Difference between revisions of "Relationship Display Mod"

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(→‎TNG User sites using this mod: Removed site no longer using Mod)
Line 455: Line 455:
| v8.1.2
| v8.1.2
| English (Gr, Fr, Port to be added)
| English (Gr, Fr, Port to be added)
| [http://www.relativelyknown.com/ Relatively Known]
| [[User:Brett|Brett McPhee]]
| Guest username/password: guest/sojurn
| V8.1.7/8.1.2
| [https://ganze-familie.de Familienforschung von Schönau & Schuch ]
| [https://ganze-familie.de Familienforschung von Schönau & Schuch ]

Revision as of 03:46, 7 June 2018

Restricted Downloads of Relationship Display Mod are restricted to logged in users. If you do not have a user account on the TNG Wiki use the Request Account link to request a user account Restricted
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Relationship Display Mod
Summary Displays the relationship of two individuals.
Validation All are XHTML compliant.Valid-xhtml10.png
Mod Updated {{{mod_last_update}}}
Download link
TNG 12.0
TNG 11.0
TNG 10.1.0
TNG 10.0
TNG 9.2


TNG 9.0


TNG 8.1.3

  reldisplay_v8.1.7a.zip For

TNG 8.0

  reldisplay_v8.1.7.zip For

Download stats See download statistics
Author(s) Jeff Robison : Gerald Leehan
Homepage Robison and Blythe Genealogy
Mod Support TNG Community Forums
Contact Developer My Mod Support
Latest Mod v10.0.0.1
Min TNG V v8.0 / 8.1
Max TNG V 12
Files modified
Related Mods
Back up the files listed above before installation!
See Custom Text Additions if you are using multiple languages.

Ambox notice.png The Relationship Display Mod was added for TNG version 8+ to display the relationship of two individuals at the top of the Individual (getperson.php) page.

Since Version 8.1.6b, the mod uses TNG's relationship.php file to calculate the relationship.
TNG 8.0

Purpose of the mod

This mod displays the relationship between a default person and the current person in the header on an individual's page.

Note that the default person can be the logged in user, if you update the User records with the Tree and PersonID for the logged in user. See Updating Tree/PersonID below.

Conflicts With Other Mods

TNG version: 9.0.4

If using Living Color Mod, then you must install Relationship Display Mod before installing Living Color.


This mod was developed by Jeff Robison.
* View all mods by Jeff Robison
A mod comparable to the combination of Personalized Login Mod and Relationship Reference Message Mod by Gerald Leehan and Bryan S. Larson.
Accomplished with the aid of Bryan S. Larson and testers (by last name alpha order)......
Eric Andrist, Fred Berardi, Graham Chamberlain, Darrin Lythgoe, Nancy Porter, Joe Proctor, Bruce Roy, Ken Roy and Oname.gif.


The number of relationships displayed is governed by the Initial Relationships setting in your Admin/Relationship Chart Setting.
If you don't want this you need to remove Location 4 in the config file before install.....
Reldisplay_v8.1.7 lines 94-102.
Reldisplay_v8.1 appoximate lines 118-126.


  • A working TNG installation. The automated installation release will work with TNG v8.0.2 - v9.2.1
  • An installed current version of the Mod Manager.
  • Note: For the logged in user default person to work Administrators need to update their User records. There must be a Tree / Person ID assigned for each user. See Updating Tree/PersonID below.

Revision History

Version Date Description
V10.0.0.1 27 November 2014 Fixed a couple of issues concerning page navigation when changing language.
V10.0.0.0 01 March 2014 Updated for TNG v10.0.
V9.2.2.0 08 August 2013

Updated for TNG v9.2.2

  • TNG V9.2.2 only.
  • Remember to back up your personal customizations for this mod!
V9.0.0.6 13 June 2013

Same as V9.0.0.5a with the following changes.

