Category:Mods for TNG v9

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Ambox notice.png The Mods for TNG v9 category contains articles on changes made to the TNG software to change the behavior or the resulting page display specific to TNG V9.

With TNG V8 and above the preferred method for modifying TNG is to use the Mod Manager cfg files to install the Mods.

Since some of the mods include cust_text.php changes, you should not delete the English folder, which also contains the Admin Help files.
You should update the TNG Sites Using section of the mods you download and install on your site.
See TNG Mod Version Numbers for Beginners for an explanation on the mod version number meaning. You only need to download the mod that applies to your TNG version.

TNG 9.0

The following are TNG Mods that work with
TNG 9.0

The following are newly added or updated mods in the Mods for TNG v9 category: (Note that you can click on the Hide Details link below the table to hide this table)

Please add new mods and major revisions at the top of the table using a push down list.
Please mention each mod only once to avoid the list becoming too long.

Note that the table will be cleaned up periodically to remove entries added over 90 days ago.

Date Added Mod Name Status Version Description Developer
24 Jun 2020 Adjust Date Field Width NEW v9.2.2.0 This mod adjusts the width of the date field on the person page. Brett McPhee
5 Nov 2019 Insert Children Gender Update v9.2.2.1 This mod right aligns child number and adds gender symbol for children in Family section on person page. Code simplified, location conflict removed. Brett McPhee
2 Oct 2019 Remove Gender Row NEW v9.2.2.0 This mod removes the Gender Row from the individual's page. Brett McPhee
13 October 2018 Add Attachment Link Update V9.0.0.1 Updated to work with TNG V9+ so mod will translate when suggest.php is called from a placesearch. Corrected syntax errors in lines 85 and 94. Russ Strong
2 October 2018 Cemeteries Display Expanded Update V8.1.0.3 Added a tngwiki link and brought config file up to current mod standards and wiki and changed name to conform to wiki standards. Russ Strong
06 October 2017 Default Not Living NEW v9.0.0.0 This mod changes the TNG default living flag for new people and new families to not living. Jeff
31 March 2017 Add Headstone Photo NEW v8.1.3.0 This mod adds an icon link after individual's burial place to add headstone media. It eliminates the need to scroll through the cemetery list to select the associated cemetery.

Clinking the icon takes you to the TNG Add New Media page.

