Submit Headstone Photo Mod

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Submit Headstone Photo Mod
Summary Allows visitors to submit a headstone photo for an individual who have a burial place but no headstone/memorial image.
Validation This mod is XHTML compliant.Valid-xhtml10.png
Mod Updated 22 Mar 2023
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TNG 14.0.1
TNG 13.0.2
TNG 12.0
TNG 11.0
TNG 10.1.0
TNG 10.0
TNG 9.0
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Author(s) Jeff Robison
Homepage Robison and Blythe Genealogy
Mod Support TNG Community Forums
Contact Developer My Mod Support
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Min TNG V 9.0
Max TNG V 14.0.1+
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TNG 9.0
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Purpose of the mod

Allows visitors to submit a headstone photo for an individual who have a burial place but no headstone/memorial image.


This mod was developed by Jeff Robison.
* View all mods by Jeff Robison


  • A working TNG v9.0 or higher installation.
  • An installed current version of the Mod Manager.

Automated Installation

  1. Download and extract the submit_headstone zip file from the Mod Summary in the upper right corner of the page
  2. Follow the normal automated installation for Mod Manager, as shown in the example Mod Manager - Installing Config Files to install.

In the event of a problem

Revision History

Version Date Description
V14.0.1.0 21 Mar 2023 Updated for TNG V14 by Ron Krzmarzick.
V13.0.2.0 17 Jan 2021 Updated for TNG V13.
5 Sep 2015 Fixed SMTP mail issue.
V10.1.0.0 18 Jan 2015 Updated for TNG V10.1.
V9.0.0.5 07 Sep 2014 Mod Manager edit option added so a user can designate a media collection other than 'headstones'.
Clearing this field will allow any photo from any collection to be considered a headstone. The submit headstone link will not be displayed if this is the case.

Custom Text Additions

Note that config file only includes the English language changes.
If your site supports multiple languages you can modify the config file to add the custom text for those other languages, or manually add the following custom text to each of your other languages with the appropriate translations.

// Added for Submit Headstone Photo Mod
$text['hsenteratt'] = "Please select a file to attach";
$text['hsenteraccept'] = "Accepted file types are: ";
$text['hsentercemloc'] = "Please enter a cemetery/location";
$text['hssubmithsfor'] = "Headstone Submission";
$text['hssubmithshdr'] = "Submit Headstone Photo";
$text['hsoptional'] = "Optional";
$text['hssubmitphotocredit'] = "Credit / Source";
$text['hssubmitphotoattachment'] = "Attachment";
$text['hssubmitphotorequiredfield'] = "Required Field";
$text['hssubmitphotoprivacy'] = "We respect your privacy - your name and email address will not be publicly displayed or released.";
$text['hssubmitphotobutton'] = "Submit Attachment";
// END Added for Submit Headstone Photo Mod

French/cust_text.php or the French-UTF8/cust_text.php

//  Added for Submit Headstone Photo Mod - Translation by Google translate
$ text ['hsenteratt'] = "S'il vous plaît sélectionner un fichier à joindre";
$ text ['hsenteraccept'] = "types de fichiers acceptés sont:";
$ text ['hsentercemloc'] = "S'il vous plaît entrer un cimetière / emplacement";
$ text ['hssubmithsfor'] = "Soumission pierre tombale";
$ text ['hssubmithshdr'] = "Soumettre tombale photo";
$ text ['hsoptional'] = "option";
$ text ['hssubmitphotocredit'] = "Crédit / Source";
$ text ['hssubmitphotoattachment'] = "pièce jointe";
$ text ['hssubmitphotorequiredfield'] = "Champ obligatoire»;
$ text ['hssubmitphotoprivacy'] = ". Nous respectons votre vie privée - votre nom et votre adresse email ne seront pas affichés ou rendus publics";
$ text ['hssubmitphotobutton'] = "Soumettre attachement";
// END Added for Submit Headstone Photo Mod

German/cust_text.php or the German-UTF8/cust_text.php

//  Added for Submit Headstone Photo Mod - Translation by Google translate
$ Text ['hsenteratt'] = "Bitte wählen Sie eine Datei";
$ Text ['hsenteraccept'] = "Erlaubte Dateitypen sind:";
$ Text ['hsentercemloc'] = "Fügen Sie einen Friedhof / Lage, um";
$ Text ['hssubmithsfor'] = "Grabstein zufügen";
$ Text ['hssubmithshdr'] = "Grabstein Bild zufügen";
$ Text ['hsoptional'] = "Möglichkeit";
$ Text ['hssubmitphotocredit'] = "Mit Dank an/ Quelle";
$ Text ['hssubmitphotoattachment'] = "Datei";
$ Text ['hssubmitphotorequiredfield'] = "erforderlich";
$ Text ['hssubmitphotoprivacy'] = "Wir respektieren Ihre Privatsphäre - Ihren Namen und Ihre E-Mail Adresse wird nicht öffentlich freigegeben oder angezeigt werden";
$ Text ['hssubmitphotobutton'] = "Datei zufügen";
// END Added for Submit Headstone Photo Mod

Dutch/cust_text.php or the Dutch-UTF8/cust_text.php

//  Added for Submit Headstone Photo Mod - Translation by Henny Savenije
$text['hsenteratt'] = "Welke file wilt u toevoegen";
$text['hsenteraccept'] = "Toegestane bestandstypes zijn: ";
$text['hsentercemloc'] = "Voeg een begraafplaats/locatie toe";
$text['hssubmithsfor'] = "Grafsteen toevoegen voor";
$text['hssubmithshdr'] = "Grafsteen foto toevoegen";
$text['hsoptional'] = "Optioneel";
$text['hssubmitphotocredit'] = "Met dank aan/ Bron";
$text['hssubmitphotoattachment'] = "Bestand";
$text['hssubmitphotorequiredfield'] = "Verplicht veld";
$text['hssubmitphotoprivacy'] = "We respecteren uw privacy - uw naam en email adres zullen niet publiekelijk worden vrijgegeven of getoond";
$text['hssubmitphotobutton'] = "Bestand toevoegen";
// END Added for Submit Headstone Photo Mod

Visualizations of this mod



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