Fan Chart

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Obsolete The Fan Chart mod is obsolete with TNG 11. The functionality was added to TNG V11, see Fan Chart in TNG v11. Obsolete

Fan Chart
Summary Provides a Fan Chart in the Ancestors tab
Validation n/a
Mod Updated {{{mod_last_update}}}
Download link for
TNG 10.0
Download stats n/a
Author(s) Ben Wagner
Homepage Fan Chart
Mod Support TNG Community Forums
Contact Developer TNG Community Forums
Latest Mod for TNG V10
Min TNG V 10.0.0
Max TNG V 10.1.3
Files modified
pedigree.php, pedigreetext.php, verticalchart.php, ahnentafel.php, extrastree.php
Related Mods

== Introduction ==

This mod adds a Fan Chart to the Ancestors tab in TNG.

Please note, this mod currently does not check for living/private flags or any type of permissions.

Please also note that a version will be out when I've completed the items on the TO DO list.


  • A working TNG installation.

Automated Installation

  1. Download the appropriate zip file from the Mod Summary in the upper right hand corner
  2. After downloading the zip file, unzip it into your mods folder
  3. Follow the normal automated installation for Mod Manager.


After installation, one can customize several aspects of the chart (such as colors) by modifiy the fan_config.php file.

Upgrade to new version

  1. Copy fan_config.php to a safe location.
  2. Uninstall the exisiting fan chart mod.
  3. Remove the existing fan_chart_vx.x.x.x.x.cfg and fan_chart directory
  4. Install the new version of the mod using
  5. Update/Replace your changes in fan_config.php.

To Do

  1. Respect living/private
  2. upgrade to TNG 10.1


Please add suggestions for improvement below:

Revision History

Version Date Contents 24 January 2015 Initial version. 17 Febuary 2015
  1. Link on mouse click
  2. Display person info on hover
  3. Multiple lines for long names
test-version for TNG v10.1 22 Febuary 2015 test/beta-version for TNG v.10.1 on TNG Community Forums

In the event of a problem

  1. Try using the Mod Manager Remove capability
  2. Use the TNG Forum page for this mod if difficulties are encountered.

Sites using this mod

If you download and install this mod, please add your TNG site to the table below

URL User Note Mod-Version TNG-Version User-language
Wagner-Watlington Genealogy Ben Wagner 10.0.0 EN
My family (no public site) Oname.gif ... see at Oname.gif users site D,(NL),(GB)
Schönau/Schuch Wolfgang Schuch 10.0.3 DE
Brady Family Tree in Western Australia Darryl Brady Public site 10.1.1 EN, DE
Bussiere, Robinson, Gingras Website Brian Bussiere Public site 10.1.3 English, French
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