Site Menu Mod

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Site Menu

This mod describes how to add a 4th pull down menu as a Site menu as discussed in the following TNG Forum entry


You can create a separate file that put all the $menu entries shown in the above TNG Forum entry and wrap them in a php statement as shown below as I did and called it sitemenu.php as discussed in the following TNG Forum entry

	$menu .= "<li><a href=\"#\"><img src=\"$cms[tngpath]" . "ArrowDown.gif\" width=\"25\" 
height=\"8\" vspace=\"4\" border=\"0\" align=\"left\" alt=\"\" />$text[site]</a>\n";
	$menu .= "<ul id=\"fourth\">\n";
	$menu .= "<li><a href=\"$cms[tngpath]user/research_resources.php\"><img 
src=\"$cms[tngpath]user/images/my_resources.gif\" width=\"20\" height=\"20\" border=\"0\" 
hspace=\"4\" style=\"vertical-align:middle\" align=\"left\" alt=\"\" />$text[myresearch]</a>
        repeat as needed for additional entries

	$menu .= "</ul>\n";
	$menu .= "</li>\n";  	       


The following text would be created in your cust_text.php file

$text[site] = "Site";
$text[myresearch] = "Research Resources";

genlib.php mod

For TNG 7.0, I made the following changes to genlib.php to include the 4th pull down menu, my Site menu.

replace line 70 (line number might be different in TNG 6.2)

			echo "<style type=\"text/css\">#mnav li:hover #third, #mnav li.sfhover 
#third {right: 0px;}</style>\n";


			echo "<style type=\"text/css\">#mnav li:hover #fourth, #mnav li.sfhover 
#fourth {right: 40px;}</style>\n"; // change from #third to #fourth  when adding 4th menu pull down 
and from right: 0px to 40px to allow language pull down to be visible in FireFox by KCR

where #third was changed to #fourth and right: 0px; was changed to right: 40px; to make sure the 4th pull down menu stays on the page.

after line 463-464 (line number might be different in TNG 6.2)

			$menu .= "</ul>\n";
			$menu .= "</li>\n";

add the following line

		@include ("user/sitemenu.php"); // 4th menu additions KCR

TNG User sites using this mod

  • Please add TNG site that you have found that utilize this modification

Site List

  • Ennever family history I also use this TNG mod and have extended it to create all 4 of the dropdown menus. (Barry Ennever)