Affected Files mod

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Obsolete Affected Files mod is obsolete with TNG 10.0.3. The functionality was added to the Mod Manager in TNG V10.0.3. Obsolete

Affected Files
Summary Adds an affected files list to each mod's description.
Validation The mod is XHTML compliant.Valid-xhtml10.png
Mod Updated 26 Jul 2013
Download link
TNG 10.0
TNG 9.0
TNG 8.1.3
Dutch language file
French language file
Spanish language file
Download stats See download statistics
Author(s) Bart 'Roebie' Degryse
Homepage Affected Files mod
Mod Support TNG Community forums
Contact Developer TNG Community Forums
Latest Mod for TNG v8.1.3 and up
Min TNG V 8.1.3
Max TNG V 10.0.2
Files modified
Related Mods

TNG 10.0.2
TNG 9.0

This mod is obsolete with TNG V10.0.3

Purpose of the mod

This mod will add an affected files list to each mod's description.


This mod was developed by Bart 'Roebie' Degryse following a discussion on the mailinglist between Graham Chamberlain and Jay Wilpolt.


  • A working TNG installation.
  • A backup of all affected files (see the list in the summary in the upper right corner of the page)
  • An installed current version of the Mod Manager (is already included in TNG v9)


  1. Download the appropriate zip file as shown in the summary in the upper right corner of the page. NOTE that I host these zip files on my own server. That way I can count the number of downloads for each mod I made and estimate the relevance of such mod.
  2. Extract all the files from the downloaded zip file (1 cfg file) into the mods folder.
  3. Follow the normal automated installation for Mod Manager, as shown in the example Mod Manager - Installing Config Files to install the mod.


  • Adds a list of all modified files to the description area of each mod in the Mod Manager.
  • Choice between a comma separated list (default) or a table.
  • You can alter the amount of whitespace between the description and the table (defaults to 8px and ignored if you choose the comma separated list).
  • Choice whether the table fits the width of the containing cell or not (default).
  • Choice whether to display the newly created files (default) or not.
  • Choice whether to display the copied files (default) or not.
  • Choice whether to display list/table in the description column (default) or in the config file name column.

Other Languages

Those who use other languages in addition to English can find appropriate mods to add Dutch, French or Spanish custom text additions in the summary in the upper right corner of this page. Follow the same procedure as explained above to install them.

Visualization of this mod

The following images show the visual effects of installing the mod.

Without the mod installed

This is how the Admin >> Mod Manager page looks in the default TNG 9 template 3 layout.

Without the mod installed
With the mod installed - list view (default)

Once you have this mod installed this is how that same page will look like. Notice the comma separated file list at the bottom of each mod's description pane.

With the mod installed and using a comma separated list
With the mod installed - table view

Again that same part of the page, this time with a table listing all modified files.

With the mod installed and using a table
With the mod installed - table fit feature

One of the features is to let the table fill the whole width of the containing cell.

With the mod installed and using table fit feature
With the mod installed - other features

This time the table is in the config file name column. The showing of the copied files has been suppressed.

With the mod installed and using optional features

In the event of a problem

Revision History

Version Release Date Contents
v8.1.3.2 26 July 2013 Added another optional feature:
  • Table fits width of containing cell or not
v8.1.3.1 26 July 2013 Added some optional features:
  • Display newly created files or not.
  • Display copied files or not.
  • Display list/table in description column or in config file name column.
v8.1.3.0 25 July 2013 Initial config file release for TNG v8.1.3 upto v9.2.1

Sites using this mod

If you download and install this mod, please add your TNG site to the table below:

URL User Note Mod-Version TNG-Version User-language
no public site Bart 'Roebie' Degryse Mod developer v8.1.3.0 TNG 9.2.0 NL/EN/ES/FR
Our Family Histories Bryan S. Larson Thank you! v8.1.3.2 TNG 9.2.1 EN
Robison & Blythe Genealogy Jeff Robison Fantastic! v8.1.3.2 TNG 9.2.1 EN
Chamberlain & Eidenbenz Genealogy Graham Chamberlain Supercalafragalstic! v8.1.3.2 TNG 9.2.1 EN,FR,DE,NL,ES
Our Acadian, French Canadian, and Maine Ancestors Ken Roy Great mod! Thanks for the enhancements on New Files, Copied Files, and location of table display v8.1.3.2 10.0.0 EN,FR
Turner Mob Margaret Grogan Turner v8.1.3.0 TNG 9.2.1 EN
Grogan Mob Margaret Grogan Turner v8.1.3.0 TNG 9.2.1 EN
Mitchell Families Online Roger Mitchell Another superb mod from Roebie! v8.1.3.2 TNG 9.2.1 EN
Nordic Ancestry Mogens C. Fenger Not a public site v8.1.3.2 TNG 9.2.1 EN, DA
Chambers Family Ancestry Tom Chambers Very nice job. Well done! v8.1.3.2 TNG 9.1.1 EN, Genealogy Brad Mohr 9.2.1 multiple
The Zausmer Forest Joyaa Antares Great stuff Roebie! Sorry, site not public. 9.2.1 EN
my family Oname.gif (no public site) see User:ojay see User:ojay D,(NL),(GB)
R. G. Strong Family Genealogy Russell Strong v8.1.3.2 TNG 9.2.2 EN, FR, DE, NL
Kemp(e) Family History Andrew Kemp see User:Kempons see User:Kempons EN
Gilbert family history Warren Gilbert v8.1.3.2 TNG 10.0.0 EN
Hooley Family Links Rick Hooley login: guest pwd: guest v8.1.3.2 TNG 10.0.1 EN