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Summary Marks graphically the ancestors of the root of a tree.
Mod Updated 05 Nov 2023
Download link For
TNG 13.0.1
TNG 14.0


TNG 13.0
TNG 12.0

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Author(s) Michel Kirsch
Homepage Racines luxo-hennuyeres
Mod Support [TNG Community Forums]
Contact Developer MyMail
Latest Mod for TNG v12 & 13.0 - v13.0.1.11c for TNG v13.0.1+
Min TNG V 13+
Max TNG V n.c.
Files modified
Related Mods

Note for all TNG version

Before installing a version 9 and above of the Mod for the first time, you have to delete/rename your extensions/sosa_vars.php file
After installing a version 10 and above of the Mod, for the first time don't forget to Adapt your environment by using the dedicated button in Mod Manager.
Be sure to be connected with YOUR userID, because all existing sosa at this time will be assigned to the current user !
Implicitly, if you upgrade from 8 to 10+ for the first time, you should apply the two recommendations above

New in Sosa 11

From version 11 onwards, Sosa offers a new feature: Missing Sosas.
This is a list that displays sosas for which there are no parents in your database (lineage heads): See screenshots.
The "Missing Sosa" feature can be compared with the Treetops List Mod, but applied to your Sosa1.
Don't forget : if you add or delete a person in your Sosa list, goto your Sosa 1 and RE designate him (her) as Sosa 1, in order to keep your sosa list up to date.

New in Sosa 11a

Now you can rule out any missing sosas that you're sure you won't find. By clicking on them, they will be rejected at the end of the list as "verified".


FAQ : If you add or delete a person belonging to your Sosa list, you have to reconstruct your list of Sosas.
Goto your Sosa 1 and re-designate him/her as Sosa 1

Users of TNG 11 can try to use Sosa v12.0.2.6e for TNG 11 (There is no more support for this version!)

Purpose of the Mod

This Mod allows the administrator (and other users from version 10) to designate the root of his tree (SOSA No. 1).
The ancestors of the SOSA 1 are then identified by a green ball. When hover the mouse on it, show the generation/degree and sosa number(s).
The Mod also gives you a list of all SOSA

It is based on Sosa-Stradonitz's numbering, also called Eizinger's method or Ahnentafel numbering

Many thanks to

Ron, Ken, Scott, Jean-Louis, Rob S, Jean-Luc, Katryne for the testing, the ideas and the comments about this version !
Bart(+) for the code to delete the table before uninstall !
DeepL for some translations...


Written by : MichelK from Charleroi - Hainaut - Belgium


To avoid conflicts :
Installing this mod require the updating of the Balanced Media mod to the version
Installing this mod require the updating of the Living Color Mod mod to the version

TNG version: 12.0.2

A TNG 12.0.2+ installation (or v13+) in working order.
This version doesn't work any more with TNG 11.x !

IMPORTANT : Before installing

If you use the Regroup Person Profile Mod, you MUST first uninstall it BEFORE installing Sosa. After installation of Sosa, you can reinstall Regroup Person Profile.
Before installing, it is important to make a backup copy of the files that will be modified by this mod.

TNG Modules Impacted

You can click on the [Expand] link on the right to display the list of TNG Modules change and the [Collapse] link to hide this section again.

The following TNG Modules are modified, and should be backed up prior to installing this mod:



Mod Compatibility

  • If you are using the Living Color Mod mod, you will need to upgrade to V13.0.0.23 in order to install Sosa v10+
  • If you are using the Balanced Media mod, you will need to upgrade to V12.0.0.2 in order to install Sosa v12.0.3.3
  • If you are using the Regroup Person Profile Mod, you MUST first uninstall it BEFORE installing Sosa. Once Sosa is installed, you can reinstall Regroup Person Profile


Unzip the received file directly in the "mods" sub directory of your TNG installation.
You do not have to create the table manually. It is created automatically at the first execution.


The sosa mod has a special parameter update screen.
Click on the "Easy Edit - Edition facile" button in the Mod Manager to access it.
This button is also available in the Administration >> Setup section if you install the mk parameters links Mod.
Sosa easy edit Sosa Parameters Screen


On the other hand for the uninstall, it is necessary to follow the instructions in order to erase
the sosa table and the sosa_vars file become useless.

drop table button


When upgrading to a higher version.

