Scrollbox mod
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The Scrollbox mod is obsolete with TNG v13 which made charts dragable. | ![]() |
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Downloads of Scrollbox mod are restricted to logged in users. If you do not have a user account on the TNG Wiki use the Request Account link to request a user account | ![]() |
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If you have trouble downloading with Google Chrome, Vivaldi, Brave or other Chromium based browser, try using a right-click and select Open in new Window, then F5, or use another browser such as Firefox | ![]() |
Scrollbox mod | ||||||
Summary | This mod creates a box adapted to the browser window, for ancestors and descendants tree diagrams, with scrollbars if nessecary to avoid scolling to the bottom of the diagram to find the horizontal scrollbar. | |||||
Validation | The mod is XHTML compliant.![]() | |||||
Mod Updated | 16 Dec 2018 | |||||
Download link | For
for For | |||||
Download stats | Click here for stats | |||||
Author(s) | Erik Hoppe | |||||
Homepage | Scrollbox mod (This page) | |||||
Mod Support | TNG Community Forums | |||||
Contact Developer | TNG Community Forums | |||||
Latest Mod | or for TNG v10.1.3 or for TNG v11.0.1 for TNG v12.0 (No Cust Templ) for TNG v12.0.1 and 12.0.2 (No Cust Templ) for TNG v12.0.3 (No Cust Templ) | |||||
Min TNG V | 10.1.3 (Tested so far) | |||||
Max TNG V | 12.0.3 (Tested in TNG v12.0 - No CT or NT) | |||||
Files modified | customconfig.php (only vers .NT) descend.php desctracker.php fan.php pedigree.php pedigreetext.php templateconfig.php (not vers .NT or v12.x) verticalchart.php js/tngpedigree.js xerxxFamilyMaternalLine.php - if present xerxxFamilyPaternalLine.php - if present xerxxIndividMaternalLine.php - if present xerxxIndividPaternalLine.php - if present languages/English/cust_text.php languages/English-UTF8/cust_text.php languages/French/cust_text.php languages/French-UTF8/cust_text.php languages/Swedish/cust_text.php languages/Swedish-UTF8/cust_text.php | |||||
Related Mods | ||||||
Notes |
Purpose of the mod
This was a request from several of my users.
There are two versions for TNG v10 - 11:
- w/o suffix NT: For standard (#1 - #14 / #15) and Custom templates
- NT for no Template
There is only ONE version (w/o suffix) for TNG v12 - only standard templates #1 - #18!
v12 NT and Custom templates may follow later.
Any of the pages that shows an ancestors or descendants diagram will, in high and wide diagrams, "hide" the horizontal scrollbar at the bottom of the diagram. These pages:
descend.php with 2 diagrams, pedigree.php with 4 diagrams, verticalchart.php, pedigreetext.php, fan.php and desctracker.php with one diagram each.
For many non-Mac users this is annoying as they often only have a vertical scrolling wheel. To scroll horizontally they have to use the scrollbar.
This is not very user friendly.
This mod creates a box, adapted to the browser window, displaying the diagram and if necessary will add scrollbars.
As the scrollbars are connected to the box, not to the page, they are always visible and at hand if needed.
See below for screenshots of this.
If you like to change the browser size to see what happens with the lay-out f.ex, you have to re-load the page as the box does not dynamically adjust to that.
This mod was developed by Erik Hoppe who is NOT maintaining or developing this mod.
See Mod Support in the data box top right.
(A list of all my mods is found at my user page)
Mobile / Tablet mode
When TNG detects anything but a Standard mode (i.e. it's displayed on a phone or a tablet) the TNG code is not modified at all.
The HTML source code that's generated is the TNG original so there is no mod in those cases. So there is no box.
Descendtree Counter mod
If you use my Descendtree Counter mod, the Scrollbox mod will automatically reserve space for the text.
There are no requirements for the order to install or uninstall the mods.
Template #15 (TNG v11 and above)
If you use template #15 you will find that it shows an extra horizontal scrollbar at the browser bottom, if the browser is between 1118 and 1244 pixels wide.
This is annoying but is not caused by the Scrollbox mod. The mod reserves the space for that scrollbar when it's visible.
Also: This template doesn't scroll to show the Footer as it's way too high.
Mod Conflicts
The below is added to all involved mods:
Of my mods, some demand a special order to Install and Uninstall. This is one of them.
Installing / Uninstalling in the wrong order may create chaos at a later stage.
The mods may signal Okay to Install but nevertheless may not be.
Order to INSTALL:
All mods below the one you want to Install, must first be Uninstalled (if you use them).
See the Uninstall order below. You can Install them after.
All mods above the one you want to Uninstall, must first be Uninstalled (if you use them).
You can Install them after. See the Install order above.
Suppose you use the Scrollbox and Fixed Family Tab mods.
