Installing TNG as UTF-8
This article provides a brief visual synopsis of how to install TNG as UTF-8.
Not all steps in the installation process are necessarily covered, just those portions required to run your TNG site with UTF-8 encoding are singled out so that you can successfully setup your TNG Site as a UTF-8 site.
UTF-8 is required by Joomla 1.5 and will be required by the TNG Component that integrates Joomla and TNG 7.
See Considerations for using UTF-8 for additional details.
You should read the Database - Creating article on how to create your database with UTF-8 collation sequence and how to determine your TNG database connection parameters.
TNG V7 Install
For the TNG V7 installation procedure to install TNG using charset=UTF-8 see Installing TNG V7 as UTF-8
TNG V8 Install
For the TNG V8 installation procedure to install TNG using charset=UTF-8 see Installing TNG V8 as UTF-8