  • Changes the collection on this page to Headstones.
  • Selects the cemetery associated with the person's burial place.
  • Cemetery name, State, County, and City must be the same for cemetery and burial place.
19 March 2017 Click Counter II Email Notify UPDATE v9.0.0.3 Updated to add options to the Click Counter database to:
  • Ignore user restriction to override download restriction for any mod by setting field to 1
  • CC address to specify the email address of the user to carbon copy on the download email
12 Feb 2017 Burial Website Media Import Update V9.0.0.9
  • ignore changes in case and in http/https when checking if a media event at that URL exists.
  • When just doing updates (i.e., $BWMI_mod['update'] = 0), only print out results of added entries. This reduces the displayed clutter.
  • Allow mod to follow website redirection
  • Print error information when having trouble getting a URL
  • Changed default Find-A-Grave to be https instead of http
5 Sep 2015 Submit Photo/Document Form Mod Update v9.0.0.12 Fixed SMTP mail issue. Jeff
5 Sep 2015 Submit Headstone Photo Mod Update v9.0.0.6 Fixed SMTP mail issue. Jeff
6 July 2015 Maternal_And_Paternal_Lines Update V9.1.1.2 Family pages are now "Mobile friendly" (see visualization)
NOTE that all four pages have new code.
Erik Hoppe
27 May 2015 Relate-to-Me button NEW V9.1.1.0 Displays a Me-button in relateform.php when the logged in user is not Person 2 but is registered in the current tree. Erik Hoppe
20 May 2015 AccessRestriction_More NEW V9.1.1.0 Hides selected Tabs and Tabs selections, and the Share, Print and Bookmark icons from public view.
Independent companion of the AccessRestriction mod.
Erik Hoppe
14 May 2015 AccessRestriction UPDATE V9.1.1.2 Closed backdoors, Re-worded tooltips, fixed icon trouble (thanks, Jay1) Erik Hoppe
8 March 2015 Cemetery Session UPDATE V8.1.3.1 Added a 'Copy last' button vs. auto-filling of the cemetery input field when adding headstone images. Jeff
1 March 2015 Mod User Support Form UPDATE V9.0.0.4c/V9.0.0.5c/V9.0.0.5d
  • Added an option in MM after installation to add SMTP encryption protocol (tls, ssl) if needed.
22 February 2015 Fix Contact Us Subject‎ NEW v9.0.0.1
mostwanted v9.0.0.1
Fix Subject Line on Contact Us from Info pull down menu for Templates 8 and added specific entry for Most Wanted page Jeff Robison
Paul Tanner-Tremaine
08 February 2015 Media Preview Fixed UPDATE v9.2.2.2 This mod changes the position of the media preview popups to a fixed position in your browser.
  • Added Most Wanted media.
31 Jan 2015 Me and Whats New Admin Links Mod New This mod adds links on the top of the Admin page menu for "My Page" and "What's New" Roger Mitchell
19 Jan 2015 Default Photo Not Set on Import New mod prevents the default photo from being set on an import from the _PRIM Y parameter. This is helpful if you are using the Alternate Way of defining the default photo using treeID.personID.jpg. Mod was provided to Don in September 2012. Posted to the TNG wiki when it needed to be reworked for TNG 10.1 Ken
6 December 2014 Citation Master Basic Mod UPDATE v9.2.2.3 Adds support for switching configuration files as a Mod Manager variable. This allows users to keep multiple configuration files for different purposes and makes the process of customizing Citation Master's configuration a bit less cumbersome. (Note that the Mod Manager has no way of moving your custom configuration to the 'extensions' directory or even identifying a custom configuration. Keeping track of the location and name of a custom configuration is up to the user.) Bill Herndon
04 October 2014 Person Media Edit NEW v9.0.3.0 Requested by Darlene Bittaker, this mod adds an 'Edit' icon (depending on user rights) before the title of all media on a person's page. Jeff
23 August 2014 Simple Titles Mod UPDATE v9.2.2.1 Corrects a PHP call error that generates warnings on some TNG installations. The update is recommended for all users and TNG versions. Bill Herndon
05 July 2014 Cemetery Session NEW v8.1.3.0 This mod creates a session cookie for the last cemetery selected when adding headstone media.

Very useful when adding multiple headstones to a single cemetery as the last cemetery is auto-selected.

25 June 2014 FTM-to-TNG Gedcom Converter Mod UPDATE v9.2.2.4 Converts Family Tree Maker (FTM) 2012 GEDCOM files so that they can be uploaded correctly in TNG. Added a new optional feature to suppress secondary events, and fixed bugs. Robin
1 June 2014 Default Photo Preview UPDATE v9.1.0.2 Fixed the preview position in family group sheet. Jeff
09 May 2014 Admin Media Search NEW v9.0.0.0 Adds features such as a hyperlink to the related person & the filename extension, to the Admin Media Search form and results table. Robin
27 April 2014 Private Trees UPDATE v9.2.2.1 Fixed issues where tree marked as 'Private' showed in Advanced Searches.
This mod allows Admin to designate trees as private.
  • Private designated trees are not displayed throughout TNG except for users with admin rights.
  • Adds a checkbox in Admin/Trees (New and Edit) to designate a tree as private.
  • Status column added to the Admin/Trees display to show Private/Not Private.

My situation is that I do everything within my production TNG site including testing.
I have test trees that do not need to be public so I need this mod.

27 April 2014 Admin Families Plus NEW v9.1..0.0 Adds checkboxes for 'Single parent' and 'Empty family' to Admin Families search. Jeff
20 April 2014 Submit Photo Mod UPDATE v9.0..0.2 Revised to work with the updated Submit Photo/Document Form Mod v9.0.0.9. Jeff
20 April 2014 Submit Photo Tab Mod UPDATE v9.1..0.1 Revised to work with the updated Submit Photo/Document Form Mod v9.0.0.9. Jeff
07 Apr 2014 Cemetery Edit UPDATE v9.2.0.3 Modifies the Cemetery Edit form & moves the Cemetery Add form toA the Cemetery selection screen Robin
26 March 2014 Show Person Headstone Plot NEW v9.0.3.0 This mod adds plot info to the headstone display on a person's page. Jeff
26 March 2014 Show Person Headstone Status NEW v9.0.3.0 This mod adds status info to the headstone display on a person's page. Jeff
19 March 2014 Cemeteries Admin List NEW v9.2.0.1 Adds data columns to the Cemetery Selection list in the Admin Cemeteries Function. Robin
19 March 2014 Burials-More Details Mod NEW v9.2.0.3 Adds data columns to the All Burials list in the Cemetery / Headstones report. Robin
19 March 2014 Headstones-No Headstones NEW v9.2.0.0 Removes headstone lists from the list of cemeteries for a town, county, or state, in the Cemeteries / Headstones Report. Robin
5 March 2014 Places Subject to Deletion NEW v9.2.2.0 This mod is an implementation of the Maintenance - Pooled Places with no Events report in the Admin >> Places that allows you to select Places to be deleted.

