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Show issues
Summary Highlights imperfect data - but needs to follow a specific format and system.
Validation Mod passed Html markup test
Mod Updated 19 Jun 2024
Download link For < PHP 8.2
TNG 14.0.5

Show issues v14.0.5.0
TNG 14.0
TNG 13.0

Show issues v13.0.0.0
TNG 12.0

Show Issues V12.0.0.3a
Download stats View download statistics v13,14
Author(s) A.S. DuPree
Homepage Show issues (this page)
Mod Support TNG Community Forums
Contact Developer A.S. DuPree
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Min TNG V 12
Max TNG V 14.0.5+
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Requires user to capitalize names where data is uncertain

Purpose of the mod

This TNG modification highlights possible imperfect data.


This mod was developed by A.S. DuPree.


  • A working TNG installation.
  • A backup of all affected files (see the list in the summary to the right)
  • An installed current version of the Mod Manager.
  • Both English and English-UTF8 folders be on your site


Hundreds, maybe thousands, of genealogical websites repeat unproven family links, which then get picked up and repeated over and over as true. I have employed this mod on my site to show where my own data is suspect and should be treated with caution. This enables me to present data that is unproven, highlighting for me and visitors to my website where I think data should be taken with a grain of salt.

As such, this mod is NOT FOR EVERYBODY...unless you wish to use my system for highlighting potential issues or research gaps in your research.

The system is relatively simple. It requires CAPITALIZING the name of an individual when either the individual's parents or spouses are in doubt. It further considers the word "About" or "ABT" (or equivalent word if you are using another language) in dates to be a pointer to uncertain data. That's it. So it does require that you commit to using capitalized names and the "About/ABT" tag (as it is defined in your language) in this manner.

I find this useful to quickly identify people who still need to be verified or for whom family connections might be wrong. It is useful to the visitor also, I think, to see at a glance the information in your work that needs proof or may be wrong.

The mod adds a word, "(unproven)," after the "Name" label (in a soft orange color) to indicate that either parents or spouse of this individual are incorrect.

Second, if you use the word "About" or "ABT" (or defined word in your language) for estimated dates (birth, death, burial or marriage), it adds "(unproven)" after the labels for each of these to draw attention to where there is potential incorrect information on your page.

Third, if the spouse or a child has a capitalized name, it adds the word "(unproven)" after their names to indicate that they may be incorrectly linked to this individual or the link needs proof.

Finally, it adds a message above the menu and under the header information that collects all the doubtful information on the page and asks the visitor to suggest improvements.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. The one below shows a capitalized individual whose child, wife and birthdate are uncertain


Revision History

Mod Version TNG Version Date Contents 14.0.5 19 Jun 2024 Updated for TNG 14.0.5 by Brett. 12.0 20 Oct 2019 adds options to change color and placement of message.

Also adds in the abbreviated tag for About so that either the full or abbreviated tag will trigger the unproven message. 12.0 For TNG v12

Conflicts and Issues

Version 14.0.5 with PHP 8.2+ displays warnings.


  1. Uninstall and delete previous version of this mod (if installed)
  2. Download the appropriate zip file as shown in the mod summary in the upper right corner of the page.
  3. Extract the file from the downloaded zip file into the mods folder or FTP the extracted file to your mods folder.
  4. Follow the normal automated installation for Mod Manager, as shown in the example Mod Manager - Installing Config Files to install the mod.
  5. In the mod options you can change the color of the unproven tag and adjust the message height on the page.

In the event of a problem

Uninstalling the mod

If you want to completely Remove (uninstall) this mod and any tables if created, you should

  1. click the Uninstall button to uninstall the mod
  2. click the Delete button to delete the config file from the mods folder.


  • Uninstall and eventually Delete the current Mod.
  • Proceed as for an installation with the new Mod.


English is included with the Mod. If you want to use it with a different language, add the correct text (between double quotes) in the code below and add to your cust_text.php file in the appropriate language folder.

$text['perhaps'] = "unproven";
$text['suggesting'] = "If something doesn't look right, please make a";
$text['suggestion'] = "suggestion";
$text['proven'] = "is unproven.";
$text['strstart'] = "Info about";
$text['marriage'] = "Marriage";

Edit and change the text in quotes.

Sites using this mod

If you download and install this mod, please add your TNG site to the table below:

URL User Note Mod-Version TNG-Version User-language A.S. DuPree Mod Developer 13.0 EN
Our Family History Marc Irish Public 14.05 EN
Family Huijbrechts Bruno Public 12.2 NL
The Severijns / Timmer Familytree Rob Severijns Public / Private See here See here NL,EN