Place Map

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Summary This mod displays a map with all of the geocoded places in the TNG database. Options include showing pins, clusters, or heatmaps of places. Places can be shown by Place Type or by Event Type. In addition, places can be displayed over set time intervals.
Validation Tested on TNG v10.1.3 and v11.0.1
Mod Updated {{{mod_last_update}}}
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Author(s) Wendel Voigt
Homepage Place_Map
Mod Support Contact Wendel
Contact Developer Contact Wendel
Latest Mod for TNG V10 and up
Min TNG V 10.0.0
Max TNG V 10.0.0+
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Related Mods
May run slow on sites with very large number of places and events.


Inspired by TNG Community Forum Topic:Map showing all locations of events, this is updated code in a mod format. While similar to World_map_mod, this mod provides additional flexibility in the way data can be displayed.

Some of the features include:

  • Custom sub-title
  • Custom map height (it uses the full width of the screen)
  • Custom initial Latitude, Longitude, Zoom of Map. Chose to display these values or not on the map.
  • Custom pin display. Pins or clusters. A heatmap can be added (based on number of events at locations).
  • Can overlay the map options on the map, or have them separate below the map.
  • Custom year interval for display. You can select all, or year intervals such as 20, 25, 40, 50, etc.
  • Can have a sidebar with the names of the currently selected places. The place names can also be clicked to show the location information. Name information can be either shown Small to Big (e.g., city, county, state, country) or Big to small (e.g., Country, state, county, city).
  • Sidebar display, size, and location (on the map or below the map) are customizable.
  • Design is intended to scale with size of screen. So still useable on phones.
  • To make customization easier, all styling is done in css.

Custom Year Display

When enabled, this feature allows the exploration of event places over time in the database. The administrator can decide what year intervals are reasonable for displaying the data and which of those will be used as a default range. These intervals are then provided to the user of the page. When the intervals are turned on in the Map Options area, only those places with events during that year interval range will be displayed. The timeline below the map will show which interval is being displayed. Controls are then provided to step forward or backward one interval. Controls are also provided to skip to the beginning or end of all the intervals. The total interval range is based upon the dates in the data and will extend from the first dated event at a geocoded location to the latest dated event at a geocoded location.


Full Page

This example shows the full page, with a 20 year interval starting in 1880 and ending in 1899. The forward arrows will advance the time to 1900 to 1919 and the map will adjust accordingly. Also note the Map options in the upper right hand corner of the map and the side bar of displayed places in the lower right part of the screen. The sidebar of place names is scrollable and searchable. It will only display names of places currently displayed on the map. Places are only displayed if they are in the correct date range, have the place type selected, and have a selected event type. Using these controls, you can see just births, or just deaths or any combination you choose. Place_Map

Window from Sidebar selection

This example shows the place "New Braunfels, Comal Co., Texas" selected in the sidebar. The number of places in the sidebar was narrowed by the search field. In the map area, after the link was selected, a window was opened to show information about the place. The top title field, when clicked, will open the TNG page for that place. Icons at the bottom of the window let you zoom in, zoom out, or zoom to the place on the map. Place_Map

Mod Options Page

This is an example of the mod parameters that can be edited. Place_Map

Automated Installation

For TNG V10 and above

TNG version: 10.0
  1. Download the appropriate zip file from the Mod Summary in the upper right hand corner
  2. After downloading the zip file, unzip it into your mods folder
  3. Follow the normal automated installation for Mod Manager, as shown in the example Mod Manager - Installing Config Files to install the living_flag_backup.cfg.

Upgrade to new version

  1. In the Mod Manager, uninstall the Mod
  2. Install the new version of the mod using the above procedure.

Changes to genlib.php

For older versions of the mod manager, a valid mod must change at least one file. To accomodate, this mod changes genlib.php to include a menu item "Places" that points to the place_map.php. This is the only change to TNG. All other files are provided by the mod.


While care has been taken to be as efficient as possible in dealing with the data, it is possible that this mod may work very slowly with large collections of data. The author's site has almost 1600 geocoded places used in over 8500 events in the TNG database and performance is still reasonable. But your results may differ.

Revision History

Version Date Contents
V10.0.0.5 18 June 2016
  • Abbreviated event names in placemap.Marker(). On my 1600 places with 8600 events I saw about 12% smaller HTML file.
  • Forced Google controls to the left side, making more room for Place Map overlays.
  • Made cluster images local after default images were no longer being served in original location.

V10.0.0.4 28 June 2015
  • Added the ability to disable the Place location level pins.
  • Added a single pin name field to use if the Place location levels are disabled
  • Added mm_20_red.png file as a pin alternative when used above

V10.0.0.3 06 April 2015
  • Added css to hide the year controls until needed. They no longer flash on, then off during page load.
  • Corrected problem when a date range had no events.

V10.0.0.2 05 April 2015
  • Original release


This mod was developed by Wendel Voigt

Sites using this mod

If you download and install this mod, please add your TNG site to the table below

URL User Note Mod-Version TNG-Version User-language Wendel Voigt Wendel is the developer of the Place_Map Mod 10.1.3

(11.0.1 under test)

MOTYER Family Genealogy John Mark Motyer Public site see here see here EN, DE, RU
Brady Family Tree in Western Australia Darryl Brady Public site 10.1.1 EN, DE

Related Links

TNG Modules Involved

In TNG V10 and above, this mod modifies the following files:

  • genlib.php