Regroup Person-Date Place

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Regroup Person-Date Place
Summary Establishes a more (or less) compact presentation of the Person Profile page (getperson.php) with two display settings that adjust the display of dates, places, and event descriptions.
Mod Updated 24 Jul 2018
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TNG 12.0
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Author(s) Robin Richmond
Homepage Robin Richmond's Genealogy Database
Mod Support My Mod Support form or TNG Community Forums
Contact Developer My Mod Support form
Latest Mod v12.0.0.17
Min TNG V 12.0
Max TNG V at least 12.0.3
Files modified
getperson.php, personlib.php, English cust_text.php
Related Mods
Regroup Person* - family of related mods that affect the Person Profile (See Related Mods)
This mod can work independently of the other mods in the Regroup Person family.

Purpose of the Mod

This mod changes the whitespace around dates and places in the Person Profile - partially to achieve a display style that I tend to prefer, and partially to make the display a little more compact and make more information visible on the screen at once.

The mod supports two spacing levels. One is more compact and one has more whitespace. The spacing setting can be '1' or '2':

  1. More compact:
    • The event date and place are together in a single table cell, and the event values that will fit are put on that same line
    • The name, birth, & death of relatives are all on one line, as in the native code.
  2. More whitespace:
    • The event date, place, and value are laid out much as they are in the native code, albeit with different HTML.
      • More specifically, the event date and place are separated by space and a vertical line as though they were in separate table cells, and the event value always goes on a new line, which is separated by a horizontal line as though it were in a separate table row.
    • The name, the birth date, and the death date of relatives are placed on separate lines.

(See details in the Visualizations.)

Mod Parameters

  1. The initial spacing level. '1' is more compact; '2' has more whitespace.
  2. A flag that determines whether the Person Profile will display a small control that allows users to adjust the spacing setting.

Related Mods

These related mods also affect the Person Profile. (Note that some of these mods have side effects in other TNG programs.)

  1. Regroup Person Profile - Regroups and re-positions data in the Person Profile the data in the Person Profile, and adds headings above each block of data.
  2. Regroup Person-Date Place (this mod) - Affects the whitespace around dates and places.
  3. Regroup Person-Move Media - Moves the media files above the map
  4. Regroup Person-No Living Data - Suppresses display of ANY data about a living or private person the user doesn't have rights to. By default, TNG will show some data, plus spouses, parents, and children.
  5. Regroup Person-Parent Rel - Hides "natural" or "birth" relationships between the person and the parents.
  6. Regroup Person-Sources - Starts the display of source citations with just the Source ID, Title, and Author, and provides buttons so the user can display Source details and/or Citation details, for individual source citations and for all source citations.

This mod also generates information that can be used by Show Mod Names, but it does not depend on Show Mod Names.


I've not found any conflicts yet, but I haven't tested all of the numerous mods that affect the Person Profile.

In particular, I know that there is another mod that moves relatives' birth and death data onto separate lines, and I strongly suspect that this mod conflicts with that one, but I have not been able to find and test that mod. If you do know the name of that mod, please let me know what it is.


This mod uses the standard installation procedure. [Show Installation Details]


  • A working TNG installation.
  • An installed current version of the Mod Manager.
  • You should backup files listed in the panel on the right.


  1. Remove and delete previous version of this mod.
  2. Backup the files updated by this mod. They are listed in the panel at the upper right.
  3. Download the .zip file, Extract its .cfg file to the mods folder.
  4. Follow the normal automated installation for Mod Manager, as shown in the example Mod Manager - Installing Config Files.


  1. Try using the Mod Manager Remove capability
  2. Contact me through My Mod Support form.
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This section is incomplete; the visualizations show only the effect of spacing level 1 on event data. They do not illustrate the effect of spacing level 2. The effects of the two spacing settings are described at the top of this article.

BEFORE: Regroup person-date place-before.png
AFTER: Regroup person-date place-after.png

Spacing Styling

The two spacing schemes have identical HTML; they are just styled differently.

[See Details]
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  • Events:
    • The native code uses one row of the layout table for the event date and place, and a second row, when needed, for a value. It also places the date and place in two table cells, with a fixed width for the date cell.
    • The modded code uses one row of the layout table for each event, no matter whether there is an event value, and spans the two table cells. The date and place are in divs that are expected to float next to each other, and the value is in a third div that may wind up on a separate line within the same table cell. Styling controls whether the date and place abut each other, or have padding and a border between them, and where the value is positioned. In the more compact spacing, the value is allowed to be on the same line as the date/place, but it will float to a new line when it cannot fit. In the wider spacing, the value is forced to a new line, and a horizontal border is drawn between date/place and the value.
  • Relatives' birth/death data:
    • The native code generates the name, birth date, and death data (plus the person's age) in one string, with no embedded HTML elements.
    • The modded code places the birth data, death data, and age in separate HTML elements, and uses styles to determine
      1. Whether the birth data and death data break onto new lines, and
      2. Whether the age is displayed next to the name, or after the death date.
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Revision History

Mod Version TNG Version Date Note 12.0+ 2 Feb 2019 Provided an alternate display format that looks much like the native Person Profile. 12.0+ 24 Jul 2018 No functional changes; made compatible with TNGv12. 10.0.1-10.1.3 20 Feb 2016 No new end-user functionality; just added Show Mod Names functionality and dependency, and updated the mod number to stay in sync with Regroup Person Profile. 10.0.1-10.1.3 17 Jul 2015 Fixed two old bugs that date back to Regroup Person Profile v1:
  1. Some event notes were displaying in the wrong HTML table cells.
  2. Some source citation references next to event data were not wrapped in brackets. 10.0.1-10.1 03 Jan 2015 Minor cleanup of end-of-line spacing 10.0.1-10.1.0 26 Dec 2014 Initial release; separated this mod from the larger Regroup Person Profile mod to reduce the chances and consequences of that mod running into conflicts.

Sites using this mod

If you download and install this mod, please add your site to the table below.

URL User Note Mod-Version TNG-Version User-language
Robin Richmond's Genealogy Database Robin Richmond Mod developer 12.0.3 English
Wortelboer Genealogy Bernard Wortelboer 10.1.0 NL, EN
Stamboom Jongman Roel Jongman Public/Private site 10.1.3 NL, DE, EN