US County Boundaries Mod

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This page is obsolete and remains for historical purposes only!
Please see County Outlines Mod for the current version of this mod.

Bret Rumsey's mod

Bret Rumsey provides a TNG modification that shows the U.S. County Boundaries on the TNG Place Search. See Download and Install instructions for Bret's TNG modification which includes modified versions of googlemaplib.php and googlemaplib2.php.

Under item 3, Bret shows two different ways you can add the U.S. County Boundaries to the placesearch.php

Steve Voght's enhancements

Steve Voght has created a Mod Manager config file for Bret's modifications to googlemaplib.php, googlemaplib2.php, and placesearch.php. His config file provides an enhancement to Bret's mod that allows both the methods of showing U.S. County Boundaries on the Place search page (placesearch.php)

See the TNG Community Forum Entry for the details and current download of the zipfile for the Mod Manager installation of his mod.

You will still need to download the US county zip file from Bret's site, but no longer need the download the file.

Steve's config file has been tested on both TNG 7.1.1 and TNG 7.1.2

Other U.S. County resources

U.S. GenWeb map creator

The U.S. GenWeb also provides a Google County Map Generator that uses the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) database to generate county maps that show the county boundary. You can select the feature to use such as Cemetery or Church and Cemetery. Note that this link is no longer valid. --Ken Roy 13:50, 20 November 2009 (UTC)

The U.S. GenWeb site generates 3 files that you can save by right clicking on the links at the bottom of the page.

U.S. GNIS map creator

The U.S. Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) also provides a map generator where you can select features like Church or Cemetery that might be helpful in obtaining latitude and longitude for the feature.