Branches - Add / Edit

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Revision as of 18:36, 25 October 2016 by Merv Priestley (talk | contribs) (pre V10 notes added)
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Add New / Edit Existing Branches

If you are adding branches to your site, and are not using TNG versions 10 and above, you may want to consider upgrading as these versions facilitate more branch features.

Administration Menu

To add a new branch you first have to go to Admin and then select the Branches function

Add New

Branches - Add New tab

Select the Add New tab

Branches - Add New

and then fill in the Add New screen

  • Select the Tree
  • Enter the Branch ID
  • Enter the Branch Description - you might want to consider putting the person ID with whom you will start the labeling process in your branch description.
  • Save

Note - This is not the end of the branch initial setup. You must add labels to your new branch to populate it with individuals - Please continue down to the "Branch Labelling" section


TNG version: 10.0

With TNG V10 and above, the Add Branch now has additional fields to help track how the branch was assigned.

TNG v10 branch label parameters.png

One Branch Assignment Circumvention

Users may only be assigned to a single Branch at most, but this restriction can be circumvented by creating a "dummy" Branch whose label is actually a substring of more than one other label. For example, a user assigned to the "smith" Branch would have rights to both the "blacksmith" and "smithson" Branches because both names contain the word "smith".

If you assigned Branch IDs as Bnnnn, the illustrated "dummy" branch will not work. However, you can use the "Branch Assigned to Multiple Ancestors" work-around below to overcome that restriction.

Branch Assigned to Multiple Ancestors

For instance, you can create a branch that represents both your parent's by assigning your Father and Mother as the starting individuals for that branch as shown below. (You may add as many starting individuals as you like)

Branches - Assign to Multiple Ancestors

Note - This is not the end of the branch initial setup. You must add labels to your new branch to populate it with individuals - Please continue to the next step

Branch Labelling

Labelling Process (pre TNG V10)

If you do not want to label collateral branches then you should leave the Ancestor at 0 and only update the number of generations you want to label. In TNG 7.0, the label option defaults to Append New. In prior versions, you need to select Append New not to overlay any previous labels assigned to the individuals.

Labelling Process (TNG V10 and above)

Branches - Label Father's Ancestors
  • Select the Branch to be labelled
  • Search for the Starting Individual
  • Select requirements in the "Number of Generations" section (refer the 'Help for this area" tab for explanations)
  • Click "Add Labels" tab
  • (A pop-up box should appear) Action: Add labels Existing Labels: Append New
  • Click "Add New" (wait for the labelling process to run its course and you should see a list appear)
  • (Exit the pop-up box)

You can save and exit if labelling the branch or keep labelling the branch with the next Starting Individual using the same above process.

Branches - Count of Father's Ancestors

Branches - Count of Mother's Ancestors

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