Roger Clist lives in Auckland, New Zealand. Amateur family historian. Scientist/engineer (electronics and software) by profession, now retired. One wife, two sons, three daughters, four grandsons, two granddaughters.
Paternal ancestry is from Somerset (Clist, Quick) and Dorset (Clare, Osborne). The descendants of George Clist and Mary Quick are to be found primarily in New Zealand (Clist, Jacobsen) and Argentina (Jenkins, Easdale, Sipowicz) with a few in North America and Europe.
Maternal ancestry is from Oxfordshire (Scarlett) and London (Mason) though more research is needed. The Scarletts emigrated to New Zealand on the Adamant in 1874, along with Allen, Lineham, and Johnson families. They settled in Karamea, in the remote north-west corner of the South Island. The families became tightly connected by marriage. There is also Scottish blood in my maternal line (Mulvay).
Family History Website
The Clist Connections hosted by Simply Hosting.
Template 4 with several mods. Normally keep pace with the latest version of TNG, but currently stuck at
Languages: English (default), French, German, Italian, Spanish
Researching the past puts you in contact with the living. Since publishing one's findings on a TNG site I have enjoyed much happy correspondence with distant relatives in many branches of the extended family worldwide, and with fellow TNG code tinkerers.
Contributions to this Wiki
TNG Mods
Other pages
- Folios - Examples
- Folios - Family Bible Pages - (not yet created)
- Roger's Sandbox is my TNG Wiki scratch pad for developing new pages or snippets prior to making them public.