  • Parameter option to display a button or icon & text to turn on the display in Mod Manager [Edit] after install.
  • Parameter 'Maximum relationships' added in Mod Manager [Edit] after install.
    This setting only affects the relationship display on the individual's page and the chart display when the chart icon is clicked. Will not exceed the max relationships set in admin!
  • Modifies TNG's relationship.php instead of creating a chopped copy making it compatible with Relationship display (German and Portuguese) Mod
  • TNG V9 only.
  • Remember to back up your personal customizations for this mod!
V9.0.0.5a 24 May 2013
  • Full page load before calculation of relationship.
  • Relationship display 'button' instead of icon & text link to initiate the relationship display.
  • Parameter 'Auto on/off on page change' option added in Mod Manager [Edit] after install.
  • TNG V9 only.
  • Remember to back up your personal customizations for this mod!
V9.0.0.4 17 December 2012
  • Cookies for a default person selected by a visitor ('Set as Default Person' link) are set and expire in 30 days.
    These cookies are deleted if 'Restore User Default Person' or 'Restore Site Default Person' is clicked.
  • The relationship display on/off cookie expires 1 year after clicking the 'Close Relationship Display' icon and deleted as long as the display is active.
  • TNG V9 only.
  • Remember to back up your personal customizations for this mod!
V9.0.0.2 29 April 2012
  • Parameters added to set a default person/tree for public TNG sites.
  • Values for person ID/Tree can be changed by clicking the 'Edit' button found in the listing for this mod in Mod Manager after installation.
  • There is also a Enable/Disable parameter in Mod Manager for this feature.
  • TNG V9 only.
  • Remember to back up your personal customizations for this mod!
V9.0.0.1 12 February 2012
  • Excess line breaks removed.
  • TNG V9 only.
  • Remember to back up your personal customizations for this mod!
V9.0.0.0 04 December 2011
  • Revised for TNG v9.0.0.
  • TNG V9 only.
  • Remember to back up your personal customizations for this mod!
V8.1.7a 02 September 2011
  • Revised for TNG v8.1.3.
  • If you currently use v8.1.7 of the mod you only need to replace the .cfg file in your mods folder.
V8.1.7 11 July 2011
  • Same as V8.1.6b but sets cookies for the current default person, tree and display on/off status.
V8.1.6b 19 June 2011
  • Access log and Bookmark issues resolved.
V8.1.6a 16 May 2011
  • Conflict with Admin relationship chart settings fixed.
  • This version and updates hereafter will be the only versions I will support from now on.
V8.1.6 15 May 2011
  • This version uses TNG's relationship.php and is multi-tree/user compatible.
  • This version has all fixes made in previous versions
  • Works with TNG v8.0+ / v8.1+.
V8.1.5a 11 May 2011
  • A temporary fix for TNG is included in the mod concerning details showing for assigned living person.
  • Works with TNG v8.0+ / v8.1+.
V8.1.4a 30 April 2011
  • This version is multi-tree compatible. User restrictions apply.
  • Although v8.1.4a recognizes the assignment of a 'Tree/Person ID' for a user in Admin/Users, it is no longer required.
  • Issue with timeline.php is resolved.
  • This version is recommended whether you have multi-trees or not.
  • Works with TNG v8.0+ / v8.1+.
V8.1.2 05 February 2011
  • This version displays the same results delivered by TNG's relationship.php.
  • Works with TNG v8.1+
  • V8.1.2 is the same as V8.1.2a except there is no 'Initial default person ID'.
V8.1.1 08 January 2011
  • Now uses the chart settings from admin/setup/chart settings/relationship.
  • There is a static 'Initial default person ID' set to 'I1' in reldisplay/set_defaultid.php. This assures a relationship display for anonymous users. The 'Initial default person ID' can be changed prior to installation of the mod by editing $initialdefaultID = I1; in reldisplay/set_defaultid.php.
  • The display for maxed out generations now displays the current person name and default person name/link.
  • getperson.php changes minimized.
  • V8.1.1a is the same as V8.1.1 except there is no 'Initial default person ID'.
V8.1.0gfx 05 December 2010 Individual tab freaking out in IE (Imagine that) FIXED.
V8.1.0g 01 December 2010 Partial solution for the Deutsch (German) 'Ur' vs. '2 x groß...' issue. By Jörg Baum .
V8.1.0 06 November 2010 Introduction.