Extensive help in developing this mod was provided by Mark Wonson and Warren S. Gilbert who also helped develop the report.
You may want to Merge places rather than delete them so that you do not lose geocoded places that have changed names.

13 January 2014 World Map Mod NEW v9.2.2.0 Displays a world map containing places. Places may be filtered by several criteria (tree, year and type of event that happened at the place). Place markers that are close together are depicted as a single symbol. By clicking on this symbol, individual markers are shown. Carlos Heuser
13 January 2014 Similarity search mod UPDATE v9.2.2.2 A problem that was causing a conflict with other mods has been corrected Carlos Heuser
11 February 2014 Surname Exclude 30/100 UPDATE v9.0.0.1 This mod excludes specified surname(s) from the surnames 30 and surnames 100 lists and the TNG v10 Surname Cloud if present.
  • Adds a field in Admin/Setup/General Settings/Names to enter the surname(s) you want excluded from these displays. Separate multiple surnames in this field with commas.
09 February 2014 Default Photo Preview UPDATE v9.1.0.1 This mod adds a preview for a person's default photo.
  • Added previews to the default photos in the family group page.
5 February 2014 Census Plus International UPDATE v9.1.0.4d The following fixes and changes were made in 9104d update:
  • updated the import scripts for for the Census of Canada, UK, US, and US veteran censuses to find the Transcript ID in the DOM Source
  • updated the CP Transcript display to find the household that crosses a page boundary when the Transcript ID increments from 199 to 200 for example

The following fixes and changes were made in 9104c update:

  • fixed the CP Make Tables for first time installs to create the tables correctly
  • fixed the font size CP Transcript display for US 1900/1920 census Children Born/Living
  • updated the Import scripts for the Cencus of Canada, UK, US, and US vetearn censuses to handle the latest changes to the DOM Source
  • fixed the Import scripts for the UK Census to find the field differences correctly in the 1911 census
05 February 2014 Relationship display (German and Portuguese) Mod UPDATE v9.0.4.2a
  • Several corrections to the German translation.
  • Tested for TNG v10.0.0rt.
Carlos Heuser
23 December 2013 Ads for TNG NEW v9.1.1.0 This mod customizes several files to add advertising tags. This initial version includes modifications to the following files: getperson.php, pedigree.php, descend.php, showmedia.php, search.php, searchform.php and [template#]/footer.php. Future updates will provide a means for adding your ad tags using the mod manager and choosing which ad spaces to utilize. Bryan
22 December 2013 Media Preview Auto Height NEW v9.1.0.0 TNG media preview height is adjusted automatically. Removes excess background from the bottom of the preview. Jeff
22 December 2013 Relocate Person Photos NEW v9.1.0.0 This mod relocates an individual's photos/albums from the bottom of the page to just before the notes for that person. Jeff
22 December 2013 Show/Hide Person Media UPDATE v9.1.0.2 This mod will show/hide media on a person's page. A toggle icon is added to the media label.
  • Revised to be compatible with the Relocate Person Photos mod.
  • 2 custom text assignments added.
  • An issue where the photo sections are collapsed on the 'Print' page fixed.
12 December 2013 Show/Hide Events UPDATE v9.1.0.2a This mod allows a user to hide events on a person's page individually. A toggle icon is added to the event label.
  • An issue where the events are collapsed on the 'Print' page fixed.
12 December 2013 Scroll Map events UPDATE v9.0.0.2a This mod adds a scroll bar if the event column exceeds the event map height.
  • Scroll removed on the 'Print' page.
12 December 2013 Scroll Person Citations UPDATE v9.0.0.0a This mod allows you to set a maximum height to the 'Sources' field on a person's page before scrolling.
  • Scroll removed on the 'Print' page.

Pages dans la catégorie « Mods for TNG v9 »

Cette catégorie comprend 207 pages, dont les 207 ci-dessous.