  • Uninstall and Delete the current Mod. It is not necessary to delete your table sosa_tng, EXCEPT if it is expressly explained in the release notes!
  • Proceed as for an installation with the new Mod

Note This is very important information!

  • When upgrading to version 9+ for the first time, you have to rename/delete your extensions/soa_vars.php file.
  • When upgrading to version 10+ for the first time, you have to adapt your environment by using the dedicated button in the Mod Manager.
    Note that the version 9+ upgrade instructions apply to version 10+ when upgrading from version 8 or lower

Sosa 10 Adapt

Known problems

  • Large databases with many multiple sosa (many marriages between cousins) can result in a MySQL timeout when designating sosa 1. increase the limits on the server. Contact me.
  • User may take attention to run minimum PHP version = 5.6

In the event of a problem

  • Try using the Mod Manager Remove capability
  • Open an issue in the [TNG Community Forums]
  • Copy the backup of the affected files back to your TNG directory

Revision History

Version Release Date Contents 05 Nov 2023

- Fixed fugitive warnings about $row['living'] and $row['private'] in tng_sosa.php
- Fixed warning with template 10 (index.php)
- Added condition in verticalchart.php to work with the Living Color Mod
- Fixed a bug that prevent the sosa to be displayed as a field in getperson.php. 29 Sep 2023

- Fixed a warning with $row['sex'] for mono-parental families.
- in missing sosa, fixed an empty generation when this generation has only implexes already displayed. (RonK)
- Add a condition before declaring the insert_new_variables() function of sosa_fix_vars.php. In some cases PHP raise a Fatal Error (KenR)
- if the personID on a page is not a person (first letter is different than $tngconfig['personprefix']) the menu "Designate as Sosa1" is not available. 30 Jun 2023

- Fixed an installation bug with TNG 14.0.0.
- Display instantly 20 generations (new code).
- Added a functionnality that allows users to stop listing missing sosas that have already been checked.
- Deleted the "sosa" and "Spouse" columns, unuseful.
- Fixed a bug that prevent the last generation to be displayed in Missing Sosas (code reviewed).
- Added a title for Sosa 1 - Added a notice if there are no results - Added a results line at the end of the list.
- Added Czech translation (Thx to RonK) 05 Jun 2023 - Add the new feature 'Missing Sosas' 20 May 2023

- Modify the upgrade instructions in cfg
- add an global $cms for descendvert.php (Thx to Ken)
- Modify the $callinpage in tng_sosa_admin.php
- Fix an error when using multiple sosa with templates 19 and 21 (no way to display the tng_header for these templates)
- Deleted old parameters 1 and 27 ($systembits and $sosa_negative_sosa). These are now set to default (64 and 0) in tng_sosa.php. Deleted relative stings. Updated the help file. 29 Apr 2023

- Cosmetic changes for readability (KenR) in Mod Manager - Add an include in some forms to avoid Errors.
- Review the code in genlib.php : when option 9 (NO_sosa_menu) was set to 1, tng_sosa.php was never included!(Jan-Thore).
- Add a bullet into lists in descendtables.php
- Review some code for coherence in including tng_sosa.php
- Norsk translation by Jan-Thore Solem (Thx to JTS) 15 Apr 2023 The great change for this version is that each of your registered user can now designate its own sosa1 (Option 28 - set to No as default)

For the administrator.
-After the installation of the Mod, you MUST click the button "Adapt Environment". Your Sosa table will be modified (and therefore incompatible with Sosa 9B)
- Additional parameter (28) to allow "users without rights" to designate their sosa1 (Default: NO), and to change the color of the sosa bullet (29) for the Sosa1 (Default : Red)
- If you allow your users to designate their own sosa1 and you remove this permission after some time, users who have already designated a sosa1 will still be able to see it but will not be able to change it.
- The Go to Sosa 1 menu supports sites with multiple trees. So users are offered a choice among the sosa1 of the trees they have access to.
The administrator can choose between all the sosa1 defined on his site and can delete defined sosa that are no longer useful.
- the sosa existing at the time of the "Adapt Environment" time are assigned to the administrator (= currentuser!!) So be sure to install the mod and adapt the environment with YOUR userID !