Now you want to install Maternal And Paternal Lines.
As you can see in the Install Order both the used mods are below the Maternal And Paternal Lines mod and therefore you must first Uninstall the mods in the Uninstall order:
First Uninstall the Fixed Family Tab mod and then the Scrollbox mod.
Now you can install all three mods in the Install order:
First you Install Maternal And Paternal Lines, second the Scrollbox mod and finally Fixed Family Tab.
TNG version: | ≥ 10.1.3 |
- A working TNG installation.
- A backup of all affected files (see the list below)
- An installed current version of the Mod Manager (is already included in TNG v10.x)
Upgrade to v12 for TNG v12
- Note your edited values in Template Settings before you restore them.
- Read below about UN-installing the mod.
- Install and "Create Scrollbox Template Database Settings" (read below).
- Edit your values in Template Settings as you noted them, and Save.
Before installation
Select the correct version for your purposes:
- Use .NT if you use No Template. (Only for v10.x and v11.x)
- Otherwise use the version without .NT (For all versions: v10.x, 11.x and 12.x)
- Read below about UN-installing the mod.
- Click on the download link for your preferred version, shown in the summary in the upper right corner of the page.
- Un-zip the downloaded file.
- Move/copy/FTP the .cfg file to the mods folder of your TNG system.
- (Only v12.x for TNG v12) Move/copy/FTP the Scrollbox_v12 folder to the mods folder of your TNG system.
- Follow the normal automated installation for Mod Manager, as shown in the example Mod_Manager_-_Installing_Config_Files to install the mod.
- (Only v12.x for TNG v12) Click the button "Create Scrollbox Template Database Settings" to add all values to the database.
In the event of a problem
- Try using the Mod Manager Remove capability.
- Copy the backup of the affected files back to your TNG directory.
- Retry installing mod.
- Contact us through the TNG Community Forums.
After installation
Important note to Custom Template users:
The install is not complete unless you enter the number/name of your template folder(s) in the Mod Manager Edit Options.
(No default value in these versions!)
Edit parameters
Three parameters can be edited to allow for the box to adapt to your template modifications or desires.*
- The amount of space below the Horizontal scrollbar.
- The amount of space to the right of the Vertical scrollbar**.
- Reserved height for the Footer (and more if you want, above the box).
- .NT users edit the values in the Mod Manager Edit Options.
- All other users edit the values in Admin >> Setup >> Template settings.
*) Some settings may not work in some Custom Templates.
**) Template #5: Depending on outer margins and browser window width, may also affect page width.
Template default values
These values are also found in your Template settings (v10.x and v11.x).
A = Space below the Horizontal scrollbar. Database field: sbMarginBottom
B = Space to the right of the Vertical scrollbar. Database field: sbVbarSpace
C = Reserved height for Footer (and above box). Database field: sbFooterHeight
- No template: A: 16, B: 54, C: 156 (Stored in customconfig.php)
- Custom template: A: 16, B: 54, C: 156
- TNG templates #1 - #18:
- A: 16, B: 54, C: 156
- A: -6, B: 54, C: 164
- A: 16, B: 54, C: 156
- A: 16, B: 138 C: 152
- A: 8, B*: 72, C: 238
- A: -6, B: 52, C: 152
- A: 16, B: 132, C: 168
- A: 4, B: 72, C: 136
- A: 4, B: 54, C: 200
- A: 4, B: 76, C: 200
- A: -6, B: 54, C: 188
- A: 4, B: 88, C: 164
- A: -6, B: 62, C: 200
- A: 0, B: 64, C: 168
- A: 0, B: 24, C: 134
- A: 16, B: 48, C: 188
- A: 0, B: 74, C: 154
- A: 0, B: 74, C: 154
*) Template #5: Depending on outer margins and browser window width, may affect page width.
Custom Text Additions
The config file includes the English language custom text.
There are Swedish and French translations if present in your TNG system.
For other languages you can modify the config file to add the custom text or manually add to whatever language you like.
English custom text For Reference Only!
TNG version: | ≥ 12.0.0 |
/* Start ScrollboxMod v12.0.0.1 m1 */
$admtext['sbMarginBottom'] = "Space below Hor Scroll (also -)";
$admtext['sbVbarSpace'] = "Space to right o Ver Scroll (>=0)";
$admtext['sbFooterHeight'] = "Reserved vert. space (also -)";
$admtext['xerxxScrollnote'] = "Notes: You may have to scroll down or right to see the chart.";
/* End ScrollboxMod v12.0.0.1 m1 */
TNG version: | ≤ 11.1.2 |
$admtext['xerxxMarginBottom'] = "Space below H Scroll (also -)";
$admtext['xerxxVbarSpace'] = "Space to right o V Scroll (>=0)";
$admtext['xerxxFooterHeight'] = "Reserved vert. space (also -)";
$admtext['xerxxDefaults'] = "Default values (keep)"; // Only v10.x and v11.x
$admtext['xerxxScrollnote'] = "Notes: You may have to scroll down or right to see the chart.";
UN-installing the mod: IMPORTANT!
