Use Unused IDs

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Ambox notice.png The Use Unused IDs mod needs to be reworked for TNG 10.1 since the logic in admin_generateID.php has changed substantially. The current download includes a previous version of admin_generateID.php with the previous version of the mod installed and the mysql_ changed to tng_ to work in TNG 10.1 which now uses MySQli.
TNG 10.1.0

Use Unused IDs
Summary Use unused IDS for People, Families, Sources, and Repositories
Mod Updated {{{mod_last_update}}}
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TNG 10.1.0
TNG 10.0
TNG 9.0
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Author(s) Ulli Heist
reworked for TNG 10.1 by Henny Savenije
Homepage Use Unused IDs (This page)
Mod Support TNG Community Forums
Contact Developer
Latest Mod V9.0.0.0 for TNG V9
Min TNG V 9.0.0
Max TNG V 9.0.0
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Purpose of Mod

When you add a new person, family, source, or repository, the first unused ID will be used instead of the MAX+1 number.

Resequenced IDs will be ignored (they start with a leading '0')

The Repositories name starts with 'REPO'. If you like to change this to R you could do this in the prefixes.php.

Mod Developer

Ulli Heist
Previous version of admin_generateID was reworked for TNG 10.1 by Henny Savenije


  1. Download the mod from the Mod Summary in the upper right hand corner
  2. Extract the downloaded zip file in your mods folder, or upload the extracted file to your mods folder
  3. Install the mod using the Mod Manager install capability
  1. For version 10. extract the files, put the cfg file in your mod folder and the admin_generateID.php in your tng root folder

Concerns and Caveat

This is a brute force approach. It runs through the whole table in question searching for the lowest unused ID#. This could have performance and server issues for large databases. Many VLB (Very Large Database) TNG users employ this mod with acceptable results. The potential user may want to visit sites using this mod below.

Sites Using

If you download and install this mod, please add your TNG Site to the table below:

URL User Note Mod-Version/TNG-Version Database Size
Voyer & Bedard History and Genealogy Larry Voyer V9.0.0.0/TNG V9.0. 195,000
Genealogie der Familie Heist Ulli Heist V9.0.0.0/TNG V9.0. 3855+
De Veenkoloniale Genealogieen Henny Saverije V10.01/TNG V10.01. 750,000+ Janusz Kielak V9.0.0.0/TNG V9.2.2 18,700+
My family Oname.gif (no public site) see here ~2500
Nordic Ancestry Mogens C. Fenger V9.0.0.0/TNG V9.1.1 43.49 MB