Visually :
- a lot of pages have now their green balls, including new pages in TNG 14. (Thx to RonK)
- The reports will now display the Sosa bullet if the complete name is displayed in the report.
- The sosa 1 has now its own bullet color, modifiable with option 29. (Red bullet)
- (see above Go to Sosa 1)
- If the sosa menu cannot be used, the text is crossed out (except in the reduced menu)
for example, designate as sosa 1 if you are not on a getperson.php page or list the sosas if no sosa1 has been designated for this user.
- In principle, no more popup messages should appear (message "this action is not allowed in this context...")
If you see one, please report it to me
- Move the mouse over the green ball to see for which other user this sosa is also a sosa
example : Degree 1 - Generation 2 - Sosa 2 (Sosa 4 for Céline METENS)

Inside :
- The sosa table is adapted: an additional field (user) is added and an index on (sosa + user) is added
- If you want to go back to a lower version, you have to delete the sosa table before install a lower version of the mod. 02 Jan 2023 Fix problem with uppercase in the folder name (9A) - Fix problem when comparing TNG version to "14". 14 Dec 2022 Cosmetic changes for the sosa table creation. Don't use if your sosa table exists yet. 13 Nov 2022 Multiple internal modifications. Compatible TNG 13 & 14.
ATTENTION :before installing this version, you must delete or rename the file sosa_vars.php in the extensions folder of your TNG installation 02 Oct 2022 Add a condition before starting a session, so the progress-bar for import gedcom works normally in TNG 14. 30 May 2022 Reorganize parameters (ALL in sosa_vars) - Reorganize tng_sosa_admin.php (more interactive & handels ALL parameters) - Restitute the normal edit options of Mod Manager & add a button for the sosa edit options - Add a new module (sosa_fix_vars) to fix the sosa variables in $extspath/sosa_vars.php, so this must no more be done by the cfg. 11 Apr 2022 Add a parameter to scroll directly to the current person in sosa list. Not promoted 06 Apr 2022 PHP8.1+ ready. 13 Jan 2022 Internal modifications. Better integration into CMS. Edit button leads now to the sosa's parameters sheet. Some users may have experienced problems with the uppercase in the directory name. 04 Jan 2022 Fix two PHP8 warnings. 19 Nov 2021 Fix a bad behaviour : The reduced menu replicated the bookmark and print menus when TNG menu = 2 (= hidden). 06 Nov 2021 Reduced menus works now with user's file as histories. 08 Aug 2021 The link in Admin >> Setup is no more installed by this Mod. Use the new mk parameters links Mod. 02 Jul 2021 PHP8 ready 07 Jun 2021 Modify get_degree_of() function in tng_sosa.php to avoid Fatal Type Error with PHP8 24 May 2021 Minimal menu improvement if Menu_manager and/or Associate_names mods are installed - Setting to no longer display any Sosa menus if the user has their own menu system. (only available via the Mod Manager's "Edit" button) 18 Mar 2021 Some installations are displaying the SOSA after the birth info - Add code to avoid that a user without rights can edit the sosa parameters. 28 Nov 2020 Now uses prefix (de, le, van, van der, ...)as part of the lastname. 13 Nov 2020 Fix the fan chart problem in mobile mode. 29 Oct 2020 Fix a print problem when reduced menu is set to yes. 25 Oct 2020 Compatibilty with TNG 13.0.1 24 Oct 2020 Add some pictures in help file. LAST VERSION for TNG v12+ and 13.0 15 Sep 2020 Installs on both tng12 & 13. Add a parameter to distribute the sosa sub-menus between Infos, Search and personnal menu.- Modify code to avoid conflict with "Simple SEO" Mod. - Sosa menu is now only visible for a connected user. 15 Sep 2020 Sosa takes into account the biological family if the child has been adopted. - Modify code to avoid conflict with "Regroup Person Profile" Mod. 19 Nov 2019 Modify code to avoid conflict with ALL others mods using own tables 06 Nov 2019 Modify code of cfg file to avoid conflict with "Special List" Mod 05 Nov 2019 Modify code of genlib.php to hide the sosa reduced menu from home page 04 Nov 2019 Modify cfg file to avoid conflict with "Optional Person Row" Mod 01 Nov 2019 Fix "call to undifened function" error in mobile mode 10 Oct 2019 Many minor code changes.