.NT and all v12.x users uninstall the normal way (click the button).
All other users who have NOT saved any altered template setting, uninstall the normal way (click the button).
All other users who HAVE saved any altered template setting, will find that the mod cannot be uninstalled.
ModManager says Partially installed. This is because TNG has overwritten templateconfig.php so MM doesn't recognize the modification.
Custom template users:
- If you have edited any value except for your Custom Template(s):
- Open up your Template settings.
- Restore all edited values to the default.
- Save the settings.
- In all cases:
- Open the file templateconfig.php.
- Delete all lines with variables having names that contain xerxx AND the name of your Custom template(s).
There are four such lines for each custom template, last among each template's other variables. - Save the file.
- Use the ModManager Clean Up button and the mod will be uninstalled.
Standard template users - v10.x and v11.x:
- Open up your Template settings.
- Restore all edited values to the default.
- Save the settings.
- Open up Mod Manager and the mod can be uninstalled.
If you want to completely Remove (uninstall) this mod and all its tables, you should
- Uninstall the mod as descibed above and then
- (v12.x only) Click the Remove Scrollbox Template Database Settings and wait for confirmation
- Click the Delete button to delete the config file from the mods folder
Revision History
Version | Date | Description |
V12.0.3.0 | 16 Dec 2018 | New version for TNG v12.0.3 standard templates 1 - 18. Fan chart gave "Bad target". |
V12.0.1.0 | 28 June 2018 | New version for TNG v12.0.1 standard templates 1 - 18. Thanks to Ron for the alert. |
V12.0.0.1 | 8 May 2018 | New version for TNG v12 standard templates 1 - 18. Thanks to Ken for Suggestions! Remember to read UNINSTALL instructions! |
V11.0.1.1 V11.0.1.1.NT |
10 Nov 2017 | The fan chart (fan.php) is included. Remember to read UNINSTALL instructions! |
V10.1.3.0 V11.0.1.0 |
16 Sept 2016 | Slow Scrolling will leave the Tabs visible. Maternal & Paternal lines mod pages are modified if present. Reserves space for Descendtree Counter mod text (if present). |
V10.1.3.Beta3 V11.0.1.Beta3 |
10 July 2016 | Verticalchart.php showed no border. Corrected. All affected pages now auto-scroll to bottom to show the full box. Thanks to Ron for the tip. |
V10.1.3.Beta2b V11.0.1.Beta2b |
8 July 2016 | Bad target for CT and ST versions. Corrected. |
V10.1.3.Beta2 V11.0.1.Beta2 |
8 July 2016 | Introduction. Six versions made: For Standard (and customized), Custom and No templates. Looking for beta testers... |
Visualization of this mod
The page in these screenshots: - Andersson, Hoppe, Sahlin, Thorell
The size of this browser window is approximately 1200 x 900 pixels.
NOTE! The mod now lets the TABS VISIBLE when scrolled to the bottom. Not so in these screenshots.
Page auto-scrolled to the bottom: Box height is adapted to the browser window. |
Top of page: Note the size of the page (rightmost) scrollbar handle. |
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Sites using this mod
If you download and install this mod, please add your TNG site to the table below:
Regarding the Swedish-Only site below: Using the Google setting "English language" and then google for the site, I get a "Translate this page" beside the link. If I use it I get a quite decent translation...
URL | User | Note | Mod-Version | TNG-Version | User-language | |
Botebygden / CD Jansdotter Swedish only (community research site). |
Lars Arén | Open public site: Many of Erik Hoppe's mods on display. | (Cust f PHP8) |
13.1.2 | SE | |
Our Family Links | Chuck Filteau | Public site, modified Template 12 | v10.1.3.0 | v10.1.2 | EN | | | Søren Ingemand | Great mod | | 11.0.2 | SE, GB, DE , DK, NO, ES, FR,NL | |
racine d'Alsace | J-Louis Valory | Public/Private - Template 17 | | 12.0.1 | French | |
tobbes familje sidor | Torbjörn Åkerman | Public site | | 11.1.2 | SV,EN, FI |
- Obsolete
- Mods for TNG v12
- Mods for TNG v11
- Mods for TNG v10
- Customconfig.php mods
- Descend.php mods
- Desctracker.php mods
- Fan.php mods
- Pedigree.php mods
- Pedigreetext.php mods
- Templateconfig.php mods
- Verticalchart.php mods
- Tngpedigree.js mods
- Cust text.php English mods
- Cust text.php French mods
- Cust text.php Swedish mods