Automated Installation

  1. Remove/Delete previous version including the reldisplay folder from your mods folder.
  2. Upload the .zip file to your mod folder and extract files.
  3. Follow the normal automated installation for Mod Manager, as shown in the example Mod Manager - Installing Config Files to install..

Updating Tree/PersonID

TNG version 8 added Tree / PersonID relationship fields to the TNG User record. This mod uses this information to set the default person for the logged in user.

You should update your User records to add the Tree / PersonID information for your users, if you are using this mod. Note that the Tree / PersonID are the two fields after the Notes: input field when you add / edit a User record. It is not the Tree under the Access Limit section! See the image on the right.
Tree and PersonID fields

In the event of a problem

Custom Text Additions

Note: The config file only includes the English language changes, so if you support multiple languages you can modify the config file to add the custom text for those other languages, or manually add the following custom text to each of your other languages with appropriate translations.

English custom text is included in the mod. This Is For Reference Only!

//  Added for Relationship Display
$text['reldisplay'] = "Relationship Display";//NEW for TNG V9
$text['ggreat'] = "great";
$text['relsearch'] = "Calculating relationship.....";
$text['rettodef'] = "Return to ";
$text['setdefttl'] = "Change the default person to ";
$text['setdef'] = "Set As Default Person";
$text['restoredef'] = "Restore User Default Person";
$text['restoresitedef'] = "Restore Site Default Person";
$text['relatetip'] = "Tips For Setting Default Person";
$text['nodisplay'] = "Close Relationship Display";
$text['relchartttl'] = "View Relationship Connection";
$text['relchart'] = "Relationship Chart";
$text['defperson'] = " is the default person";
$text['notrelated2'] = "are not related within xxx generation.";
$text['relhelp'] = "Setting the current individual as the default person will initiate the relationship display which shows the relationship between the Default Person and Current Subject.<br><br>
If you are a registered member with a Default Person assigned, just log in and the Default Person will then be the assigned person.<br><br>
The Default Person can be changed to any person by clicking 'Set As Default Person' on that person's page.<br><br>
Relationship results between the Default Person and the Current Subject are displayed after calculation. A relationship chart may be viewed by clicking on the 'Relationship Chart' link.";

French/cust_text.php or the French-UTF8/cust_text.php

//TNG relationship.php text corrections-Ken Roy 20:11, 5 November 2010
//Not necessary for TNG v8.1.1
$text['ggreat'] = "arrière";
$text['great'] = "arrière";
$text['gfath'] = "xxx grandpère de";
$text['gmoth'] = "xxx grandmère de";
$text['gpar'] = "xxx grandparent de";
$text['mothof'] = "la mère de";
$text['fathof'] = "le père de";
$text['parof'] = "le parent de";
//  Added for Relationship Display Mod by Graham Chamberlain (Not validated).
$text['reldisplay'] = "Relationship Display";//NEW for TNG V9
$text['notrelated2'] = "ne sont pas liés au sein de la génération xxx.";//Google translate
$text['rettodef'] = "Retourner à ";
$text['setdefttl'] = "Définir la personne défaut ";
$text['setdef'] = "Définir comme personne défaut";
$text['restoredef'] = "Restaurer personne défaut";
$text['restoresitedef'] = "Restaurer personne défaut";
$text['relatetip'] = "Conseils pour la mise personne défaut";
$text['nodisplay'] = "Fermer l'affichage des relations";
$text['relchartttl'] = "Voir la connexion relations";
$text['relchart'] = "Tableau des relations";
$text['defperson'] = " est la personne défaut";
$text['norelate'] = "Aucune relation directe dans 15 générations de la personne défaut ";
$text['relhelp'] = "La première personne par défaut sera la page de la première personne visitée. Si vous êtes un membre enregistré avec une personne par défaut attribuée, connectez-vous et la personne par défaut sera alors la personne désignée. La personne par défaut peut être modifié à toute personne en cliquant sur «Définir comme personne défaut» sur la personne de page.<br><br>
résultats relation entre la personne par défaut et le sujet actuel sont affichés après le calcul. Un tableau relation peut être consulté en cliquant sur le lien «Tableau des relations».";

