WP-TNG Frontend User Functions


This plugin adapts the WordPress User Profile to accommodate additional TNG information for use with custom registration forms. It provides shortcodes to display two levels of user registration and a front-end profile page. There is also a sidebar login/logout widget. New registrations are seamlessly integrated with TNG. This plugin is a standalone that will work with any type of integration.


  • Download the zip file tngwp_frontend_user_functions.zip to your computer.
  • In Plugins --> Add New, select 'upload,' browse to the file you downloaded and click on 'Install Now.'
  • Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  • The Settings page is located under the Users menu in the Admin dashboard.


Frontend Profile

The shortcode [frontend_profile] replaces both the WordPress dashboard profile page and the TNG profile and displays it on a regular WordPress page. Create a page for the Front-End Profile and give it a title of your choice. Place the shortcode on the page. You don't have to make the page visible, but if you do and a user isn't logged in, they will be presented with the login form.

Login / Logout

SIDEBAR WIDGET: A widget has been added under Appearance --> Widgets called “User Login / Logout”. Simply add it to any sidebar. If a user isn't logged in, it will display the log in form. If a user is logged in, it will display a welcome message, link to the profile page and link to log out. If the user is an Admin, the profile link is replaced by the link to the Dashboard

Custom User Registration

Advanced Registration

There are two shortcodes provided: [lookup_ancestor] to search for the closest relative (including self) and [advanced_registration_form] that is the actual registration form. Create a WordPress page with your registration instructions. After the instructions, simply add the [lookup_ancestor] shortcode and set the page in the form below. Create a second page to hold the registration form. On that page add the shortcode [advanced_registration_form]. Be sure to come back here and set the page in the form below.

Simple Registration

If you choose not to use the advanced registration process, create the page for the form and place the shortcode [simple_registration_form] on the page. Since this is a one-part form, simply include your instructions at the top of the page before the shortcode. In the form below, use the same page for both of the first two settings.