Relationship to Site Owner Mod

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Relationship to Site Owner
Summary Adds a line to the getperson.php page if the person displayed is related to a single, predefined person - typically this would be the Site Owner - in the database.
Validation XHTML compliant.Valid-xhtml10.png
Mod Updated 25 Jan 2022
Download link TNG Relationship to Site Owner Mod
TNG 14.0

TNG Relationship to Site Owner Mod
TNG 13.1.1
TNG 13.0
TNG 12.0

TNG Relationship to Site Owner Mod for
TNG 11.0

TNG 10.1.0 Relationship to Site Owner Mod
TNG 10.1.0

TNG 10.0.0 Relationship to Site Owner Mod
TNG 10.0

TNG 9.2.2 Relationship to Site Owner Mod
TNG 9.2.2

TNG 9.1.x Relationship to Site Owner Mod
TNG 9.1
Download stats
Author(s) Roger Moffat - based on relationship.php by Darrin Lythgoe as part of TNG
Homepage Relationship to Site Owner Mod (This page)
Mod Support TNG Community Forums
Contact Developer TNG Community Forums
Latest Mod v14.0.0.8 for TNG 14
v12.0.0.7 for TNG V12.x and TNG V13.x
v10.1.0.0 for TNG V10.1.x and TNG V11.x.x
v10.0.0.0 for TNG V10.0.x
v9.2.2.0 for TNG V9.2.2
v9.1.0.1 for TNG V9.1
Min TNG V 9.1.0
Max TNG V 14.0.0
Files modified
Related Mods
Relationship Display Mod by Jeff Robison

Purpose of the Mod

This Mod adds a line near the top of getperson.php that indicates the relationship of the person on the page to a single, predefined individual - usually the TNG Site Owner - in the database. If there is no relationship that is also listed.

It uses JQuery to load the line after getperson.php has been loaded, so that the sometimes intensive calculations behind the relationship do not slow down the loading of getperson.php.

It does not load this line if the page is being viewed by a bot, so not letting the server get bogged down by a fast moving web bot.

It allows for configuration of:

  • the single individual in the TNG Database to calculate relationships from
  • a list of bots for which the line is not shown.
  • how many relationships to calculate if the person and the Site Owner are related in more than one way. This is a separate setting from what is in TNG Admin for Relationships.


This Mod was developed by Roger Moffat. The relationships are calculated using a stripped down version of relationship.php - part of TNG by Darrin Lythgoe.


For TNG 9 up to TNG 9.2.1 Download the .cfg file from:

For TNG 9.2.2 Download the .cfg file from:

For TNG 10.0.0 up to TNG 10.0.3 Download the .cfg file from:

For TNG 10.1.0 up to Download the .cfg file from:

For TNG 11.0.0 up to Download the .cfg file from:

For TNG 12.0.0 up to Download the .cfg file from:

For TNG 14.0.0 up to Download the .cfg file from:

Revision History

Version Date Description 25 Jan 2022 Updated for TNG 14
  • keep the relationship calculation code in line with TNG's relationship.php 25 Jan 2022 Updated
  • keep the relationship calculation code in line with TNG's relationship.php 29 Oct 2020 Updates include:
  • ability to store settings outside the .cfg file so that they survive across Mod updates.
  • Thanks to Ken Roy for this change that allows the settings for primary person ID and treeID to persist across updates to the Mod 26 Oct 2020 Updated
  • latest relationship.php to correctly calculate more distant relationship 23 Oct 2020 Updated
  • include Czech, Dutch, and German translations 3 Oct 2020 Updated
  • TNG 12+ Mod Manager syntax 15 Oct 2018 Fix to show half cousins Jun 2016 Minor changes for TNG 11 30 Aug 2015 Minor tweak to encode the & symbol so the Mod passes validation. 13 Feb 2015 Change required for TNG 10.1.0 changing from mysql_ queries to mysqli_ queries. 6 Feb 2014 Change required for TNG 10.0.0
  • now includes a "not related to" statement if there is no relationship. 8 Aug 2013 Change required for TNG 9.2.2. 24 May 2013 Page load problem when switching language fixed - thanks Jeff Robison for the heads up. 10 Mar 2013 Relationship calculated AFTER the page has loaded
  • Configurable list of bots so the relationship won't' calculate when a bot is accessing the page.
  • Parameters to set the Tree and PersonID to calculate the relationship from.