German/cust_text.php or the German-UTF8/cust_text.php

//TNG relationship.php text corrections-Ken Roy 20:11, 5 November 2010
//Not necessary but an alternative for TNG v8.1.1 (Closer to the rule)
$text['gfath'] = "der xxxGroßvater von";
$text['gmoth'] = "die xxxGroßmutter von";
$text['gpar'] = "die xxxGroßeltern von";
$text['ggreat'] = "Ur";
$text['great'] ="Groß";
//  Added for Relationship Display by [[image:Oname.gif‎|bottom]]
$text['reldisplay'] = "Verwandtschaftsanzeige";//NEW for TNG V9
$text['notrelated2'] = "sind nicht innerhalb von xxx Generationen verwandt.";
$text['rettodef'] = "Rückkehr nach ";
$text['setdefttl'] = "Stellen Sie den Probanden ein: ";
$text['setdef'] = "Als Proband einstellen";
$text['restoredef'] = "Standardeinstellungen auf Person-ID wiederherstellen";
$text['restoresitedef'] = "Restore Site Default Person";
$text['relatetip'] = "Tipps zum Einstellen des Probanden";
$text['nodisplay'] = "Ausblenden der Verwandtschaftsanzeige";
$text['relchartttl'] = "Verwandtschaftsverbindung";
$text['relchart'] = "Verwandtschaftsberechnung";
$text['defperson'] = " ist der Proband";
$text['norelate'] = "Es gibt keine direkte verwandtschaftliche Beziehung innerhalb von 15 Generationen zum Probanden ";
$text['relhelp'] = "Der Proband wird f&uuml;r die Verwandtschaftsanzeige durch den Administrator dieser Seite festgelegt, welcher unterhalb dem Namen und Daten im Kopf auf den Profilseiten angezeigt wird.<br>
Der Proband kann auf jede Person ver&auml;ndert werden, indem Sie auf \"Als Proband einstellen\" auf der Profilseite dieser Person klicken.<br />
Wenn Sie ein registriertes Mitglied mit einer Person-ID sind, dann m&uuml;ssen Sie sich einloggen und der Proband wird daraufhin dieser Person-ID zugeordnet.<br />
Wenn Sie ein registriertes Mitglied nicht als Proband zugeordnet sind, dann sollten Sie beim Administrator anfragen, damit Sie einer Stammbaum-/Person-ID als Proband eingestellt werden.<br />
Beziehung zwischen dem Probanden und dem angezeigten Personenprofil werden nach der Berechnung angezeigt. Ein Verwandtschaftsdiagramm kann durch Anklicken des \"Verwandtschaftsberechnung\"-Link angezeigt werden.<br />
Die Verwandtschaftsanzeige kann durch Klicken auf das <img src=\"{$cms['tngpath']}img/tng_delete.gif \" width=\"14\" height=\"14\" border=\"0\"/>-Icon abgeschaltet werden, das sich auf der linken Seite der Anzeige befindet.<br />  
Die Verwandtschaftsanzeige kann wieder eingeschaltet werden indem Sie auf \"Als Proband einstellen\" klicken.";

Note: If the German umlauts (ä,ö,ü,ß) are not correct displayed , please look at: German html-Umlaut-Code

