Mod Manager Log mod

Obsolete The Mod Manager Log mod mod is obsolete with TNG V10.0.3. The functionality was added to TNG V10.0.3 Mod Manager. Obsolete

Ambox notice.png If you install this mod and it ever shows as Clean Up required after an upgrade, you must clean up and install this mod first before attempting to clean up and install other mods.
TNG 9.0

This mod is obsolete with TNG V10.0.3

Mod Manager Log
Summary Moves the Mod Manager action logging to its own log
Mod Updated
Download link for
TNG 10.0
TNG 9.0
Dutch language file
French language file
German language file
Spanish language file
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for Mod Manager Log mod
for Language files
Author(s) Ken Roy
Homepage Mod Manager Log mod
Mod Support TNG Community Forums
Contact Developer Ken Roy
Latest Mod for TNG V9
Min TNG V 9.0.0
Max TNG V 10.0.2
Files modified
Related Mods

TNG 10.0.2
TNG 9.0

Purpose of the mod

The Mod Manager Log mod was created to use a different log for the Mod Manager install, remove, clean up, and delete actions so that the Admin Change Log would not get cluttered with Mod Manager actions.

Mod Developer

Mod developer was Ken Roy but the instigator was  .


You should backup the TNG modules that are targeted by the mod:

  • logconfig.php
  • managemods.class.php
  • admin_modmanager.php
  • admin_rightbanner.php
  • admin_logconfig.php
  • admin_updatelogconfig.php
  • English/cust_text.php
  • English-UTF8/cust_text.php

Automated Installation

  1. Download the appropriate zip file from the summary in the upper right hand corner
  2. After downloading the zip file, unzip the config file into your mods folder for TNG V9 or upload the extracted contents to the mods folder, including the subfolder.
  3. Follow the normal automated installation for Mod Manager, as shown in the example Mod Manager - Installing Config Files to install the mod_manager_log.cfg for TNG V9
  4. After installing the Mod Manager Log mod, you must do a Reload or Refresh of the Admin page for the Mod Mgr Log link to be displayed as shown in the Visualization section below.

Edit parameter

Even though the mod added the options in Setup >> Log Settings to turn off logging of Mod Manager actions, if you want to turn off logging entirely, you should use the provided Edit button on the Mod Manager screen. Otherwise the mod status will show as Clean Up required when the Mod Manager logging is turned off.

If you initially updated the Setup >> Log Settings to change Log Mod Manager actions: to No, then you should turn it back to Yes and then using the Edit parameter change the option to 0 for no logging.

Custom Text Additions

Note that the config file only includes the English language changes, so if you support multiple languages you will need to modify the config file to add the custom text for your other languages, or you need to manually add the custom text.

The following custom text will be added to your English/cust_text.php and English-UTF8/cust_text.php file by this mod. If you are using other languages, you must add these lines to each of your language cust_text.php files with appropriate translations of course.

// added for Mod Manager Log Mod
$admtext['modmgr'] = "Mod Manager";
$admtext['modmgrlog'] = "Mod Mgr Log";
$admtext['logmodmgr'] = "Log Mod Manager actions";

French Custom Text

For example, you would add to the French or French-UTF8/cust_text.php

// added for Mod Manager Log Mod
$admtext['modmgr'] = "Mod Manager";
$admtext['modmgrlog'] = "Journal Mod Mgr";
$admtext['logmodmgr'] = "Enregistrez les actions du Mod Manager ";

German Custom Text

For example, you would add to the German-UTF8/cust_text.php

// added for Mod Manager Log Mod
$admtext['modmgr'] = "Mod Manager";
$admtext['modmgrlog'] = "Mod Mgr Log";
$admtext['logmodmgr'] = "Aktionen des Mod Managers aufzeichnen";

Or you can use the language mods in the summary in the upper right corner of this page to add Dutch, French, German or Spanish custom text additions. Procedure: download, unzip to TNG mods folder, install using Mod Manager.

Visualization of this mod

After installing the Mod Manager Log mod, you must do a Reload or Refresh of the Admin page for the Mod Mgr Log link to be displayed as shown below.


To change the logging options of the Mod Manager, you should use the Edit capability of the Mod Manager, otherwise the Mod Manager Log mod will not show installed but show as requiring Clean Up


Sites using this mod

If you download and install this mod, please add your TNG site to the table below.

URL User Note Mod-Version TNG-Version User-language
Our Acadian, French-Canadian, and Maine Ancestors Ken Roy Mod Developer 10.0.0 EN, FR
my family   Mod Requestor (no public site) see User:ojay see User:ojay D,(NL),(GB)
Farnham & Paradise Ohana Barbara Paradise login: tngguest, pwd: tngguest 9.2.2 EN
Hooley Family Links Rick Hooley login: guest pwd: guest 10.0.1 EN