Setup - Database

As you install TNG, or later, if you change your database name or database user, you'll need to define the TNG parameters that it needs to talk to your database. If your database hasn't been created yet, see See Database - Creating

TNG Database Parameters

TNG Database Parameters
The parameters TNG needs to communicate with your database are defined at Administration >> Setup >> General Settings >> Database

You should be able to find the values needed for the TNG database paremeters from your host's control panel MySQL databases interface.

Database Connection Information

Here are some examples of how to get the host database connection information. In all cases, if you don't know the password, you cannot just look it up; you'll have to reset the password for the TNG user.

ICDSoft mySQL 4

The cPanel MySQL interface on ICDSoft for mySQL 4 shows the following high-lighted information which is used to create your TNG Database parameters.

ICDSoft mySQL 5

The Control Panel MySQL Database Manager interface on ICDSoft for mySQL 5 shows the following high-lighted information which is used to create your TNG Database parameters.

Simply Hosting mySQL

The cPanel for the MySQL Database Manager interface on Simply Hosting shows the following high-lighted information which is used to create your TNG Database parameters.


The following link provides the information for connecting to a database on GoDaddy. Provided by Scotty on the TNG Community Forum

Local server

Launch phpMyAdmin from the WampServer icon in the system tray

  • The Host Name is almost certainly "localhost", but you can confirm that by looking at the "Server" value listed in the 'MySQL panel on the far right of the phpMyAdmin home page.
  • The database is one of the database names listed in the left-hand panel of the phpMyAdmin home page.
  • To find the database user name, click on the database name in the left-hand panel, and then select the Privileges tab. More than one user name may be listed. You'll have to decide which one is the right one.

If the only database username is "Root", you should consult the phpMyAdmin instructions in the Database - Creating article in order to

  • Make sure that the "Root" account has a password, and
  • Set up a separate user account for TNG to use.

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