Dutch/cust_text.php or the Dutch-UTF8/cust_text.php

//  toegevoegd voor Relationship Display Mod
$text['reldisplay'] = "Relationship Display";//NEW for TNG V9
$text['notrelated2'] = "zijn niet gerelateerd binnen xxx generaties.";
$text['ggreat'] = "groot"; //Not necessary for TNG v8.1.1
$text['rettodef'] = "Terug naar ";
$text['setdefttl'] = "Verander de standaard persoon naar ";
$text['setdef'] = "Als standaard persoon instellen";
$text['restoredef'] = "Herstellen van het Standaard Persoon-ID";
$text['restoresitedef'] = "Restore Site Default Person";
$text['relatetip'] = "Tips voor het instellen van de standaard persoon";
$text['nodisplay'] = "Relatie weergave sluiten";
$text['relchartttl'] = "Verwantschap van de relatie tonen";
$text['relchart'] = "Relatie Grafiek";
$text['defperson'] = " is standaard persoon";
$text['norelate'] = "Geen directe relatie binnen 15 generaties tot de standaard persoon.";
$text['relhelp'] = "De oorspronkelijke Standaard Persoon is toegewezen door de beheerder/s van deze site. De relatie word weergeven op de Profiel pagina's, die onder de naam/datum word getoond.<br />
De Standaard persoon kan veranderd worden door te klikken op het pictogram 'Als standaard persoon instellen' op de pagina van de persoon.<br />
Als je een geregistreerd lid bent met een toegewezen Standaard Persoon, dan ben je de Standaard Persoon nadat je ingelogd bent.<br />
Als je een geregistreerd lid bent, zonder een toegewezen Standaard Persoon, neem dan contact op met de beheerder van deze site/s om een Persoon-ID toegewezen te krijgen.<br />
De relatie tussen de Standaard Persoon en het huidige persoon wordt weergegeven na berekening. Een relatie grafiek kan worden bekeken door te klikken op de link 'Relatie Grafiek'.<br />
De relatie display kan worden uitgeschakeld door te klikken op het <img src=\"{$cms['tngpath']}img/tng_delete.gif\" width=\"14\" height=\"14\" border=\"0\" />-pictogram aan de linkerkant van het scherm.<br />
Het display kan worden geactiveerd door te klikken op het pictogram 'Als standaard persoon instellen' in het menu.";

Spanish/cust_text.php or the Spanish-UTF8/cust_text.php

$text['ggreat'] = "gran"; //Not necessary for TNG v8.1.1
//  Added for Relationship Display by Graham Chamberlain (Not validated).
$text['reldisplay'] = "Relationship Display";//NEW for TNG V9
$text['notrelated2'] = "no están relacionados dentro de la generación de xxx.";//Google translate
$text['rettodef'] = "Volver a ";
$text['setdefttl'] = "Establecer el valor predeterminado Persona ";
$text['setdef'] = "Establecer como Persona por defecto";
$text['restoredef'] = "Restaurar la Persona por defecto";
$text['restoresitedef'] = "Restore Site Default Person";
$text['relatetip'] = "Consejos para establecer el valor predeterminado de Personas";
$text['nodisplay'] = "Cerrar la pantalla de Relación";
$text['relchartttl'] = "Ver la conexión de la Relación";
$text['relchart'] = "Carta de Relación";
$text['defperson'] = " es la Persona por defecto";
$text['norelate'] = "no una Relación directa dentro de 15 generaciones de la Persona por defecto ";
$text['relhelp'] = "La primera persona por defecto será la página de la primera persona visitada. Si usted es un usuario registrado con una persona asignada por defecto, sólo tienes que entrar y la persona por defecto será la persona asignada. La persona predeterminada se puede cambiar a cualquier persona haciendo clic en “Establecer como Persona por defecto” en la persona de páginas.<br><br>
resultados de relación entre la persona por defecto y el perjuicio actual se muestra después de cálculo. Un gráfico de relación puede verse haciendo clic en el enlace “Carta de Relación”.";

Visualization of this mod



If a user with a Tree / PersonID assigned is logged in, the Default Person will then be the assigned person.

