for Mod Settings Blocks.
  • Can now display siblings, either in the main person data block, or in the parents' block.
  • Can display relatives name/birth/death data on one line or on three lines.
  • Can display a spacing control to dynamically affect the relatives name/birth/death format.
  • Has new options to control the display of siblings, the relatives' data, and the spacing control.
  • The presence of the spacing control is coordinated with Regroup Person-Date Place, which has its own spacing options. 12.0-12.2 24Jul2018 Fixed a typo that was preventing the marriage block displaying the words "Wife" or "Husband". 12.0+ 24Jul2018 No functional changes; made compatible with TNGv12. 11.0-11.1.2+ 28 Mar 2016 No functional changes. Removed the second line of the cust_text.php target location search strings. 11.0-11.1 28Mar2016 Updated for TNGv11. Added Race to the set of events that I have moved from the Other Personal Events table to the main personal events table. 10.0.1-10.1.3 10Mar2016 Fixed an old bug in location 33 that erased the event map if any notes were attached to the person rather than to an event. 10.0.1-10.1.3 20 Feb 2016 - Moves some Source Citations functionality to [[Regroup Person-Sources] to establish compatibility with Citation Master.
- Implemented Show Mod Names functionality.
- Fixed a bug that disabled the scrolling of citations.
- Eliminated a TNGv10.1 database function call in one target location. 10.0.1-10.1.2 19Jul2015 - Followed more of Jeannette Wickham's suggestion and added name facts and events to the primary personal data block, instead of "Other Personal Data".
- Fixed two old bugs in my code that put some notes in narrow columns.
- Fixed another old bug that caused some event source citation links not to be enclosed in brackets.
- Added Norwegian translation of cust_text strings, courtesy of Ørjan K. Albriktsen.
- Moved code to accommodate the Public Access Control mod. 10.0.1-10.1.1 08Jul2015 Folded Regroup Person-Other IDs back into this mod. Followed Jeanette Wickham's suggestion to put cause of death plus secondary birth, death, and burial events in the data block at the top of the page instead of in the "Other Personal Data" block. Now works with Default Photo Preview. Improved code comments. Reintroduced some of the whitespace that I had eliminated by removing <br/> tags. 10.0.1-10.1 03Jan2015 Had to restore some trailing spaces to some lines of code, because I had mistakenly tested the mod with a beta version of Mod Manager that was deleting trailing spaces. 10.0.1-10.0.3 27Dec2014 Moved some functionality from this mod to five new mods whose names also begin with "Regroup Person". 10.0.1-10.0.3 10Aug2014 Modified the way Person and Family ID's are displayed, and added the capability of displaying Person ID's for parents and children. 10.0.1-10.0.2 23 Jun 2014 Fixed a bug that broke hyperlinks to husband or wife if the string "Family" is in the tree ID. 10.0.1-10.0.2 13May2014 Now handles sub-event data entered in TNG, like Agency, Cause, Address, etc. 10.0.1-10.0.2 12May2014 Changed a hard break to a div to work better with Relationship Display Mod, and moved the changes in cust_text from the top of the file (where, I've learned, some people don't have the distribution comments) to the bottom of the file. 10.0.1-10.0.2 30Apr2014 Fixed to work with TNG v10.0.2 as well as v10.0.1 10.0.1 26Apr2014 Used classes more effectively and eliminated some side effects that could show up in other TNG modules. 10.0.1 21Apr2014 Accommodated the installation of Geocode Assist Mod and Wiki Integration. Displays the "I" in the Person ID in a font that distinguishes it from "l" and "1". 10.0.1 17Apr2014 Removed a couple of changes and changed a couple of others to improve compatibility with other mods - specifically Family Preview Mod and mods that tweak the Event Map Pins legend. 10.0.1 16Apr2014 Fixed bugs that (1)repeated marriage information for people with multiple marriages & (2) didn't always display the person id number and edit date. Also accommodated another mod. 10.0.1 15Apr2014 Initial release.
[Hide old changes]

Sites using this mod

If you download and install this mod, please add your TNG site to the table below:

URL User Note Mod-Version TNG-Version User-language
Robin Richmond's Genealogy Database Robin Richmond Mod developer 14 EN
Turner mob family Genealogy Margaret Turner Public site 10.1.1 EN
Stamboom Jongman Roel Jongman Public/Private site 10.1.3 NL,DE, EN
The Road to Ethel Alicia Clemmons Public site 12.0.3 EN
Auf den Spuren meiner Ahnen Michael Klein Public/Private site 14​.0​.4​.20c 14.0.5 DE,EN
Baza danych Rodziny Jarocińskich Michał Jarociński non-public site -- great mod! 14.0.5 PL,EN
Sidsel & Svein Krakeli Familiesider Svein Krakeli Public/Private site 13.0.0 NO,EN
Vitter-Weaver Genealogy Jeffrey Vitter Public site 13.0.3 EN,FR,CH,DE,ES,IT,NO
Scealta Ton van Lil Public/Private site 14.0 NL,EN
Huygens - Van de Moortel Tom Huygens Public/Private on WordPress 13.1.2 NL
MOTYER Family Genealogy John Mark Motyer Public site See here See here EN
Your Roots are Showing Harold Craswell Public/Private See Here See Here EN
Daniel Bender - Generations Allison Sibert Public/ Living Private, researchmod_v12.0.0.1 did not allow branches to show in header 13.1.2 EN