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Bob Mueller

I'm most recently a writer of suspense and thrillers. Born in north Texas and raised in southeastern Ohio, I settled in Green Country, Oklahoma with my wife and our seven of my eight kids after a 6-month RV trip across the country. My experience ranges from a variety of food service positions to military police specialist, police officer at a "small, private Midwestern college," COBOL programmer, and even funeral escort. I'm in my 40s, married, and the father of 8 kids. 7 of them live with me all the time.

I started my own genealogy research in the late 90s, probably around the time my mother passed away and I took possession of all of my dad's records. I first used RootsMagic on the desktop and generated a bunch of HTML files that way, then discovered the idea of PHP and databases. I used phpGedView for a while, then found TNG, and never looked back. Eventually, I even quit using RootsMagic. I do everything via TNG now.

My genealogy site is Genealogy of the Mueller and Diefenbach Families

My writing website is Writer | Unfocused

I'm on Twitter, Facebook (personal and professional, Instagram (personal and professional) and even Pinterest.