If no user is logged in or no Tree / PersonID is assigned setting the current individual as the default person will initiate the relationship display.

The Default Person can be changed to any person by clicking 'Set As Default Person' on that person's page. Relationship results between the Default Person and the Current Subject are displayed after calculation. A relationship chart may be viewed by clicking on the 'Relationship Chart' link.


Note: Font for the person's name in the header is a personal customization and not a feature of TNG v9.0.0.

Relationship display on.


Relationship display off.(Icon & text)


Relationship display off.(Button)


TNG User sites using this mod

Please add TNG sites that you have found that utilize this modification

URL User Note Mod-Version/TNG-Version User-language
Robison & Blythe Genealogy Jeff Robison Mod developer (Public site) V10.0.0.1/TNG 10.1.2 English
my family Oname.gif (no public site) see at User:ojay site D,(NL),(GB)
Our Family Histories.org Bryan Larson Guest username/password: guest/guest V8.1.7/ English
Kielakowie.pl Janusz Kielak ... V10.0.0.1/TNG 10.0.3 PL,DE,EN,RUS
Chamberlain & Eidenbenz Genealogy Graham Chamberlain Public Site v10.0.0.1/ TNG v10.0.3 GB, DE, FR, ES, NL
The Craxford Family Genealogy Magazine User: Alan D Craxford ... v8.1.2 English (Gr, Fr, Port to be added)
Familienforschung von Schönau & Schuch Wolfgang Schuch ... v8.1.0/8.1.0 Deutsch
Genealogy.Ravensbeak.com Bob Mueller ... v9.0.0.0/TNG v9.2.0 English, German
Arsenault and Simpson Family Genealogy Bob Arsenault Not an Open Website V9.0.2.0/V9.0.3 EN
Jerry Milo Johnson Ancestry Project Jerry Milo Johnson V TNG 9.0.2 EN
Kemp(e) Family History Andrew Kemp see User:Kempons EN
Legacy Gazette: My Roots - My Legacy Melissa Watson Padilla 9.2.0 EN
Walls Wrightsman Family Carl B Zachary V9.1.1.2/TNG 9.2.0 English
Grogan mob Margaret Turner Public site V10.0.0.1/TNG 10.1.1 EN
Turner mob Margaret Turner Public site V10.0.0.1/TNG 10.1.1 EN
Mitchell Families Online Roger Mitchell Public site V9.2.2.0/TNG 9.2.2 EN
Colleen & Jeff's Roots Colleen Greene Public site V10.0.0.0/TNG 10.0.0 English
MOTYER Family Genealogy John Mark Motyer Public site see here EN, DE, RU
Hooley Family Links Rick Hooley Public Site v10.0.0.1/TNG 10.1.1 EN
The Williams Family Tree Phil Williams Public Site v10.0.0.0/TNG 10.0.3 English
Wortelboer Genealogy Bernard Wortelboer Public Site NL, EN
Brady Family Tree in Western Australia Darryl Brady Public site EN, DE
Quigley Doyle Family Tree Don Quigley Public Site EN
R G Strong Family Genealogy Russell Strong Public Site EN, FR, DE, NL
Roots & Relatives Remembered Ron Krzmarzick Public & Private EN,DE,CS,ES
Our Family Links Chuck Filteau Public site, modified Template 12 v10.0.0.1 / v10.1.2 EN
Our Family History Paul Garrett Public site, modified Template 10 v11.0.1 EN
Rintoul/Bowman Family Andrew Rintoul Public/Private / 12.0 EN, DE, ES, FR
The Dutton's of Vermont Genealogy & History Darrin Dutton Public / 11.1.1 EN
Racine d'Alsace J-Louis Valory Public/Private - Template 1 French
Bumbery-Wangler Bob Bumbery Public site English
The Grahams of Helensburgh Jim Graham Public/Private English

Getperson.php mods