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Own Mods
Developper of the following Mods For TNG 12+ - Développeur des Mods suivants pour TNG v12+ (in English and French)
Update: 23 Nov 2023
Nr | Mod Name | Version | Description | Remark |
1 | 24 hour format | | Once installed, displays hours in 24 hr mode in admin_utilities.php and admin_genconfig.php | Not public |
2 | add actualtext column | | Not public | |
3 | add back to top arrow | | This mod adds a "Back to Top" arrow Button on your pages. It can be disabled for editors with some mods installed. Authors : Jan Bastiaanssen - Michel Kirsch | Not public |
4 | Add view button to validation report | | The list of problems detected by one of the data validation queries only allows the current record to be edited. Thanks to this mod, it is possible to visualize the record before editing it. The mod adds a "View record" button to the list of detected problems. | |
5 | Add Cloud of Names | | Adds a cloud of names on your home page (All templates) | |
6 | Add Cousins Button | | This mod adds a button to the admin_usesr.php list. This button allows you to easily check the degree of cousinhood (the relationship) between you and a user. | |
7 | Add family menu link | | Adds a Family Menu Link in the menu bar that points to the TNG home page when sites include more than TNG, such as WordPress sites. | |
8 | Add thumb to search result | | This Mod adds the default photo thumb in the Search Result list | |
9 | Add url into note | | This Mod allows to include, into each note, a clickable link to an individual of the genealogy.<br>Ce Mod permet d'inclure dans toute note un lien cliquable vers une personne de la généalogie. | |
10 | Admin menu link | | Ajoute un lien vers la page Administration à la barre des menus.<br/>Adds a link to the Admin page to the menu bar. Only visible for administrators. | |
11 | Age at event | | Displays the age of the person at the time of the event if at least one year exists for the event and for the birth. If an age is already encoded for the event (in the 'Age' field) the Mod don't but can (parameter)display the age. | |
12 | Age at marriage | | Adds a field to the TNG main page (getperson.php) with the age of the married persons at the wedding date. | |
13 | alternate spellings | | This Mod allows you to search for alternative names (other forms, spellings,...) for a person. | |
14 | Associate names | | This mod allows family names to be associated with a reference family name, so that a search on the reference name or on one of the associated names will give a result for all the associated family names. | |
57 | Chronology | | Adds a new chronology of the current person's life events via a new tab in the menu | NEW 09 Dec 2023 |
16 | Collapse associations | | Collapse Associations if there are more than you decide (Edit Options button here above). When displayed, the associations are shown in only one field.<br><i>Cache les Associations s'il y en a plus qu | |
17 | Collapse notes | | collapse notes longer than the limit you set (Length modifiable by option) | |
18 | Confidential Notes Color | | This Mod colors your confidential notes to attract your attention and distinguish them from the general public notes. | |
19 | Connections Counter | | This mod inserts a connection counter at the bottom of your home page. It counts successful connections as well as attempts to connect to blocked accounts. | |
20 | copy2clipboard | | This Mod copies the path to a menu option to the clipboard. Double (or simple : option)-click on the option label and its complete path will be copied | Not public |
21 | Custom relation types | | Allows you to create your own Parents/children relation types. Go to "Edit Options" and create your own relation types. | |
22 | Direct Edit Menu | | Ce Mod ajoute des liens directs "Add Media", "Add Person", "Change Living Status" pour les personnes et un lien "Add Media" à la page des familles
This mod adds direct links "Add Media", "Add Person", "Change Living Status" for people and a "Add media" for families. |
23 | Disable right clic on pictures | | Ce mod bloque toute tentative de clic droit sur les photos de la page img_viewer
This Mod disable the mouse right clic on the pictures on the img_viewer page. |
24 | Display dates with prefereuro | | Ce mod affiche les dates en respectant le format choisi dans Configuration>>Configuration générale>>Divers>>Préférence de date numérique: format européen (jour mois année) OU en format US (mois jour année) | |
25 | Each Tree Its Template | | If you have several trees in your database and you dream of assigning a different template to each of them, this Mod is for you. It allows you to define a different template for each tree in your database. | |
26 | Easy Edit Generator | | Developpers Tool ! | |
27 | Edit facilities - date validations | | actual Project | |
28 | Edit facilities - event edition | | With TNG, editing an event and seeing the modified page requires 5 clicks. This Mod allows you to do the same work in only 2 clicks. Via the settings, you can choose the edit icon. | |
29 | Edit facilities - note edition | | With TNG, editing a note and seeing the modified page requires 7 clicks. This Mod allows you to do the same work in only 2 clicks. It also allows you to delete a note that has become useless. | |
30 | Free tag images | | This Mod displays your old Free image tags as usual and displays coloured new TNG image tags. |
For TNG14+ DO NOT use for TNG versions below 14 ! |
31 | Group custom events | | Allows you to regroup any event (tag) in one collapsible field on get_person.php. You indicate your self the list of events to be collapsed in the parameters. | |
