Upgrading Mods to TNG V9

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Ambox notice.png Mod version numbers should use v9.0.0.0 for the first release of the mod for TNG V9.

Note that this requires that you create a new version of your TNG V8 mod that installs with no change to logic required on TNG V9.
Note that this is not be a complete list of mods available for TNG V9, since it was created for the upgrade from TNG V8. See Mods for TNG V9 for the complete list.
Please remember to add your site to the "Sites Using This Mod" section on each mod's page. This makes it easier for TNG Admins to see examples of a mod in action.
NOTE that this page is for migrating mods from a previous version of TNG. See Mods for TNG v9 for mods that are valid with TNG v9.

TNG 9.0

Mods eliminated by TNG V9

9 Calendar: The first day of the week as shown on the calendar is now configurable from the General Settings.
The weekday-setting can made at Admin >> Setup >> Configuration >> General Settings >> Miscellaneous >> First day of week:
50 Menus: The language dropdown menu has been moved to be in line with the other dropdown menu lists.
98 Users: An "Edit Profile" link at the top of each public page (next to Login/Logout) allows a logged in user to edit their own user profile without entering the Admin area. This may be disabled on a per-user basis (it is recommended that this option be turned off for "guest" users and group accounts).
Note that this mod was updated to add some additional display fields to the TNG Edit Profile screen.
22 Export: Places with notes or map coordinates will now be exported from the Admin GEDCOM export utility.
53 Mod Manager: Message highlighting was added to show successful completions and critical errors.
Note that if you had this mod installed, you will need to Remove and then Delete it after the upgrade, since the custom text overrides are no longer needed
35 Mail: The administrator can now get an email about every edit submitted for admin review (turned off by default, must be enabled in the General Settings).
57 PDF: The default paper size is now configurable from the "Common" section of the Chart Settings
  • Place Search sort by date mod that Alan Craxford was using and that Brian McFadyen had integrated into his Event Place Search Mod but which was never released since it did not sort on the 2nd and subsequent pages.
66 Places: The public Place page (placesearch.php) can now be sorted by name or event date (and your preference is remembered for the duration of the session).
See Sorting Places
81 Settings: A new option was added for "Show Names for Private".
'Show Names for Private' options have been added to Admin Setup >> Configuration >> General Settings >> Privacy section.
Due to discontinuation of the use of tng coreicons function in V9.
91 Templates: Template messages may now be easily translated into other languages (you supply the translation).
Note that you will need to apply your customizations that were saved for each language in the cust_tmplvars.php file to the new Template Settings using the Create copy in with a selected language and then clicking the Go button.
91 Templates: Template messages may now be easily translated into other languages (you supply the translation).
This mod might not be entirely eliminated, if you want to change section headings in Templates 6 and 8 and the new Template 9 and 10 introduced in TNG V9, however the mod developer will not be making updates for TNG V9

Mods that work

Some of the following mods worked without any logic change, but new versions were created to match the v9.0.0 TNG release as indicated in the Mod Guidelines

  • Customized Logs Mod Note that this mod was installed but not tested since bots cannot access my TNG V9 test subdomain
  • Edit User Profile Mod‎ Note that this mod is not needed to Edit the User Profile. The mod adds additional fields to the display.
The reworked mod for TNG V9 includes only the Private select check box and the new check box for Neither Living nor Private

Mods that need rework

The following mods need to be reworked for TNG V9.0.0 download links will be added here for convenience during beta testing only.

  • County Outlines Mod
    • googlemaplib.php: Location1: Bad target
    • googlemaplib.php: Location2: Bad target
    • googlemaplib2.php: Location3: Bad target
    • googlemaplib2.php: Location4: Bad target
Note that GoogleMap API V3 no longer has map.clearOverlays(); function see How to remove all markers so this mod will require extensive rework

New TNG V9 Mods