  1. Download the appropriate zip file as shown in the summary in the upper right corner of the page.
  2. Extract the file from the downloaded zip file into the mods folder or FTP the extracted file to your mods folder.
  3. Follow the normal automated installation for Mod Manager, as shown in the example Mod Manager - Installing Config Files to install the mod.
  4. Once installed, you need to click on the Edit button beside the Mod in Mod Manager to set the PersonID and Tree for the person relationships are calculated from. (See screen shot below). The Edit screen for the Mod allows you to set:
ID of the person to base calculations from. Defaults to (I1)
Tree the base person to base is in. Defaults to (tree1)
List of "bots" excluded. Defaults to (google, yahoo, baidu, msnbot)
Maximum number of relationships to show. A similar but separate setting is found in TNG Admin -> Setup -> Chart Settings -> Relationship -> Initial Relationships. Defaults to (5)

In the event of a problem

  • Try using the Mod Manager Remove capability
  • Copy the backup of the affected files back to your TNG directory
  • Contact us through the TNG forum.

Custom Text Additions

Note: The config file includes the English, Czech, Dutch and German languages. Specifically English, English-UTF8, Czech-UTF8, Dutch, Dutch-UTF8, German, German-UTF8. If you support other languages you can either:

  1. modify the config file to add the custom text for those other languages or
  2. manually add the following custom text to each of your other languages with appropriate translations. e.g. if your site uses Spanish-UTF8 you'd add the translations to your languages/Spanish-UTF8/cust_text.php file

// For Relationship to SiteOwner line on getperson.php
$text['siteowner'] = $dbowner . " (the owner of this site)";
$text['clicktoviewrelationship'] = "Click to View Relationship";
$text['within'] = " within ";
$text['isnotrelatedto'] = " is not related to ";

and then provide the appropriate translations.

Note that the Mod's .cfg file is saved as UTF-8 (no BOM), so if your site is running latin1/Windows collation, then you will need to open the .cfg file in a Text Editor and save it as Windows/Latin1 (or something similar) before uploading it to your site. This is to preserve any accented characters you might be using. This is also the reason that the Mod supports Dutch and German both Latin1 and UTF-8, but not Czech (Latin1) - there are no accented characters in the Dutch and German (and of course English) translations, but there are accented characters in the Czech translations.

Visualization of this mod

On getperson.php page

If there is a relationship, it is described:


If there is no relationship, that is stated:


Admin Configuration Options

TNG 9 & 10.0.x

The configuration options from within Mod Manager to change the person from whom relationships are calculated, how many relationships to calculate if there's more than one between the 2 people, and the list of bots from which the line is hidden


TNG 10.1.x, 11.x, 12.x, & 13.x

The configuration options from within Mod Manager to change the person from whom relationships are calculated, how many relationships to calculate if there's more than one between the 2 people, and the list of bots from which the line is hidden

RelationshipToSiteOwner 10.1.png

Sites using this mod

URL User Note Mod-Version TNG-Version User-language
Roger's Genealogy Online Roger Moffat Mod developer (Public site) 13.1.1 EN
Legacy Gazette: My Roots - My Legacy Melissa Watson Padilla 9.2.1 EN
Teresa's Tree Teresa Goatham Public site 9.2.1 EN
Van der Maarel Genealogy Edward van der Maarel 10.0 EN, NL
Steve's Family Tree Steve Overton Private site 10.0.0 EN
The Williams Family Tree Phil Williams Public Site 10.0.3 EN
MOTYER Family Genealogy John Mark Motyer Public site See here See here EN
Gambrill Family Tree Bobby Gambrill Public site 10.1.0 12.0 EN
Genealogy of the Weir and Drain Families Beverley Stimpson Public Site EN
The Road to Ethel Alicia Clemmons Public site 12.0.3 EN
Schuster-Pippersteiner Ingrid Schuster Public site 14.0 DE, CZ, EN, HU
Joseph Oran Holtz Genealogy Pages Jim Holt Private See Here EN
Huygens - Van de Moortel Tom Huygens Public/Private on WordPress 13.1.2 NL
Von den Isert's und den Schmidt's Madeleine Bähler-Bonomini Private Site - Local installation DE