  • Add a special sosa marker for implexes (multiple sosas). This marker is present even if you choose not to mark ALL ancestors.
  • Added sosa marker in descend.php, ahnentafel.php, extrastree.php and register.php. The sosa info is available in fan.php (ascending wheel).
  • Adding the sosa marker to the search result.
  • You can choose another menu form than the TNG button. Set the "Display full sosa menu" parameter on "No".

Comfort :

  • Easier parameter editing thanks to a dedicated page. In the Mod Manager, use the "Easy edit - Edition facile" button instead of the "Edit" button of the Mod Manager. This function is also accessible from the "Configurations" menu in the Administration section. A complete help file is available from the parameter editing page.
  • Automatic update of the preserved variables file


  • If you have many multiple sosa, the display of the sosa list is truncated after 256 characters. YOU MUST delete or rename your sosa table (tng_sosa). To rename it, you can use the parameters editor after installation. After deletion or renaming, you must redefine your sosa 1!
  • If you are using a 32-bit system, go to the settings page and change "Number of bits..." from 64 to 32. 10 sept 2019 TNG compliance of the sosa list (display of names, colors, fixed titles, stripes every x lines).
Ability to choose the display of Degree of relationship or Generation (or both, or none) in the sosa list and in the sosa marker.

WARNING!! if you make an upgrade of a version below v12.0.2.4d, before installing this version, you must delete or rename the file sosa_vars.php in the extensions folder of your TNG installation, in order to benefit from the new features. 23 Aug 2019 Introducing of a parallel between generation and degree of relationship. 20 Aug 2019 Code and philosophy of the program are changed to permits a better integration into TNG and another existing. Details of new functionnality are to be found into the sosa vxxx.cfg file. 29 jun 2019 Optimize for 64 bits systems - The old table sosa must be deleted at uninstall of earlier version - Variables to change colours of sosa list - Marks parents in getperson.php - Marks child having a sosa in the siblings of current person (Show Siblings installed)- Choice between fake sosa(= -1) or negative sosa when trespassing PHP_INT_MAX limit 20 Jun 2019 Upgrade for 64 bits systems - The old table sosa must be deleted at uninstall of earlier version - New algorithm to compute sosa - Sosa Icon 16 Jun 2019 Sosa list before the TNG Menu. Big sosa list (must be open in a new tab) 14 Jun 2019 Some changes of behaviour / layout. Version number visible on sosa menu 23 May 2019 Original version.

Screenshots Sosa 11a

Sosa 11 introduce the new feature 'Missing Sosas'

Missing Sosa list is accessed via the menu. The list always opens in a new tab.
Missing Sosa 01

The list can search instantly over 20 generations. The number of generations to display is easily modifiable.
the verified missing sosas are diplayed at the end of the list. They can be restored with clicking on the green zone.
Missing Sosa 02


Here are some snapshots of the modified screens (there are 25 screens modified by Sosa) :

EN - Explanations Image
Main page (getperson.php)

A green ball indicates that this person is in the lineage. His sosa number is revealed by passing the mouse over the green ball.
The spouse and descendant in the lineage are marked with a green ball as well.
A new menu appears in the menu bar. If you use already a custom menu, sosa menu is placed beyond.
The menu can be dispalyed in 3 different ways, depending of your working environment. It offers the following options:
For all: Go directly to sosa N° 1 [Go to Sosa 1], list of sosas [Sosas List], the same to be open in a new tab, and access to a web site about sosa numbering
For the administrator of the site: possibility of designating the current person as sosa N ° 1 [Designate as sosa 1]
If you have several trees, you can designate one sosas N¨1 per tree.

Sosa Menu
Sample list of sosa:

The list starts at sosa 1 (generation 0) until the end of your lineage
The list includes: the generation, sosa number, full name, ID of the person with him (her) possible multiple sosas
The current person and people with multiple sosa numbers are highlighted (colour choice in parameters).

