Show All Family

Caution Show All Family combines four mods: Show_End_of_Lines, Show_Stepparents, Other_Spouses and Show_Children_Spouses. You must uninstall them all first. Caution

Show All Family
Summary Adds end of line ancestors, spouses other spouses, children spouses, stepparents and alternative name spellings to the getperson page
Mod Updated 28 Aug 2019
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TNG 12.0

Show All Family V12.0.0.3

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Author(s) A. S. DuPree
Homepage Show_All_Family (this page)
Mod Support TNG Community Forums
Contact Developer [1]
Latest Mod
Min TNG V 12
Max TNG V 12.1
Files modified
getperson.php, genlib.php
Related Mods
Add Person Siblings Row to show sibling spouses
Replaces Show_End_of_Lines, Show_Stepparents, Other_Spouses and Show_Children_Spouses. These mods are still available if you only want to do one specific thing.


(Note some variation in formatting is not reflected in the screenshots below)

Show all family combines my four individual mods -- Show_End_of_Lines, Show_Stepparents, Other_Spouses and Show_Children_Spouses -- to give you options on additional information that you want to display on a person's page. You must UNINSTALL all of these mods before installing this one.

Show alternative spellings on a line:


Surname spellings is still being refined. It reports alternative spellings of the name ONLY on the line of the person, following the male line. If a son completly changes the family name, this will also be reflected in the list. If you use a word for people with unknown surnames, this can be excluded in the options menu. The current exclusion is for the word "unknown." Also if the marriage type is "not married" the name change will not be recorded (as in many cases the child will take the mother's surname. You can also change the marriage type to be excluded in the options menu.

Show spouses for children:


Other spouses of spouses




Show the last paternal and maternal line ancestors of the person:


And you can include whichever of these functions you want in the options menu of the Show All Family mod in the modmanager.

The mod is also ready to work with sosa (version 2.4 that has not yet been released).

Mod options are relatively extensive.

  • You can choose to show or not show any of the spouses, end of line or alternative spellings
  • You can choose to use or not use symbols in the display, or change the symbol
  • You can adjust the spellings to ignore a word you may use for an unknown surname


Thanks to Ron, Michel, Ken, Jan-Thore and Katryne Mod has Czech, Dutch, French, German, Norwegian and Spanish text. Also, thanks to the same group of people for testing and pushing it to a much improved state.

If you want to use it with a different language, add the correct text (between quotes) in the code below and add to your cust_text file in the appropriate language folder.

// ********** START: Showall Family language files
$text['eol'] = "End of Lines";
$text['otherpartners'] = "Other Partners: ";
$text['childpartners'] = "Partners: ";
$text['stepparents'] = "Stepparents";
$text['oldend'] = "Oldest Known Ancestors";
$text['paternalline'] = "Paternal Line";
$text['maternalline'] = "Maternal Line";
// ********** START: Showall Family language files

Changes and Versions

28 Aug 2019 - V3 fixes some hard-strings, adds options, changes the way steppparents are handled, changes the way married and unmarried spouses are dealt with and adds Norwegian. 18 Aug 2019 - V2a allows the mod to work with Collapse Family Children and shortened a French language string. 17 Aug 2019 - V2 makes numerous formatting changes for all information to be more consonant with tng. Adds in languages and makes some changes to the custom text strings.


This mod was developed by A.S. DuPree (a novice, happy for any help on improving it)


  • A working TNG installation.
  • An installed current version of the Mod Manager.

Automated Installation

  1. Download the zip file in the status area in the upper right.
  2. Extract the to your mod folder.
  3. Important - uninstall Show_End_of_Lines, Show_Stepparents, Other_Spouses and Show_Children_Spouses
  4. Follow the normal automated installation for Mod Manager, as shown in the example Mod Manager - Installing Config Files .

Conflicts and Issues

In the event of a problem with your TNG site

  1. Try using the Mod Manager to Remove the mod

Sites using this mod

If you download and install this mod, please add your TNG site to the table below:

URL User Note Mod-Version TNG-Version User-language A.S. DuPree Mod Developer 12.1 English
Racine d'Alsace J-Louis Valory Public- private - T17 customized 12.1 FR
Our Roy and Boucher Family Ken Roy Beta tested v2 12.1.0 EN, FR
Roots & Relatives Remembered Ron Krzmarzick Public & Private -still paired to modified sosa See Here EN,DE,CS,ES
Barta-Joggele Online aus Mauren, Liechtenstein Gerald Meier Private 12.1 DE, EN, FR, ES, PT
Solem Genealogy Jan-Thore Solem Private 12.1 EN, NO