Category:Data Protection
Data Protection means having a complete data backup and recovery plan for all the content of your TNG site, your files, your configurations, your customizations, and your MySQL database, both the database structure and database table content.
Creating a backup of your complete web site is the only way you can guarantee that you can recover your site in case of disaster. TNG provides the capability to backup and restore your database, but you will also need to develop a strategy of saving these backups to your local computer, since initiating a new TNG backup overlays the previous backups.
Note that TNG provides a Make Folder button in the Admin > Setup > General Settings > Folders and Paths section. You can use this capability to created a new backup folder periodically, such as when doing a major TNG upgrade, so that the previous TNG database version backups are not overlaid by a new backup after the database has been updated.
Depending on your hosting service, backup and restore capabilities may also be available through their control panel. Some hosting service provide the capability to zip or archive your complete site, using zip programs like 7-Zip, Winzip, or WinRar.
You can also use a local server installation like WampServer or XAMPP to create a mirror image of your web site.
You should save a copy of your backups locally on your computer or optionally on a USB stick. You may want to create a Backup directory structure that includes adding the name and date.
You should repeat the backup procedure on a regular time interval (weekly, monthly), as well as before you make major data updates, such as Import Data or software upgrades.
If you use a desktop genealogy software program to create a gedcom file that you import regularly into TNG, you should also backup your local genealogy program's database. You might consider FTPing a copy of the backup to your web site as well as CD or DVD data backups, so you can recover your desktop data.
Pages in category "Data Protection"
The following 14 pages are in this category, out of 14 total.