Repositories - Add New

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Repos icon.gif TNG Repositories - Add New

  • To add a new repository, click on the Add New tab, then fill out the form. Some information (notes and additional events) can be added after saving or locking the record. Take note of the following:


If you have only one Tree, that tree will already be selected. Otherwise, please select the desired tree for the new repository.

Repository ID

The Repository ID must be unique within the selected Tree and should consist of an upper case REPO or R followed by a number (no more than 22 total characters). An available, unique ID will be supplied when the page is first displayed and whenever a different tree is selected, but you may enter your own ID if desired. To check if the ID you have entered is unique, click the Check button. A message will appear to tell you if the ID is in use or not. To generate the next sequential unique ID, click Generate. This will locate the highest number in your database and add 1. To ensure that the displayed ID is not claimed by another user while you're entering the data, click the Lock button.


NOTE: If you are using this software in conjunction with a PC/Mac-based genealogy program which also creates IDs for new sources, it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that keep all IDs in sync between the two programs at all times. Failure to do this may result in collisions and may also cause your media links to become unusable. If your desktop program creates IDs that do not conform to traditional standards (for example, the R is at the end, not the beginning), you can edit the prefixes.php file that came with TNG to change the convention TNG uses.


An short title for the repository.

Optional info

  • Address 1
  • Address 2
  • City, State/Province
  • Zip/Postal Code, Country

The repository's location (if applicable). All parts are optional).

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