Surname First Mod

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Surname First
Summary Adds a comma between Surname (lastname) and First Name
Validation {{{mod_validation}}}
Mod Updated {{{mod_last_update}}}
Download link (for TNG V7 only)
Download stats {{{download_stats}}}
Author(s) Brian McFadyen
Homepage Surname First Mod (this page)
Mod Support TNG Community Forums
Contact Developer {{{mod_contact}}}
Latest Mod 1.2
Min TNG V 7.0.3
Max TNG V 7.1.3
Files modified
Related Mods
This mod is obsolete in TNG V8 and is replaced by new Name Order option for Surnames first (with commas)

Purpose of the mod

This mod is obsolete in TNG V8 and is replaced by new Name Order option for Surnames first (with commas)

This mod only applies if you change the Setup Option for Name Order: to display Surname first.

The Name Order display option for Surname first in TNG is to show Lastname Firstname. This mod adds a comma between the two fields to clearly indicate that the name order is lastname, firstname.

If the Surname first option is selected, this mod will insert a comma between the Lastname and the Firstname. The result will be Lastname, Firstname.

Changing the Name Order: to display Surname first is the recommendation if you install the TNG Wiki Integration mod.


This mod was developed by Brian McFadyen


  • A working TNG installation. The config file release was initially tested at TNG Version 7.1.0
  • A backup of your TNG genlib.php file.
  • An installed current version of the Mod Manager.

Revision History

Version Date Contents
V1.1 May 18, 2009 Initial release of config file
V1.2 Dec 6, 2009 Updated config file documentation to point to TNG Wiki. This file is identical as that of V1.1 included in the Mod Manager zip file, but will soon be eliminated from the bundle.

Automated Installation

  1. Download the mod configuration file
  2. Extract the to your ./admin/mod_folder.
  3. Follow the normal automated installation for Mod Manager, as shown in the example Mod Manager - Installing Config Files to install the lastname_comma_firstname_v1.2.cfg.

Manual Installation

Not available.

Side effects

As with most source code modifications, these changes will likely be overwritten during your next TNG revision upgrade and will need to be re-implemented. (Using the Mod Manager greatly simplifies this process).


The Name Order display option for Surname first in TNG is to show Lastname Firstname.

The images on the right show the commas added between the two fields to clearly indicate that the name order is Lastname, Firstname with the Surname First Mod installed.

Surname first visualizaton.jpg
Surname first visualizaton-2.jpg

In the event of a problem with your TNG site

  1. Try using the Mod Manager to Remove the mod
  2. Copy your backup genlib.php to your base TNG directory
    • all should be well now

Related Links

Wiki Integration recommends changing the Name Order: to display Surname first to make wiki articles indexing easier.