TNG V9 Change Impacts

The printable version is no longer supported and may have rendering errors. Please update your browser bookmarks and please use the default browser print function instead.

Look and Feel

  • Quite a few style upgrades (rounded corners, shadows, etc.) were added to TNG V9
  • On full installs of TNG, the "square" tabs are now rounded were made the default tab.
If you did a full install of TNG V9 and prefer the slanted tabs from previous versions, you will need to change the Tabs Style Sheet in General Settings in the Site Design section to use tngtabs1.css

TNG Core Icons

14 Core icons: The tng_coreicons function still exists but is obsolete. All standard TNG pages will now display those icons as part of the menu function. Some will be displayed on the actual menu bar (on the left), and others will appear on the right below the menu bar.

Note that the TNG Core Icons function is marked deprecated in genlib.php and currently just does a return.

You will need to update user created pages, to remove any call to the tng_coreicons function, in case the tng_coreicons() function is removed in the future

You might also need to add the preparebookmark() function somewhere near the top of the page if you want Add Bookmark link to be shown for that page.

User Record changes

Private Information

97 Users: Users will now have a "Allow Private" flag so that access to private individuals can be distinguished from access to living individuals.

You will need to update the User records for those users you want to allow access to individuals or families marked Private.

Edit Profile

99 Users: An "Edit Profile" link at the top of each public page (next to Login/Logout) allows a logged in user to edit their own user profile without entering the Admin area.

The TNG V9 upgrade_dbxxx script will set this flag in all User records.
Note that if your site requires a Login and you provide a User named Guest, then you should manually remove that privilege from that User record to prevent changing the Username = Guest and its password.
Note further that you will need to remember to check the box for the new Allow to edit user profile when creating new users.

PDF Option

58 PDF: The ability to view PDF charts is now tied to individual trees, just like the ability to download GEDCOM files.

The upgrade_db script sets the Allow to download PDFs flag in the User records if the user has Allow to download GEDCOMs.

This might be acceptable, but you may need to review user privileges.

Tree Record changes

58 PDF: The ability to view PDF charts is now tied to individual trees, just like the ability to download GEDCOM files.

Note that the flag is not set in the Tree record to prevent PDFs from being created and printed. So if you do not want to allow users to have the PDF option, you will need to set this flag.

Import Privacy

71 Privacy: Import can be configured so that people dead less than a designated number of years will be labeled as "private"

Note that if you were manually setting the Private flags and using the Backup / Restore Private Flag, you will need to restore the previously set private flags following your first import after upgrading to TNG V9.
Private in Backup File Private in DataBase
7 269

Internet Explorer 6

27 IE6: Support for IE6 has been dropped.

If you have users who are still using IE6, this upgrade will impact them.

Timeline Events

92 Timeline: A separate field has been added for the Event Title (helps with the Simile timeline).

You will need to update the Event Title column
A restore of the Timelines on the TNG Extras page need to be updated for the new evtitle field to avoid corrupting the TNG Timeline Events table.
The TNG USA Timeline includes the new field.

Update Record Locking

100 Users: When one user starts to edit a person or family record, that record will be locked for a number of minutes (defined in the General Settings). During that time, no other user will be allowed to edit that record.

If you want to disable record locking, you need to set the Edit timeout (minutes): in the General Settings Miscellaneous section to 0. A blank in that field defaults to 15 minutes.
If you are the only person updating your database, you might want to make this change.

Statistics Link

95 Trees: The old "Browse Trees" page has been brought back and is named "browsetrees.php". The Statistics page, which was "browsetrees.php", is now "statistics.php".

If your menu entry previously showed Statistics for the Statistics menu label and was linked to browsetrees.php, you need to update the link to point to statistics.php

Google Maps

If the Terrain box is checked under Maps, which it will be if the Terrain option is selected in the Setup >> Map Settings >> Map Type: Terrain, the maps do not appear to zoom like they previously did in TNG V8. So you need to uncheck the Terrain box under the Map when looking at the Google Map.