32 | Hide events | | Allows you to hide, on the getperson.php page, the events you have designated in the parameters of the Mod | |
33 | Hide google earth links | | Cache, enlève ou remplace les liens google earth des cartes. En remplace certains par un lien vers placesearch.php
Hide, delete or replace some Google Earth links from maps. Replace some of them by links to placesearch.php |
34 | Insert local paths into export form | | include the localpaths.php file into admin_export.php. This file contains the local paths for the media to be exported with the gedcom file | Not public |
35 | Let See Some Pages | | Hiding your data so it won't be looted is good. Showing which surnames you're working on is better. This mod allows an offline user to see your "Surnames", "What's New?", "Places", "Names" "Histories" and "Most Wanted" pages. Pages can be hidden or displayed by Mod options | |
15 | Manage cfg files | | This mod adds a "Hide" button to the possible actions (mods 'installed' on option). By clicking on the button, the .cfg file will be moved to a subdirectory of your 'mods' directory | |
36 | Make associations sortable | | Modifies the code to allow you to sort the associations you create in the order you prefer. | |
37 | Manage cfg files | | This mod adds a "Hide" button to the possible actions (mods 'installed' on option). By clicking on the button, the .cfg file will be moved to a subdirectory of your 'mods' directory | |
38 | manage default photo | | This mod enables the user to unassign the default photo for an individual. It operates from the admin_people.php page (Menu Admin >> People). If a default photo is designed for a person, you can disable the default photo by clicking on the "@" blue sign near the thumbnail. | Not public |
39 | Menu manager | | This Mod offers you to manage all TNG menus at your convenience. From an easy-to-handle parameter sheet in Administration >> Setup, choose to show or hide the sub-menus you want | |
40 | Mk parameters links | | This Mod adds links in the Admin >> Setup section for the following Mods: Sosa, Associate_names, Menu_manager and Add Cloud of Names. | |
41 | MM show errors in analyzer | | This mod completes the display of the changes in the mod analyzer by adding the error codes encountered. | Developper Tool |
42 | New add] | | keeps track of new additions to the database. Retains the name of the creator and the date of creation. Presents the data on the current person's page. | Not public |
43 | Nicedit media description | | Modify the description field of media to make it niceEditable - Michel Kirsch | |
44 | Numeric dates | | Ce mod affiche les dates en format europeen numérique (27/05/2015) OU en format US (05/27/2015) (configuration TNG) OU en format ISO-8601-2004 (2015. 05. 27) (parametre du Mod) au lieu du format TNG | |
45 | OSM Automatic Geocoding | | If you have not purchased a Google Maps key and you use an another map provider, this Mod allows you to automatically geo-code locations that do not yet have coordinates. | |
46 | Republican Dates | | This Mod makes controls and formating of republican dates. Ce mod effectue les contrôles et le formatage des dates républicaines entrées dans les champs date de tous les formulaires. | |
47 | restore tng links | | This Mod will restore the old links to the TNG wiki and forum on the TNG Admin pages | Not public |
48 | search on event value | 13.0.2.beta3 | This mod allows you to search for event values in your database | Not public |
49 | Secret medias | | Establishes a system of individual media management. Each media can be made "secret" so that it is visible ONLY to connected members. The others medias stay accessible following the normal access rules of TNG | |
50 | select events | | In the searchform.php, instead displaying all existings events, allows to display selected events. | No more usable with TNG14+ ! |
51 | Sosa | | This Mod allows the administrator (and other users from version 10) to designate the root of his tree (SOSA No. 1). The ancestors of the SOSA 1 are then identified by a green ball | |
51a | Specify linked event to admin media | | Adds an "Event" column to admin_media.php indicating to which event this media is linked | |
52 | Translate Reports | 13.0.2.beta4 | Allows you to translate the titles and descriptions of your reports into the languages of your choice. | Not public |
53 | Validations checks | | When you perform data validation queries (Administration-Miscellaneous-Data Validation) you check the "abnormal" data in your database. Either the data is abnormal and you correct it, or you do not correct anything because the data is normal. A good example is children born before marriage.... But there are also unknown sexes, homosexual couples, ladies who have had children after the age of 50, etc... A year later, when you play this query again, these verified cases are again presented as abnormal. And there, you no longer know if you have already checked them or not... | |
54 | Watermark | | This Mod let show a watermarked image instead of your original images. You original image is preserved | |
55 | Who is online | | Display the connected and/or active users on Admin>>Users. | |
56 | Add Extra column | | Adds extra column in admin_media.php | Not public |
Working on...
Unofficial, not documented or not yet published - Non officiels, non documentés ou encore dans le tiroir:
Translate reports
Translate media infos
Duplicate Notes
Edit ref notes
Manage Default Photo
Search on Event value
Manage Default Photo
headstones count column
New mod fnbeginswith
getperson alternative
user min digits
See download Statistics - Voir les statistiques de téléchargement