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Name: Jeff Robison
TNG Web site: Robison and Blythe Genealogy
Location: USA TNG User Map
Occupation: Boiler operator, Carpenter (Commercial), Layout, Heavy machinery operator
First PC: TI 99/4A
Programming: Shade Tree (Self taught in Basic, Machine, Fortran, HTML, PHP and whatever is needed to get preferred results)

My Mods Description Min/Max TNG Version
Add Media Innermenu This mod adds a 'Add Media' link to the innermenu bar on an individual's page and family group page. Nice Shortcut.
TNG 10.0
TNG 9.0
Add Person Age Row This mod adds the age for the individual after the 'Died' event on the individual's page.
TNG 10.0
Add Person Cremated Row This mod adds cremation to the event column if 'Cremated' is checked in person edit.
TNG 10.0
Admin Families Plus Adds checkboxes for 'Single parent' and 'Empty family' to Admin Families search.
TNG 10.0
TNG 9.1
Change Language Droplist This mod replaces the language drop down box with a fourth drop list menu.
Maintained by Oname.gif
TNG 10.0
TNG 8.0
Custom Event Show/Hide This mod is designed to hide/show custom events on a person's page which are dated between birth and death dates of the individual.
This mod is obsolete with TNG V10 since the functionality has been included in TNG
TNG 9.2
TNG 9.0
Default Photo Preview Adds previews for default photos to individual pages and family group pages.
TNG 10.0
TNG 9.1
DoNotMap Custom Events This mod removes user specified custom events from a person's event map.
TNG 10.0
TNG 7.1
Drop Down Menu Tooltip Add tooltips to drop down menu list items.
TNG 10.0
TNG 9.0
Email Sender's IP This mod adds the sender's IP address to site email.
TNG 10.0
TNG 8.1
Event Toggle Innermenu Toggle ALL Event/Photo sections that are shown/hidden using the Show/Hide Events mod and/or the Show/Hide Person Media mod.
The Event Toggle Innermenu mod is obsolete with TNG V10 since the functionality added in TNG for Collapsible Items has not
made it possible to rework the mod.
TNG 9.2.2
TNG 9.1
Family Edit Links Mod This mod primarily adds an icon edit link and person ID in parentheses, (I12345), to all people on an individual's page.
TNG 10.0
TNG 8.0
Family Indicators Mod Adds indicators for parents and spouses with ancestors, and children who are married on the person page.
TNG 10.0
TNG 8.0
Family Preview Mod This mod adds a person preview on mouseover of family member's name on an individual's page.
TNG 10.0
TNG 9.1
Media Preview Auto Height TNG media preview height adjusted automatically. Removes excess background from the bottom of the preview.
TNG 10.0
TNG 9.1
Media Preview Fixed This mod changes the position of the media preview popups to a fixed position in your browser.
TNG 10.0
TNG 9.0
Mod User Support Form Form for mod developers
This simple form asks for helpful initial information for debugging mods.
No Headstone Photo Report This mod adds a report (PHP) that displays individuals who have an assigned burial place but no headstone photo.
Person Preview Fixed This mod changes the position of the person preview popups to a fixed position in your browser.
TNG 10.0
TNG 9.0
Private Trees This mod allows Admin to designate trees as private.
TNG 10.0
TNG 9.2.2
Redundant Person Tabs This mod removes Ancestors and Descendants tabs on pages where not applicable.
TNG 10.0
TNG 9.0
Relationship Display Mod This mod displays the relationship between a default person and the current person in the header on an individual's page.
TNG 10.0
TNG 8.0
Relocate Person Photos This mod relocates an individual's photos from the bottom of the page to just before the notes for that person.
TNG 10.0
TNG 9.1
Remove 'ns' Mod This mod removes the 'ns' line in the header on the edit person page for users using IE.
Fixed in TNG V9.1
Min: ?
TNG 9.0.4
Scroll Map events This mod adds a scroll bar if the event column exceeds the event map height.
This mod is obsolete with TNG V10 since the functionality has been included in TNG
TNG 9.2
TNG 9.0
Scroll Person Citations This mod allows you to set a maximum height to the 'Sources' field on a person's page before scrolling.
This mod is obsolete with TNG V10 since the functionality has been included in TNG
TNG 9.2
TNG 9.0
Show Person Headstone Plot This mod adds plot info to the headstone display on a person's page.
TNG 10.0
TNG 9.0
Show Person Headstone Status This mod adds status info to the headstone display on a person's page.
TNG 10.0
TNG 9.0
Show/Hide Events This mod will hide/show events on a person's page to reduce 'excessive' displays.
This mod is obsolete with TNG V10 since the functionality has been included in TNG
TNG 9.2
TNG 9.0
Show/Hide Person Media This mod will hide/show media on a person's page to reduce 'excessive' displays.
This mod is obsolete with TNG V10 since the functionality has been included in TNG
TNG 9.2
TNG 9.0
Show/Hide Standard Events This mod allows a user to collapse standard events on an individual's page.
TNG 10.0
Submit Headstone Photo Mod This mod utilizes the Submit Photo/Document Form Mod.
TNG 10.0
TNG 8.0
Submit Photo Mod Adds a link to the submit photo form after the date on an individual's page.
TNG 10.0
TNG 8.0
Submit Photo Tab Mod Add a tab linked to the submit photo form to the tab menu.
TNG 10.0
TNG 8.0
Submit Photo/Document Form Mod This is a base form which allows visitors to submit a photo/document for an individual or family.
TNG 10.0
TNG 8.0
Surname Cloud Tooltip This mod adds tooltips with individual counts to surnames in the surname cloud.
TNG 10.0
Surname Exclude 30/100 This mod excludes specified surnames from the surnames list. Min: ?
TNG 10.0
Your Bookmarks Link Mod This mod adds a link to the bookmarks page in the top menu consisting of 'Home', 'Search' and 'Login' links.
TNG 10.0
TNG 9.0