Statistics Cache Mod

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Statistics Cache Mod
Summary Creates an html cache file for quickly loading statictics.
Validation Latest mod is XHTML compliant.Valid-xhtml10.png
Mod Updated 24 April 2020
Download link For
TNG 13.0.4
TNG 14.0
TNG 15.0
Download stats Downloads Stats
Author(s) Steven Davis
Homepage Statistics Cache Mod (This page)
Mod Support TNG Community Forums
Contact Developer Steven Davis
Latest Mod
Min TNG V 13.0.1
Max TNG V 15.0
Files modified
Related Mods

Purpose of the mod

This TNG modification was developed to cache the statistics accoding to the browser detected by siteversion.php.
When a browser accesses the statistics page, cache files are created for that type desktop or mobile device.


This mod was developed by Steven Davis.


Quickly displays TNG statistics from an html cache file, once the cache file is created.


The mod creates three cache files, one for desktops and two for mobile devices in the HTML format. Cache files are not created until statistics are selected from the TNG menu.
The first time the statistics page is cached, it loads at the normal speed and caches the page according to the user agent that is currently active, desktop, mobile or mobile in the standard mode.
The cache files use the default template css styling so if you decide to change templates the cached pages are not affected.

The default mode (0) reads the time the cache was created and then compares to the time limit set in the options menu in seconds.
The default is set at 86400 seconds or twenty-four hours. This is intended for higher traffic websites so the page can be updated on a daily schedule.
You can change the default time using the Edit Options menu. The second mode (1) is for sites that prefer updating the cache files manually. You can delete the cache files using a button in the options menu.
Cache files can be deleted at any time in either mode.


  • A working TNG installation.
  • A backup of all affected files (see the list in the summary to the right)
  • An installed current version of the Mod Manager.

Revision History

Mod Version TNG Version Date Contents 13.0.1 20 Oct 2023 First WIKI release

Conflicts and Issues

No known conflicts.


  1. Uninstall and delete previous version of this mod (if installed)
  2. Download the appropriate zip file as shown in the mod summary in the upper right corner of the page.
  3. Extract the file from the downloaded zip file into the mods folder or FTP the extracted file to your mods folder.
  4. Follow the normal automated installation for Mod Manager, as shown in the example Mod Manager - Installing Config Files to install the mod.

In the event of a problem

Uninstalling the mod

If you want to completely Remove (uninstall) this mod and any tables if created, you should

  1. click the Uninstall button to uninstall the mod
  2. click the Delete button to delete the config file from the mods folder.


  • Uninstall and eventually Delete the current Mod.
  • Proceed as for an installation with the new Mod.

Modmanager Edit options

  • Select automatic or manual cache file refresh.
  • Automatic refresh is based on seconds entered in the mod option. The default is 86400 seconds or one day.
  • If manual is selected you must click the Delete Cache Files button in the install window to create new cache files.

Sites using this mod

If you download and install this mod, please add your TNG site to the table below

URL User Note Mod-Version TNG-Version User-language
Family Histories Steven Davis Mod developer 14.0.3 EN
Van Peer Project Drew McClenaghan Mod User 14.0 EN