Sosa List
The same list with some multiple sosas. All colours can be modified in mod's parameters.
Sosa List with Implex
All the reports of descent are provided with their sosa marker (the green bullet)next to people of the lineage, possibly with their multiple sosa

Here's an example with implex (multiple sosas) to A-A-grandparents.

Descend Compact
Here's the descend tree in text mode (descend.php)
Descend Text
The sosa marker is also present in the search results...
Search Result
... and in every others graphical representations of your tree (here in desctracker.php)
arbre sosa

Sites using this mod

If you download and install this mod, please add your TNG site to the table below: If you have a problem to do it, send me a mail...

URL User Note Mod-Version TNG-Version User-language
Racines luxo-hennuyeres Michel Kirsch Developper of the Mod 14.0.3 FR,EN,NL,DE,SP Andreas Treichel Public & Private
TNG 14.0.6
Ahnenforschung Joachim Drexel Joachim Drexel Public 13.0.2 DE,EN
Family tree of Marcin & Emilia Senderski Marcin Senderski Only home page is public 13.0.4 EN,PL
Roots & Relatives Remembered Ron Krzmarzick Public & Private See here See here EN,DE,CS
Racine d'Alsace J-Louis Valory Public- private - T17 customized 12.1 FR
Our Roy and Boucher Family Ken Roy New multi-sosa bullet was a nice addition in v12.0.2.6 13​.0​.1​.11a 14.0.3 EN,FR
Surfing the Genetic Pool Andrew DuPree Using parts of the mod 12.x EN
van Heerden Emilevh 12.2 EN
Families Schaapkens-Salden en Kruize-Rombouts Majohejoan 12.1 EN,NL
Généalogie des familles Meresse et Facon Philippe Meresse 12.2 EN,FR,NL
GénéaKat Katryne Public/Private 13​.0​.1​.11b 14.0.3 FR,EN
Hooley Family Links Lastejas See Here See Here EN
memoire-familiale Lisa 12.2 EN,FR
Les Lapierre d'Amérique Normand Lapierre Public/Private 14.0.2 FR,EN
Startseite Tlandrock 12.0.2 EN
Site Camfam
Généalogie Dubuc-Landry Roche 12.2 DE,EN,ES,FR,IT
Herrmann genealogy pages Unknown 12.0.2 DE,EN
A Quest For Our Ancestors J13lthayer 12.2 EN
WashingtonFamilyReunion Mrlee 12.2 EN,SP
Onze familiegeschiedenis Petermaasnl 12.2 EN,FR,NL
The St. John Genealogy Suzstjohn 12.1 EN
Local site only - Research Abell from mid-Devon Ned Abell EN
Hooley Family Links Rick Hooley Public/Private See Here See Here EN
Barta-Joggele Online aus Mauren, Liechtenstein Gerald Meier Private 14.0 DE,EN,FR,ES,PT,CZ
Schuster-Pippersteiner Ingrid Schuster Public 14.0 DE,EN,CS
Our Roots&Relatives Kåre Kjøllesdal Private site 14.0.5 NO,EN
Scealta Ton van Lil Public/Private 13​.0​.1​.9b 14.0 NL,EN
La saga BIGEY François BIGEY Public 14.0.1 FR
Joseph Oran Holtz Genealogy Pages Jim Holt Private See Here See Here EN
Pittsburgh O'Neils Sean O'Neil 13.1.2 EN
The Severijns / Timmer Familytree Rob Severijns Public / Private - Great Mod :-) See here See here NL,EN
Solem Genealogy Jan-Thore Solem Private 13​.0​.1​.10b 14.0.2 EN,NO
Ô mes aieux! O mijn voorouders! Ó, meus ancestrais! Jean-Luc Halleux Public 13​.0​.1​.11 14.0.2 FR,NL,PT,EN,ES
Auf den Spuren meiner Ahnen Michael Klein Public/Private site 13​.0​.1​.9b
TNG 14.0.3
Stammbaum der Familie Datschetzky Christian Datschetzky Public 14.0.3 DE,EN